"Stan and Rudy"....a graphic novel oddysey.

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"Stan and Rudy"....a graphic novel oddysey.

Postby Chuck » Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:18 pm

After many delays, I've finally started a graphic novel that I plan on finishing.
It's called "Stan and Rudy" and is based upon Christmas in a post apocalyptic future.
I am currently posting it on Smack Jeeves as a webcomic. My plan is to build up a fanbase while honing my story telling. Once I have the story completed, I plan on using the web pages as templates to create a self published book. I'm thinking allot of the artwork and dialogue will be replaced by the time I go to publish.
I'm going to post updates and links here, as well as discuss anything at all related to graphic novel making.
Here is the link to Smack Jeeves if you're at all interested.
I've also created a Patreon page if anyone is interested in donating towards it in exchange for signed copies and artwork.
Any how....here's the cover and some pages, let me know what you think!




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Postby Empty Emp » Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:49 am

This sounds awesome Chuck! That's a very cool, original idea, and the artwork looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes.

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Postby Chuck » Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:43 pm

Thanks allot Emp! I've got.... what I think anyway...a great ending in store for this story. The art is a work in progress. I've always seemed to struggle finding that one style that I can be happy with.
Here's a sketch from last night. So far I'm happy with it.


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Postby Chuck » Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:03 pm

Channeling Bernie Wrightson on this.


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Postby Canuckster » Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:10 pm

Chuck wrote:Channeling Bernie Wrightson on this.


I was just gonna say, very heavy metalish
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Chuck » Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:25 pm

Thanks Canuckster! I'm trying to find the right look to give the story that "mood".
I think I'll take some water color to this panel and see how that looks next.

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Postby Masato » Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:20 am

Dude this is tremendous!!

For anyone here who doesn't know, our man Chuck here is the CEO and General Manager of the International Shooping League, and is a fucking legend.

So happy that you are using your skills and creativity for larger-scale projects as well... this looks really cool and I can tell already that it will be super original, its already got a vibe that is strong and unique (the design on the watch tripped me the fuck out, lol)

Making graphic novels on your own is a gigantic task, I always find it absolutely amazing whenever someone achieves it. I have started one but have had to shelve it for now, I think such challenges take a real warrior spirit to do.


May I make a small suggestion? In the panel 'Where to Stan', the silhouette of the 2 characters looks like 1 (looks like just 1 guy with some kind of hat on). This confused me for a while and also made the dialogue not make sense. I think this panel would be way stronger if you separated the 2 characters, give them their own distinct shape on the page to introduce the characters. Even better, fin a nice contrast between the shapes of the 2 characters and let them compliment each other.

You could use some commas in that panel too ;)

Are you drawing on paper? How many pages do you anticipate you'll need to tell the story?

Keep going man! - we need to cheer each other on for these kind of ambitions.

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Postby Chuck » Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:10 pm

As per usual M...you're far to kind!
Thanks for the support, I really appreciate getting it from all of you guys!
And ya...please make tons of suggestions, it never hurts to get some outside editing.
I will be adjusting that page in the future because you're right on every point!
I am drawing on paper, much as I'd like to go out and get a Cintiq....I just simply can't afford that right now.
Thing about paper though...I kind of like having that pile of work growing beside my drawing table.
As far as pages go, I'm not sure. This particular story doesn't have to be dragged out, It's rather straightforward.
Thing is...I keep coming up with little ideas about what these quirky characters would do....depending on how much of that I want to include will determine the final size.
I want this all wrapped up and published by October though, so I've got to keep that in mind for the size of the book.
That gives me 7 months.....say 1.5 completed pages a week....42 pages max? Averaging 4 panels per....168 original drawings.

Kind of daunting when I look at it that way HAHA!

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Postby Chuck » Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:11 pm

Wasted a day drawing something unrelated.
Oh well, I was in the mood for something retro and I need the practice anyway!


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Postby Chuck » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:39 pm


Mr. and Mrs. future mutants realizing that Stan is coming to town.

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