What do you guys think of Jordan Peterson?

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Re: What do you guys think of Jordan Peterson?

Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:37 pm

evil-kungfool wrote:Masato, now that a couple weeks have passed and emotions have settled, give the video another watch and see what you can actually disagree with. IIRC the guy makes like 5 bullet-item type criticisms of JP, can you show that any of them are actually invalid?

which vid are you referring to?
this one?

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Postby evil-kungfool » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:35 pm

Yeah. The first time you watched it you were put-off by the conclusion because you are somewhat emotionally invested in JP. That's normal.

But ask yourself, is the evidence solid and is the argument sound?

Sure, the guy has an amateurish style, but it's just a youtube video.
All of this guys points were sourced from the book Jordanetics by Vox Day. It's basically a summary of the book.

I'm interested if there are any points in specific that you can disagree with or reasonably object to.

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Postby evil-kungfool » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:41 pm

BTW I'm still in shock that Masato is not Asian. I spent almost 4 years imagining a quirky Canadian Asian dude.

But to be fair, he thought I also thought I was an Asian dude up until like a year ago... and before that I was just another Alt.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:49 pm

You're still asian to me, dammit


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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:52 pm

evil-kungfool wrote:Yeah. The first time you watched it you were put-off by the conclusion because you are somewhat emotionally invested in JP. That's normal.

But ask yourself, is the evidence solid and is the argument sound?

Sure, the guy has an amateurish style, but it's just a youtube video.
All of this guys points were sourced from the book Jordanetics by Vox Day. It's basically a summary of the book.

I'm interested if there are any points in specific that you can disagree with or reasonably object to.

OK. I just settled in for work and will listen again. I remember being pretty impressed with the angles, but watching it again now.,

I can tell you that like the very first 30 seconds I would already like to contest. I DON'T think its good for caucasians to 'revert to being white', or taking any sort of excessive pride in their skin color. I do think this sort of thinking render us beasts and a lot of stupidity comes from it. Don't mistake that for being any sort of cultural marxist, nor supporting any imposing of white guilt BS, but on simple principle alone those opening quotes I would tend to agree with Peterson.

Bad way to start the vid by the filmmaker imo

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:38 pm

@ 24:00 is an example of what I don't like about this vid. I find it takes some things too far, stretching them into something much more grandiose than I think is intended.

I see where he's going its a very interesting theory, perhaps he may even be right about JP's ulterior motives. However I have to say on many more shallow levels I still agree with Peterson; the dangers of identity politics ARE to be taken seriously. They do cause a lot of damage and can be twisted into something ugly very fast. Not a smart approach for an individual to orient themselves. That being said the roots that start this sort of thinking may be true and worth examining. He's not all wrong about it, but the vid-maker seems to be taking this to its farthest conclusions

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:09 pm

Seems the vidmaker is suggesting 2 things;

1. That J Peterson is executing a carefully designed operation to steer people from 'going all the way' re; right wing extremism & opposition to Marxist ideals (ie; becoming racially/culturally radicalized)

2. That people SHOULD 'go all the way' and become racially/culturally radicalized

1 might be possible. I agree with peterson however that 2 is a bad idea we should try to avoid

At least that's how I see it now. The whole schism in ideologies has been tripping me out. Its more than just systems of economics or government (as if that isn't already huge) - its a whole shift in reality. Which starts to feel like a false dichotomy sometimes

I rediscovered an older thread today here with this in it:

Rakovsky outlines the Illuminati plan to blend Communism and Capitalism. In each case, the Illuminati will control all wealth and power.

"In Moscow there is Communism: in New York capitalism. It is all the same as thesis and antithesis. Analyze both. Moscow is subjective Communism but [objectively] State capitalism. New York: Capitalism subjective, but Communism objective. A personal synthesis, truth: the Financial International, the Capitalist Communist one. And above all, 'They.' "

In the case of Communism, the State owns the corporations, and the bankers own the State. In the case of Capitalism, the bankers control the corporations, and the corporations control the State. In each case, you have monopoly capitalism with increasing political and cultural monopoly in the West resembling that of Soviet Russia.

yet somehow this simple shift of organization triggers human minds in such a unique way, they are willing to fight and die over it.

I wouldn't doubt Peterson is being used for some larger purpose, knowingly or unknowingly. His hypocrisy re; being Anti-Marxist while working for UN Marxist agendas was the most interesting

There must be a way to fight Marxism without going all Hitler though is all I'm sayin, you don't fight an extreme by going to the other extreme

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:26 pm

from the video:

...is this not true?

Is Peterson not wise to steer young white men away from this sort of mania?

I can see him possibly just being honest about it, he doesn't think its a wise reaction and is scared of it.

Good to remain skeptical though, I didn't like the way the MSM really grabbed him and was happy to pump him up. In retrospect it wouldn't have been hard to manufacture the whole thing from the start, that ridiculous gender pronoun bill and his reaction to it. That's what got his whole train rolling, but the vidmaker is right there is much more to him than that

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Postby Rambo John J » Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:14 pm


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Postby Rambo John J » Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:16 pm

evil-kungfool wrote:BTW I'm still in shock that Masato is not Asian. I spent almost 4 years imagining a quirky Canadian Asian dude.

But to be fair, he thought I also thought I was an Asian dude up until like a year ago... and before that I was just another Alt.

wanted him to be a wise asian myself

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