Anarchist Podcast

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Anarchist Podcast

Postby Masato » Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:46 am

Hey all

Just found this, looks very promising.

Anarchism is NOT violence and chaos, as our governments and media so desperately want us to believe - the term has been terribly demonized and deliberately misused. It is actually peaceful in nature, simply stating no (an) ruler (archos), or that one does not accept that another can forcefully rule another by ways that the person did not agree to. Or even more succinctly, living by the 'golden rule'.

A very interesting philosophy that is suddenly finding a new-born relevance in a world where the current governments are continually being exposed as coercive and out of control machines of violence, oppression, and compassionless greed.

Have a browse, take a listen, check out their book/video recommendations, and learn about this totally misunderstood philosophy. IMO we need to understand these ideas now more than ever.

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