Debbie Wasserman-Awan Bros Scandal

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Re: Debbie Wasserman-Awan Bros Scandal

Postby Winnson » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:40 pm

Think big. No one thinks bigger than Trump. No one.

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Postby Winnson » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:40 pm

He released that right when he started running for president, and he's no where done yet, even if they kill him at this point.

Think big.

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Postby Winnson » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:41 pm

Prediction: He comes out of Hurricane Henry smelling like a rose, no matter how MSM paints him.

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Postby Daglord » Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:55 pm

Winnson wrote:Quick question: Why is the narrative to hate Trump? When has he ever been a bad person that seemed like he would be a bad president?

Have you always hated Trump? When was it you decided Trump was a 'bad guy' from when you first heard of him?

you really think the narrative is to hate Trump? LOL. have you watched FOX lately? even CNN could be legitimately challenging some of his bullshit - instead they focus on Nazis, ice cream scoops, pussy grabbing & stilettos. they're running the perfect cover for his proxy ware in Yemen (& mass civilian casualties), Saudi payouts, plundering of Afghanistan, expansion of the police & surveillance state, deregulating of Wall St, broken promises, etc. if they're not, I'd love for you to point that out to me, I don't follow MSM all that much, but I've seen 100x more coverage re: trump peeking at the solar eclipse than his proxy war for SA. why is that?

I actually liked Trump before "The Apprentice' jumped the shark with celebrities & the campaign. it might have been the best reality show on TV at the time. no doubt Trump is a great reality-show character, & the perfect distraction, probably why he was chosen to run.

as far as not liking Trump, I’m thinking it was right around the time he was being pushed as anti establishment when it was obvious he was almost the complete opposite. also when he started with the empty promises of “drain the swamp” & “lock her up”, that his moronic cult completely ate up, while he was secretly meeting with Henry Kissinger/Richard Haas & filling his entourage/cabinet with neocons, Wall St. & MIC/DOD lifers. he showed his true colors when he praised (individually) the members of PNAC & even added a few to his inner circle. having Rudy/Newt in his ear from day one & taking on Mike Pence as VP, while publicly declaring his love for Cheney, should have also raised a few eyebrows to those really paying attention. how about his love for John Bolton & Jack Keane? Woosley? not what I would expect from an "anti-establishment" (LOL) candidate.

In case you haven't noticed, there is nothing anti-establishment about putting Goldman Sachs in charge of Treasury and/or the Military Industrial Complex in charge of foreign policy & deferring heavily to both. anyone who thought otherwise was played. he continues to prove his place as nothing more than a figurehead, a facade of change (like Obama before him).

Please think and consider carefully before giving your answer. What is the reason to hate a man like Trump running for president? It's the most amazing thing that ever happened to America since 1776 and we're supposed to hate it, and him. Why?

LOL. calling the freedom of speech “foolish"? wanting to silence all dissenting press? supported reauthorizing & expanding the Patriot Act? talked glowingly about illegal detainment & torture? started promoting stop & frisk/unwarranted searches/seizures as the “law & order candidate”? calling for Snowden's execution for being a "traitor"? talked with the CIA about getting another shot at Syria’s oil? buys the false flag chemical attack & launches an air strike after talking about Assad & "the children"? deploys more troops after learning of Afghanistan's mineral wealth & will no longer be transparent about it? considered privatizing Afghanistan & Syria through his friends in the FSG (Blackwater)? unconstitutionally sends the DOJ after visitors to an anti-trump website? invokes 9/11 & the "war on terror" every chance he gets? (to be continued...)

question: what made YOU consider Trump fit to be a good President? (IMO, you appear to have been duped by the media more than most). "the most amazing thing that ever happened to America since 1776?

please think & consider carefully before giving your answer...

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Postby Daglord » Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:00 pm

mainstream media be like...


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Postby Winnson » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:03 pm

I still think you're a shill dude. Either that, or not terribly bright. Thanks for the walls of texts proving my point.

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Postby Daglord » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:11 pm

Winnson wrote:I still think you're a shill dude. Either that, or not terribly bright. Thanks for the walls of texts proving my point.

LOL. typical Winnson post. void of any facts, all emotion & complaining of too many words.

the "useful idiot" personified.


question: what made YOU consider Trump fit to be a good President? (IMO, you appear to have been duped by the media more than most). "the most amazing thing that ever happened to America since 1776?

please think & consider carefully before giving your answer...


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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:19 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:I believe that Trump represents a loose coalition of some of these forces who are opposed to the complete global domination of the communist faction personified by the Clintons and their red Chinese allies. These factions include: the "Christian" Fellowship (Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, etc.), the Pentagon Inner Circle (McMaster, Kelly, Mattis, etc.), Goldman Sachs Israelis (Kushner, Tillerson, etc.), Opus Dei (Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, etc.) and Trump's bread and butter the good old New York Roy Cohn Murder, Inc. mob.

These factions are not happy about the direction the Bush-Clinton-Netanyahu-Jesuit-Saudi-Red Chinese crime syndicate has taken the country. Their interests are aligned with a strong nation, not the weak one that has been produced in the 30 years since Reagan. So, what we are now witnessing is a mafia turf war on a grand scale that can be overly simplified as a war between the Pentagon and Langley.

The difficulty with fighting Langley is that its agents are literally everywhere. Even if you get the evidence to lock up a Wasserman Schulz...her goddamn brother is sitting in the prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, the Mockingbird media destroys you 24-7-365. It's an uphill fight, and even if the Trump coalition wins, let's be honest: they don't really care about the common man any more than anyone else. But, I'll take my chances with them over the CIA. Langley needs to die.

I can't speak for Winnson, but I've already outlined my thoughts on Trump in this thread and I stand by them. Is he going to not spy on me? Of course not. Is he going to stop bleeding the Earth dry of fossil fuels at the expense of our planet's holistic health? Of course not. Is he going to roll me over and pat my belly and tell me I'm a good boy? Of course not.

What he is going to do or at least has been trying to do is to return the United States of America to a sovereign state capable of making decisions that benefit itself and not vulturous predators such as George Soros. Trump is a mean SOB...but I think that's what is called for at present. I'm not looking for a good guy. All the good guys who have tried to go toe-to-toe with the Clintons have committed suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.

Honestly, if you want to live in the illusion that Rand Paul wouldn't spy on you if he had the power, than feel free. Doesn't change the fact that privacy is a quaint notion of the 20th Century that died somewhere around the time of the VHS player. The good news is that the privacy of the elites is finally starting to fade, too, and we can see all their schemes and machinations. And, frankly, I will take Trump's schemes and machinations over the Spirit Cookers any day.

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Postby Winnson » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:33 pm

Boss, you have expressed my thoughts more eloquently than I ever could.

A cool thing happened this week. I took on a new student and her Mum has a whole shelf of books written by Trump, some of them are pretty dog-eared. I asked her about it and she said 'Oh, that's my Mum's shelf. She loves Donald Trump.'

What a cool family. I am so happy I took them on.

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Postby Daglord » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:51 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:
The Anti-Archon wrote:I believe that Trump represents a loose coalition of some of these forces who are opposed to the complete global domination of the communist faction personified by the Clintons and their red Chinese allies. These factions include: the "Christian" Fellowship (Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, etc.), the Pentagon Inner Circle (McMaster, Kelly, Mattis, etc.), Goldman Sachs Israelis (Kushner, Tillerson, etc.), Opus Dei (Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, etc.) and Trump's bread and butter the good old New York Roy Cohn Murder, Inc. mob.

These factions are not happy about the direction the Bush-Clinton-Netanyahu-Jesuit-Saudi-Red Chinese crime syndicate has taken the country. Their interests are aligned with a strong nation, not the weak one that has been produced in the 30 years since Reagan. So, what we are now witnessing is a mafia turf war on a grand scale that can be overly simplified as a war between the Pentagon and Langley.

The difficulty with fighting Langley is that its agents are literally everywhere. Even if you get the evidence to lock up a Wasserman Schulz...her goddamn brother is sitting in the prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, the Mockingbird media destroys you 24-7-365. It's an uphill fight, and even if the Trump coalition wins, let's be honest: they don't really care about the common man any more than anyone else. But, I'll take my chances with them over the CIA. Langley needs to die.

I can't speak for Winnson, but I've already outlined my thoughts on Trump in this thread and I stand by them. Is he going to not spy on me? Of course not. Is he going to stop bleeding the Earth dry of fossil fuels at the expense of our planet's holistic health? Of course not. Is he going to roll me over and pat my belly and tell me I'm a good boy? Of course not.

What he is going to do or at least has been trying to do is to return the United States of America to a sovereign state capable of making decisions that benefit itself and not vulturous predators such as George Soros. Trump is a mean SOB...but I think that's what is called for at present. I'm not looking for a good guy. All the good guys who have tried to go toe-to-toe with the Clintons have committed suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.

so you're OK with Wall St in charge of treasury? the MIC in charge of foreign policy? Sessions as AG?

how is that working out so far?

you've already given up on "draining the swamp"?

Honestly, if you want to live in the illusion that Rand Paul wouldn't spy on you if he had the power, than feel free. Doesn't change the fact that privacy is a quaint notion of the 20th Century that died somewhere around the time of the VHS player. The good news is that the privacy of the elites is finally starting to fade, too, and we can see all their schemes and machinations. And, frankly, I will take Trump's schemes and machinations over the Spirit Cookers any day

LOL @ "illusion". tell me, who is currently leading the fight for privacy? who has been from day one? through numerous administrations? are you familiar with the battles that have been going on re: Patriot & Freedom Acts? do you know who killed it? do you feel it's not worth fighting for & instead rolling over? why wouldn't you want a President who stands for privacy (& constiutional rights) instead of one who plans to shit all over them?

considering Trump campaigned on reauthorizing & expanding it, are you OK with mass surveillance? why is that? is getting a warrant to much to ask?

you realize Trump has given more authority to the CIA than anyone since Bush right? how exactly is he fighting them?

Winnson wrote:Boss, you have expressed my thoughts more eloquently than I ever could.


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