'REVENGE of Killary Clinton' web series

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Re: 'REVENGE of Killary Clinton' web series

Postby Canuckster » Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:30 pm

Automatic reps :)
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:54 pm

I expected something to go down this summer, but wowie zowie this is a wet and wild ride. Egg-shaped penises and another "Oops he's dead" Clinton associate and then Prince Andrew in a doorway and a painting of old Bill in the Lewinsky dress and the aging Bond girl Ghislaine at an In 'N Out with a little dog and a book on the CIA. I don't know who is writing this script, but it sure is riveting.

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Postby penxv » Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:42 am

Q... really?

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:59 am

penxv wrote:Q... really?

Yeah but who is Q really?? Who is flying the plane?

Nothing is what it seems in this comic lol you should have realized by now

Open to story suggestions, I have some rough ideas but kinda making it up as it goes, following the breaking story and spinning it

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:14 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:I expected something to go down this summer, but wowie zowie this is a wet and wild ride. Egg-shaped penises and another "Oops he's dead" Clinton associate and then Prince Andrew in a doorway and a painting of old Bill in the Lewinsky dress and the aging Bond girl Ghislaine at an In 'N Out with a little dog and a book on the CIA. I don't know who is writing this script, but it sure is riveting.

Lol yes it is super riveting

But we’re we not saying this stuff already for years?

If even half the stuff we’ve been calling out for a decade or more continues to leak into mainstream attention it will only get wilder. Truth really is stranger than fiction

If our dreams come true and the whole ball of yarn strays to unravel, people better get ready for way more craziness upon them. Can you imagine if the Prince Andrew connection starts opening up dirt on the royal family? Throwback to Jimmy Saville days? Someone posted a bit about Battenburg being a pedo here, well there’s way more than that, look at Saville, Ted Heath etc etc etc.

And that painting of Bill in a dress (is it real?) doesn’t even begin to unravel all the Clinton dirt. Podestas etc...

My god if the whole truth came out it would wreck people’s minds

Let’s hope it does lol.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:16 pm

Canuckster wrote:Automatic reps :)

Thanks man.

Crickets again at the MMAC again, even after they asked for a new episode. Buncha ungrateful fucks lol

It’s rough creating art in a total vacuum :D

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:26 pm

Love this comic, Masato. Keep 'em coming.

The greatest mystery of all...who is Q?


The deeper I've researched the origins of Star Trek, the more obvious it seems to me to be a blueprint for the society the social engineers are trying to create. A homogenized society where race and gender are all but erased and everyone is just a uniform. There is no money. Everyone follows the orders of their superior officer in a perfect pyramidal structure of power.

When Next Generation was launched, they toned down the masculine energy of the Kirk Father Figure and replaced it with grandfatherly statesman Patrick Stewart who ran his ship like the UN and reigned in the younger, hornier Riker's Kirk-like impulses. In the very first episode, they also gave Picard his nemesis for the entirety of the series: Q. This all-powerful trickster, a Loki figure, or dare I say a Kek-like God of Chaos challenged Picard to prove that humanity was worthy of existence and capable of evolving beyond their basest instincts to become more than the savages Q judged them to be. Throughout the series, Q was depicted as a liar and a master manipulator. Food for thought.


Recently, this movie from 1982 came to my attention and then inexplicably showed up on Showtime for streaming on my cable box. I watched it one Saturday night. It is laughably bad. The dude from Law and Order hams it up the whole movie and David Carradine looks high and/or drunk throughout. But, the premise is that a malevolent evil, Quetzalcoatl (as a ridiculous, gigantic claymation bird) lives inside the Chrysler Building and demands human sacrifice in the ancient Aztec fashion. There is a human cult devoted to these sacrifices that is murdering people. And the bird is eating people, too. It's a ridiculous film, and yet coming out on the heels of the Son of Sam murders in New York, the idea of a cult sacrificing people to appease a malevolent evil that lives inside a New York high rise seems less far-fetched to me than it is portrayed.


As for our present Q phenomenon, many of Q's posts tout the NSA as the hero of the story it is telling. Admiral Rogers of the NSA was the one who supposedly brought the evidence of the mounting coup (coup sounds like Q) to Donald Trump's attention. The NSA is supposedly the agency that "has it all" as Q constantly reminds us "we have it all". So, if Q is a group of individuals throughout the Pentagon, Executive Branch and the intelligence community, I think it is safe to say that the brain stem for Q rests within the NSA. Well, let us not forget that Army General Michael Aquino has long been rumored to be the primary force behind the NSA as an agency. Michael A (Q) uino, the man behind McMartin and Franklin and MindWar and the Austin Texas PsyOps training facility of the Army (hi, Alex Jones), the Army that under Trump is seeing a takeover of the reigns of power at the Pentagon from both the Air Force and the Navy.

So, here's a question: is high wizard and Heinrich Himmler-wannabe Michael Aquino the man behind Q, Kek and the Trump Presidency? Another question: How close was New York mobster and socialite Donald Trump to the various cult killings and human trafficking happening in New York, Long Island and Westchester in the early 80s as outlined in Maury Terry's books on the Son of Sam? Is Trump's Golden Apollo Penthouse in Trump Tower metaphorically Q's nest like in the 1982 movie? Did he meet Aquino during these escapades and are they now using their combined High Art of the Deal to wrest power away from the other crime families and organizations who have controlled the US since JFK's assassination?

These are the things I ponder, lol.

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:16 pm

The he'll is with that dudes eyebrows
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby penxv » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:02 am

The Anti-Archon wrote:Love this comic, Masato. Keep 'em coming.

The greatest mystery of all...who is Q?


The deeper I've researched the origins of Star Trek, the more obvious it seems to me to be a blueprint for the society the social engineers are trying to create. A homogenized society where race and gender are all but erased and everyone is just a uniform. There is no money. Everyone follows the orders of their superior officer in a perfect pyramidal structure of power.

When Next Generation was launched, they toned down the masculine energy of the Kirk Father Figure and replaced it with grandfatherly statesman Patrick Stewart who ran his ship like the UN and reigned in the younger, hornier Riker's Kirk-like impulses. In the very first episode, they also gave Picard his nemesis for the entirety of the series: Q. This all-powerful trickster, a Loki figure, or dare I say a Kek-like God of Chaos challenged Picard to prove that humanity was worthy of existence and capable of evolving beyond their basest instincts to become more than the savages Q judged them to be. Throughout the series, Q was depicted as a liar and a master manipulator. Food for thought.


Recently, this movie from 1982 came to my attention and then inexplicably showed up on Showtime for streaming on my cable box. I watched it one Saturday night. It is laughably bad. The dude from Law and Order hams it up the whole movie and David Carradine looks high and/or drunk throughout. But, the premise is that a malevolent evil, Quetzalcoatl (as a ridiculous, gigantic claymation bird) lives inside the Chrysler Building and demands human sacrifice in the ancient Aztec fashion. There is a human cult devoted to these sacrifices that is murdering people. And the bird is eating people, too. It's a ridiculous film, and yet coming out on the heels of the Son of Sam murders in New York, the idea of a cult sacrificing people to appease a malevolent evil that lives inside a New York high rise seems less far-fetched to me than it is portrayed.


As for our present Q phenomenon, many of Q's posts tout the NSA as the hero of the story it is telling. Admiral Rogers of the NSA was the one who supposedly brought the evidence of the mounting coup (coup sounds like Q) to Donald Trump's attention. The NSA is supposedly the agency that "has it all" as Q constantly reminds us "we have it all". So, if Q is a group of individuals throughout the Pentagon, Executive Branch and the intelligence community, I think it is safe to say that the brain stem for Q rests within the NSA. Well, let us not forget that Army General Michael Aquino has long been rumored to be the primary force behind the NSA as an agency. Michael A (Q) uino, the man behind McMartin and Franklin and MindWar and the Austin Texas PsyOps training facility of the Army (hi, Alex Jones), the Army that under Trump is seeing a takeover of the reigns of power at the Pentagon from both the Air Force and the Navy.

So, here's a question: is high wizard and Heinrich Himmler-wannabe Michael Aquino the man behind Q, Kek and the Trump Presidency? Another question: How close was New York mobster and socialite Donald Trump to the various cult killings and human trafficking happening in New York, Long Island and Westchester in the early 80s as outlined in Maury Terry's books on the Son of Sam? Is Trump's Golden Apollo Penthouse in Trump Tower metaphorically Q's nest like in the 1982 movie? Did he meet Aquino during these escapades and are they now using their combined High Art of the Deal to wrest power away from the other crime families and organizations who have controlled the US since JFK's assassination?

These are the things I ponder, lol.

The same people that did 9/11 are doing Q... is what I think.

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Postby Masato » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:42 am

penxv wrote:
The same people that did 9/11 are doing Q... is what I think.

A worthy suspicion.

Maybe I'll weave it into the narrative :D
(I was thinking something in that direction anyways)

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