Wasn't Global warming fake?

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Re: Wasn't Global warming fake?

Postby penxv » Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:20 am

Megaterio Llamas wrote:
penxv wrote:Plus, the difference between being in sunlight and being in shade is notable for anyone. The sun makes it warmer.

And thick smoke from forest fires tends to lessen the heat from the sun, much like cloud cover it seems.

Atmosphere clearly has an effect but the sun is the primary source of heat/power/energy. I'm sure the earth makes some of it's own but without the sun it would be a frozen rock.

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Postby Masato » Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:22 pm

I am no expert and am certainly a skeptic, but from my limited understanding I think you guys are missing something...

The atmosphere changes the intensity of HOW the sun heats us. If the conditions are this or that in the atmosphere it can intensify the sun's heat, or protect us from the sun's heat. I don't know which of these the Global Warming models are proposing, but I thought it had something to do with this

I don't think they are suggesting that CO2 actually causes heat. But put a big magnifying glass over you, or remove all your sunscreen when you go to the beach etc and see if your sunburn is affected. The sun can get hotter or colder but its that barrier between the earth and the sun that affects how hot we get. Is that not the basic premise?

Either way, Al Gore is still a lying cunt. :D

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Postby Masato » Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:25 pm

Am I mistaken that I remember some talk when I was very young about a new coming Ice Age? What about that Ozone layer hype? Did that just go away then or what?

I'm going to Brasil in September, we'll see if I fry. Summer so far in Ontario has been mild

Environmental concerns are real but I still think the CO2 talk was a geo-political hype/power grab.

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Postby penxv » Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:29 pm

I like messing with people about global warming most of all because people don't actually believe that shit but they're all cowards and don't want to feel excluded so they suppress their instincts towards common sense.

They always "appeal to authority." Every single time.

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Postby penxv » Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:30 pm

Maybe they believe it but they don't think it... just mindless regurgitation of some other idiot's scam.

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Postby penxv » Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:32 pm


Nobody agrees about anything this much.

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Postby Masato » Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:01 pm

^^ Yes, I hate when something is pushed by propping up in idea of 'consensus'. Believing something because of consensus is the most UN-scientific thing perhaps there is.

However, maybe it IS something that is really agreeable. The problem with that chart is that it doesn't define what 'global warming' precisely means. Nor does it specify what 'reject' means.

But you know? Perhaps there IS a great deal of data that is absolutely verifiable. Maybe there IS a whole bunch of clear facts that when compiled most definitely point to something of this nature. There are a lot of smart folk looking into this you'd have to buy off or fool a lot of people to even begin claiming any sort of consensus. Like I said, I have no problem with the possibility that our planet is getting warmer, and lots of scientists agree.

I haven't dared do any experiments myself nor feel qualified to review the data.

Its the alarmist jump straight into some sort of communist politics from the most shady and untrustworthy people that makes the whole issue so tainted. OBVIOUS mass-media blitz, fabricated hype, its inserted into our movies and TV shows and even curriculums at schools at an alarming rate. All this WAY before any scientific conclusions could possibly be made. It was very clear to me, whether the data was fabricated or not, SOMEONE was jumping on that band wagon and was pushing HARD to steer it in a very specific direction. And putting trillions into it. Leonardo Di Fucking Caprio speaking at the United Nations. FFS, what does Leo defucking Caprio know about planetary climate science? LOL

It was all so ridiculous, so over the top marketing blitz trending propaganda it makes anyone whose eyes are open ill.

Its a fucking Witch-Hunt for 'deniers', its terrifying.

THAT is where the skepticism comes from imo.

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Postby Masato » Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:04 pm

I saw a video once where a girl in a doctor's waiting room was among a bunch of actors pretending to also be in the waiting room. Every so often a sound would go off like a bell or something, and all the actors would stand up, then sit back down again and continue on their phones or reading or whatever, patiently waiting for the doctor.

It didn't take long before the woman started standing up every time the bell sounded, though she didn't know why.

As the doctor called the patients/actors in, soon the woman was the last one in the room. The bell kept going, she kept fucking standing up.

Then a NEW actor came in, and acted like he didn't know what the bell was. Woman keeps standing up, like showing him how it works.

I forget how it ended but you get the idea.

Groupthink is bad for you, mmkay kids? watch the fuck out for that stuff when you see it happening.

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Postby penxv » Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:42 pm

Masato wrote:Its a fucking Witch-Hunt for 'deniers', its terrifying.

Oh yeah... clear thought policing on this topic. Very "bow to your sensei." Very cucktastic.

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Postby Alfredo » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:58 am

Wake me when the Maldives are finally under water.

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