Masato's True Acid Stories

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Masato's True Acid Stories

Postby Masato » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:21 am

Hey all

Been avoiding posting these for years. Not sure why.

Although I have not taken any psychedelics since, around 1996-1998, I went on a 3-year LSD binge that completely and forever changed me ('binge' meaning at least 1-2 times a month. Sometimes much more, sometimes much less/off and on. At the peak I was dosing several times a week, sometimes over consecutive days).

I have many stories that still don't make sense to me... experiences that still haunt me with a big WTF? Very few friends in real life that can relate, I have been rather alone with these strange memories for a long time unable to really communicate them to people properly. I don't even understand them myself lol

I did most of them by myself, and revered them as a sacred/spiritual experience as opposed to mere partying. I became quite good at it, becoming comfortable with navigating through obscene levels of 'being high'. It wasn't long before I was confident to go on 'adventures', and go exploring both locally and afar for the arena of experience.

I loved this time in my life, it was like a strange dream that lasted forever. In fact when I actually looked back and calculated that it was basically less than 3 years I was in disbelief; for me, and in my memory today, this seemed like a lifetime. It was honestly so rich in memory that it felt like I had been in another dimension of time and had lived at least 10-15 years of it.

It was like my favorite Star Trek TNG episode! lol

ANYWAYS, I have been tempted to post/share these for a long time but never did. I feel like it now, who knows why?

I may save the bigger WTF stories yet... but I'll start and post more as they come to me and I am inspired.

Of course what I experienced is nothing that unique; MANY people have experienced LSD, mushrooms, ayahuasca, peyote or what have you, and have peeked into this other side of reality. I think for the most part it is short-sighted to take these experiences lightly, and would encourage more reflection on them.

This thread is not just for my rambling memories but for anyone else who wishes to share/explore their trips, no matter how odd.

Let's Goe!

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:39 am

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:47 am

True Acid Tale #1

Toronto. Summertime. Maybe 4 hits. Started tripping early afternoon, wandering around the city exploring. Sunny.

I bump into someone I used to know - only he's different. I knew him as this kind of rocker/goth guy. He was living with this girl and I think they were junkies, lol their apartment was always DARK.

Anyways now he's dressed all raver, colorful like a clown. (I soon understand why; raver chicks, lol - he is with 2 or three of them. One of them is VERY pretty and I am sensing crazy vibes.) They are about to get on a bus that will take them to a rave. Apparently that's how it worked, the raves would be at undisclosed locations and a bus would take you there and bring you back in the morning.

They invite me to go. Of course I am all up for synchronicity so I agree. (don't remember how I got a ticket). I get on a bus full of raver kids and off we go.

A rave is a rave; multi-stimulus for tripping, but how these kids can do it ALL NIGHT is beyond me. People high everywhere. Passed out in corners, dancing crazy for hours. Glow-sticks and all. Loud as Fuck. They were SELLING water if I recall correctly :shock: .

The pretty girl touched me once and I got a huge zap of electricity or energy and jumped back like I was electrocuted. This surprised her and whatever connection existed was broken. I never saw her again.

Was quite bored after a few hours and wanted to escape. I found some loading docks down a hallway that were open, some people smoking. It was already night time, and whatever stars could be seen from this part of the city were out. Simple decision for me, I hopped off and went exploring again. I managed to make a good guess where I was (CN tower visible, lol); I was WEST of the city, by some warehouses by the train tracks. I still see the place I think it was when I ride the GO train into Toronto.

Here's where the story gets interesting:

I'm walking along the railroad tracks by myself back towards the city (where I was living). Its nighttime (I never carried a watch) and peaceful. No trains anywhere.

Soon, I see 2 KIDS walking on the exact same track as me, coming towards me. One is maybe 10, the other 7 or 8. We meet, and stop, no one stepping off the track. Remember, I am tripping HARD on a good 4 solid hits + whatever I ingested at the rave, + a steady supply of cannabis.

I ask the kids where they are going in the middle of the night. They say they are running away. I ask more questions about their plan, and it is clear they have none. I immediately get a vibe that I'm supposed to take them home, and convince them to come with me. They agree.

They turn around and we begin walking together back to the city. These kids are urban as fuck. The older boy is quite bright, but the younger is CLEARLY abused and fucked up. The older boy was helping the younger run away from what I guessed was a shitty situation. I start second guessing whether or not I should be taking him back.

I don't tell them I'm on acid, but they soon coax it out of me that I have weed. They ask if they can smoke some, the older boy especially. I figured they will see drugs eventually, and these kids are pretty hardcore, so thought it OK if they get their introduction from someone positive who can show them respect for it, etc. So I roll one up and share it with them (10 and 8 years old, lol). At the time it seemed perfect, like a natural story that was simply meant to happen. Now as an adult/parent I realize the social ramifications of this lol

They get HIGH AS FUCK, lol and I ease up. 10 year old had only a few puffs and lost his ability to speak for a minute :D

Eventually they get their sense together, and we continue. The youngest kid suddenly realizes where we are; we are near the gates of 'Ontario Place', which is a huge park/playground/family fun whatever place. It is night/early morning though and its all closed/locked.

Youngest kid begins climbing the fence to get inside. I try to stop him but can't, so we all climb the fence and go inside.

For the next undetermined amount of time, I am PLAYING WITH THESE 2 KIDS in an abandoned Ontario Place, on 4 hits of LSD as the sun is coming up.

Somehow, my memory jumps to when we find our way back in the city. Talk about synchronicity; THESE KIDS LIVE JUST A FEW BLOCKS FROM MY PAD. Seriously. That still blows my mind.

I take them home, likely before their parents are even awake.

The older boy somehow found out where I lived, and would come around sometimes. We'd climb up on the roof and lay there smoking spliffs a few times. Then I told him that in less than 2 weeks I am going to BC. The kid was devastated, and begged to come with me. Of course this was too much, I told him no flat out. He kept asking but I kept saying no.

Less than 2 weeks later, A DAY before I go back to BC, I see the younger kid again by chance. He looks better than I remember. I ask if he has seen the older boy, and the kid told me HE IS IN JAIL.

I ask 'why is he in jail'? Kid tells me he got caught trying to steal a car FOR ME to take him to BC.

I never saw either kid again.

True Story.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:47 am

Jeez Canuckster, it takes time to type, lol You didn't even give me 5 mins!

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:08 am

True Acid Tale #2

(This is not so much a story, as an isolated experience that I have yet to find any reasonable explanation for. Curious as to what people think...)

The 1st time I took LSD, I took 1 hit. We went to Canada's Wonderland and rode roller coasters. Harmless and Mild.

the 2nd time I took LSD, I took 7 hits + a half hit of e. It is to this day the most I've ever ingested, and this was by far the biggest and most intense experience of the bunch. I have many parts of that trip I will likely share but there are lots so hold on :)

I took 7 because I had met this crazy drug-addict girl who wanted to trip with me. This was also the most SHE had ever taken, to this day I really don't know why she decided to pump us full of such a crazy amount. She was experienced and should have known. Likewise she knew I had only taken 1 hit ever (she was with us at the roller coaster park), and was quite rude imo to feed me so much. Day at the roller coasters was EASY, so I really had no idea how high one could get on this stuff once the hits start compounding. (7 hits imo is NOT 7 times 1 hit. They exponentially grow, 7 hits is like 50x 1 hit)

As I said, the entirety of that trip is a long one, here I just want to write about 1 particular part of it:

It was NIGHT TIME. We were in a park in North York (north of Toronto). Maybe 2am. There was a walking/biking path that ran through the park, and a small creek that ran alongside. There is no one in the park but us. Its dark and we are tripping wildly.

We see from the bike path that there is a small ISLAND in the middle of the creek, with what looks like some soft sand. We take off our shoes and socks and wade across the creek to get to the island.

When we get there, it is SUNNY AND WARM. Daytime.

The sand was soft like a beach, and the sun was blasting down on us like a paradise island. We take off most of our clothes and bask in the sunshine on the sand and have a nap.

- only it wasn't daytime, it was night. I KNOW this.

What seemed like a few hours later, we see back across the creek that some PEOPLE are walking, and they stop and look at us. IMMEDIATELY, the sun is gone, and I am suddenly aware that it is dark again. The whole vision is broken. Not warm anymore, we are just in some bushes in a creek in the middle of the night.

The people we see are gone (I am not convinced they were real people tbh), but it wakes us up enough to get back to the bike path and get our socks/shoes back on and continue.

*** Here is the crux of the tale:

We BOTH experienced the sunny island nap in the sun. Both of us!!

Indeed, most of the rest of the trip it felt like our minds were melded, we were 1 consciousness sharing the SAME TRIP. It felt like we could talk to each other in our minds. In this regard, I always feel in my memory that I was not just on 7 hits but 14 (mine and hers combined).

How can 2 people share a hallucination?

If the effects of LSD is merely a chemical reaction that fucks with your brain and perceptions, how can 2 separate brains experience a mutual hallucination? This has always been a big question for me.

The experience of finding a bubble of reality where it is day when outside it is night is strange enough, and possible to chalk up to mere hallucination.

The fact that we BOTH experienced the same thing in the same way, so vivid and clear, is something else entirely... and imo can not be so easily explained.

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Postby Som-Pong » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:47 pm

All consciousness is shared mate. It's just that most of the time we don't get it. I'm a bit sleepy, but will write something tomorrow. As for giving kids the herb, I don't see the harm in it.

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:04 pm

Lol sorry dude.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:00 pm

Would you give your own kids herb at this stage in your life?(your wife's opinion notwithstanding)
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:29 pm

no but my kids are not like these kids were...

These kids were tough city-kids through and through, they lived in a real rough part of the city. Never left. Way more independent already than my kids, already seen a lot of crazy shit.

My kids may not see weed for many years still, but at the time I figured these kids would see weed and a lot more drugs very soon if they hadn't already. Like I said they were already curious and practically begged me to smoke one with em. I was hoping to try to give them as positive introduction as I could, lest they might get introduced to drugs by some far-shadier mofo than me :)

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:36 pm

good point
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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