Should Big Nog keep fighting?

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Should Big Nog keep fighting?

Postby Masato » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:26 pm

Hey all... Big Nog is easily in my top 3 favourite alltime fighters, I love the guy 100%. Watching him in PRIDE was one of my greatest inspirations, his triangle of Coleman, his sub of Mirko, doing the first anaconda in MMA when not even Bas knew wtf it was...

- but I simply cannot stomach to see him fight anymore. To me is just looks so broke, stiff, slow, fragile. I know he's had some wins lately, but no way he has the speed or strength to keep competing at a top level against younger fighters. I honestly don't know why Zuffa keeps bringing him back, imo we are seeing another Sakuraba-esque slow sadistic destruction of a legend.

Am I wrong?

Do you think he is capable of competing at top-10 caliber?
Do you think he has the sense to know when to quit?
Will his legacy be in danger if he goes out on an embarrassing losing streak?

Can you even watch his fights anymore? (I stopped watching Saku fights years ago) :(


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Postby =Darky » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:18 pm

its so hard to watch these legends at the end of their careers take more punishment.

watching fedor and chuck and all the greats getting brutally kod near retirement is something i just cant watch anymore.

i agree its hard to stomach

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