Pitching scripts: represent as Masato Toys or Real name?

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Pitching scripts: represent as Masato Toys or Real name?

Postby Masato » Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:15 pm

Hey all

I've finally finished the 3rd script of a trilogy I've been writing for a hella long time, and gearing up to start pitching again, this time more specifically to animation studios

I am considering penning/pitching them under the Masato Toys name, as there is a bit more work to show under that name (all my professional work + personal stuff) Also somehow I find the name to be sort of intertwined with my creative energy, its a gimmick that sort of gives me strength somehow, its my muse or whatever, sometimes I think it might just work somehow in piquing some curiosity...

Or should I follow the rules and sign the scripts under my real name?

Of course if anyone bites I will disclose my real self

This may be a crazy question but I am seriously quite undecided. Truth is I really have no idea how to pitch scripts without an agent or any contacts lol I'm just kind of relying on luck and a bit of magic at this point :D

What do you think? pen name or no?

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Postby What » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:55 am

well I have to say as I told you when we met I wasnt sure to call you Masato or by your birth name, remember that conversation? I would have had no problem calling you Masato but the reality served that we needed to introduce ourselves, I knew your real name isnt Masato Toys lol. I was surprised because for some reason I was anticipating meeting someone from asian decent lol

Ill just say this, with what you do it is an added curiosity to carry the name Masato Toys. Our birth name is always a somewhat limiting aspect to our professional life, as a brand a persons name evokes a personal insistence of who is doing the work, whereas the moniker namesake gives you and your clients the freedom to not anticipate. Also I am a firm believer of having a threshold to pass through to get to work. Being that your work is basically adjacent and such a part of yourself and personal, the namesake will give you a metaphorical threshold to pass, a division of you and your work to help you have repose, have distance when needed, it also will help give you a constructive perspective to stand back and be observant of your business's progress.

When I incorporated the company I used my last namesake for the business and I always wished I had made up a neutral interesting moniker what would have its own energy, the energy I displace when I "work" and develop this creation I will call......................My new business will have no inkling of my namesake, It will be autonomous energy that will carry its own brand.

I see you becoming progressively successful, its your prodigious and talented nature that will carry what ever you do, under what ever namesake you decide. Could you share where your "Masato Toys" namesake came from?

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Postby Masato » Tue May 03, 2016 9:23 am

^ thanks for your insights What

I tend to think the same. Of course there will be a % of people who think its dumb and are turned off by the gimmick, but I figure there will be haters no matter which way you play it.

The name Masato comes from a Japanese guy my wife knew once and admired, I thought it was a cool name. (though his name was spelled Massato, I dropped the extraneous s). I started using Masato as a username on a Sakuraba fan-forum back in the late 90's.

Then I had the creative idea to make MMA jokes in the form of fake/comedy action figures, and put 'Masato Toys' on all the packaging as a brand name, and it kind of stuck.

I also liked the double-meaning of the word 'Toys'... not only could it mean toys in the literal sense, but also as a verb

Masato is also a main character in these scripts I am writing/hoping to have produced one day, and there is a line in one film where "...Masato toys with his opponent..." :D

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Postby penxv » Thu May 05, 2016 11:12 am

This is an interesting question.

I guess it depends on whether you want your script to be associated w/ your Masato Toys stuff or independent from it. It could limit your options in that some animation studios might be put off by the anarchism of the avatar... It also might attract like minded individuals.

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Postby Jiu Jitsu Ju-Ju » Fri May 06, 2016 9:20 am

Hard one to figure out. Each has its benefits. A lot less pressure and slightly untouchable being analogy anonymous. Maybe more reaching out and collab abilities with not being anonymous. More ability for fame with being a real person, but then any fails are more personal because you think about other people thinking about your fails or what's viewed as a fail

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Postby Masato » Mon May 09, 2016 10:11 am

^ thanks JJJJ

I am not looking for fame, nor looking to get in with any mainstream Hollywood assholes.

My goal is simply to make the films outside that system as much as possible, & open doors for new creative opportunities that can express my creative-activist ideals. In a perfect world I would love to do this shit under the MT name so my personal identity/family etc can remain unknown, like I said I'm not looking for personal fame (actually would like to avoid it)... I only want to find a platform for my creative projects and ideas

We'll see how it goes. I have 1 possible lead at the moment that seems to be bearing some fruit under the MT name... if it continues I'll pose the same question and see what their more experienced opinion of it all may be. This lead is via Japan, so maybe they'll dig the mask :D

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Postby robbstar » Mon May 09, 2016 1:47 pm

Masato Toys is a solid brand and if the manuscripts fit that brand then I would just stick with it. For all intensive purposes when it comes to actual contracts etc , you will disclose your name or business details.

I have just finished a book on media creation, which I plan to start sending to agents and publishers (if no one takes it up I will go POD as I have previously) but if it is taken up it will taken up under Robb Wallace Media. As this is my media business that I will be logging any profits and paying any tax under. But the book will be published by me Robb Wallace.

When I spoke to you on my podcast, your email confirmed your name but we I never addressed your name , for all intensive purposes I was talking to the creative juggernaut behind this forum Masato Toys. I think most folks will ahve a business identity to group there creative identiy under for tax etc.

How ever you decide to proceed , i wish the best luck in this adventure :) Go make it happen man . Break their doors down and demand your deal.

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