Debbie Wasserman-Awan Bros Scandal

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Re: Debbie Wasserman-Awan Bros Scandal

Postby Winnson » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:06 pm

Post a few more pages of pointless weak memes and idiotic rhetoric please Daglord. I'm almost convinced.

What exactly is it you're trying to say anyway?

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:47 pm

Man, I will never understand why Daglord ruffles so many people's feathers, lol

Even back in the EY days I would read and enjoy his posts which to me were always well researched and presented... only to then see certain people get right triggered by it and lose their minds, lol EY included.

Dag's posts rock, fellas. Always backs up his points, cites tons of sources, every post like a little mini-article in itself.

Being skeptical of Trump for MANY reasons is totally sane imo, even for the most hardcore CTer
Not buying into a full-on SH hoax scenario is also totally sane imo, and Dag has backed that up many times.

Yet people still go nuts, lol I will never get it

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:55 pm

See? This is great:

2 AWESOME posts by Daglord and AA... yet both convincingly suggesting 2 completely opposite sides of the coin.

I think both are totally plausible scenarios;

1. that Trump is a total distraction, a brilliantly crafted ruse to divide the people into a media frenzy about stupid things like covfefe while business as usual goes down and the elites shift the world to a new phase.

2. that Trump is a legitimate rogue entity outside the current establishment who is up to his ass IN the establishment as POTUS and a war for power is happening

...or did I misunderstand?


Daglord wrote:
Winnson wrote:Quick question: Why is the narrative to hate Trump? When has he ever been a bad person that seemed like he would be a bad president?

Have you always hated Trump? When was it you decided Trump was a 'bad guy' from when you first heard of him?

you really think the narrative is to hate Trump? LOL. have you watched FOX lately? even CNN could be legitimately challenging some of his bullshit - instead they focus on Nazis, ice cream scoops, pussy grabbing & stilettos. they're running the perfect cover for his proxy ware in Yemen (& mass civilian casualties), Saudi payouts, plundering of Afghanistan, expansion of the police & surveillance state, deregulating of Wall St, broken promises, etc. if they're not, I'd love for you to point that out to me, I don't follow MSM all that much, but I've seen 100x more coverage re: trump peeking at the solar eclipse than his proxy war for SA. why is that?

I actually liked Trump before "The Apprentice' jumped the shark with celebrities & the campaign. it might have been the best reality show on TV at the time. no doubt Trump is a great reality-show character, & the perfect distraction, probably why he was chosen to run.

as far as not liking Trump, I’m thinking it was right around the time he was being pushed as anti establishment when it was obvious he was almost the complete opposite. also when he started with the empty promises of “drain the swamp” & “lock her up”, that his moronic cult completely ate up, while he was secretly meeting with Henry Kissinger/Richard Haas & filling his entourage/cabinet with neocons, Wall St. & MIC/DOD lifers. he showed his true colors when he praised (individually) the members of PNAC & even added a few to his inner circle. having Rudy/Newt in his ear from day one & taking on Mike Pence as VP, while publicly declaring his love for Cheney, should have also raised a few eyebrows to those really paying attention. how about his love for John Bolton & Jack Keane? Woosley? not what I would expect from an "anti-establishment" (LOL) candidate.

In case you haven't noticed, there is nothing anti-establishment about putting Goldman Sachs in charge of Treasury and/or the Military Industrial Complex in charge of foreign policy & deferring heavily to both. anyone who thought otherwise was played. he continues to prove his place as nothing more than a figurehead, a facade of change (like Obama before him).

Please think and consider carefully before giving your answer. What is the reason to hate a man like Trump running for president? It's the most amazing thing that ever happened to America since 1776 and we're supposed to hate it, and him. Why?

LOL. calling the freedom of speech “foolish"? wanting to silence all dissenting press? supported reauthorizing & expanding the Patriot Act? talked glowingly about illegal detainment & torture? started promoting stop & frisk/unwarranted searches/seizures as the “law & order candidate”? calling for Snowden's execution for being a "traitor"? talked with the CIA about getting another shot at Syria’s oil? buys the false flag chemical attack & launches an air strike after talking about Assad & "the children"? deploys more troops after learning of Afghanistan's mineral wealth & will no longer be transparent about it? considered privatizing Afghanistan & Syria through his friends in the FSG (Blackwater)? unconstitutionally sends the DOJ after visitors to an anti-trump website? invokes 9/11 & the "war on terror" every chance he gets? (to be continued...)

question: what made YOU consider Trump fit to be a good President? (IMO, you appear to have been duped by the media more than most). "the most amazing thing that ever happened to America since 1776?

please think & consider carefully before giving your answer...


The Anti-Archon wrote:
The Anti-Archon wrote:I believe that Trump represents a loose coalition of some of these forces who are opposed to the complete global domination of the communist faction personified by the Clintons and their red Chinese allies. These factions include: the "Christian" Fellowship (Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, etc.), the Pentagon Inner Circle (McMaster, Kelly, Mattis, etc.), Goldman Sachs Israelis (Kushner, Tillerson, etc.), Opus Dei (Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, etc.) and Trump's bread and butter the good old New York Roy Cohn Murder, Inc. mob.

These factions are not happy about the direction the Bush-Clinton-Netanyahu-Jesuit-Saudi-Red Chinese crime syndicate has taken the country. Their interests are aligned with a strong nation, not the weak one that has been produced in the 30 years since Reagan. So, what we are now witnessing is a mafia turf war on a grand scale that can be overly simplified as a war between the Pentagon and Langley.

The difficulty with fighting Langley is that its agents are literally everywhere. Even if you get the evidence to lock up a Wasserman Schulz...her goddamn brother is sitting in the prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, the Mockingbird media destroys you 24-7-365. It's an uphill fight, and even if the Trump coalition wins, let's be honest: they don't really care about the common man any more than anyone else. But, I'll take my chances with them over the CIA. Langley needs to die.

I can't speak for Winnson, but I've already outlined my thoughts on Trump in this thread and I stand by them. Is he going to not spy on me? Of course not. Is he going to stop bleeding the Earth dry of fossil fuels at the expense of our planet's holistic health? Of course not. Is he going to roll me over and pat my belly and tell me I'm a good boy? Of course not.

What he is going to do or at least has been trying to do is to return the United States of America to a sovereign state capable of making decisions that benefit itself and not vulturous predators such as George Soros. Trump is a mean SOB...but I think that's what is called for at present. I'm not looking for a good guy. All the good guys who have tried to go toe-to-toe with the Clintons have committed suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.

Honestly, if you want to live in the illusion that Rand Paul wouldn't spy on you if he had the power, than feel free. Doesn't change the fact that privacy is a quaint notion of the 20th Century that died somewhere around the time of the VHS player. The good news is that the privacy of the elites is finally starting to fade, too, and we can see all their schemes and machinations. And, frankly, I will take Trump's schemes and machinations over the Spirit Cookers any day.

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:02 pm


This the crux of the world today for me right now, I flip flop on a scale of these 2 scenarios regularly. I will admit I felt a STORNG sense of relief and hope the morning I woke up to discover he had won, and am LOVING his destruction of the mainstream media. Like absolutely loving it. I hang on to a shred of hope that he is a shred of the image Winnson paints of him, and can strike a blow to what I consider to be real evil in this realm.

Yet I am also totally aware of the levels of deception in this world, and must admit so far I have not seen Trump do ANYTHING of significance towards striking such a blow (beyond his media battle).

If the wars continue, if relations with Sauds and Zionists continue, if the Clintons continue to run free, if Pedogate fades into obscurity, if the banking system continues to flourish, etc etc etc... well maybe our man Dag is right and we've been Obama'd again.

Time will tell, but that clock is ticking.

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:06 pm

Here are some clips from an interesting email correspondence I am having with an elderly American Navy vet.. he has a list of other credentials in various alphabet orgs, dude has seen some things:

The secret to understanding the American media is: (1) All of the MSM lie through their teeth making up trash about Trump out of thin air, I’ve never seen anything like it. All of the D.C. “swamp” creatures fear for their political elitist lives. They cannot let this guy succeed or they’re on their way to the political wilderness, (2) Fox News remains fair and balanced but about half of their guests are establishment people as are about the same fraction of hosts. I like Kennedy, Lou Dobbs, the Five and on weekends for some good laughs: Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters.

"This can truly be called America’s second civil war. The weapons are thuggery, intimidation, big government action against the Trump agenda and Republicans and the internet. Even the internet is biased to the left. A Google search for something you describe in detail will always get you two to four pages full of left-wind views on the subject before you find what you’re looking for.

The big problem for the left is that, even though they dominate the education system, the government bureaucracies and far too many big business entities (by intimidation), their foundation is nothing but lies. Ours is based on common sense and a lot of truth, i.e. the U.S. Constitution. It’s going to be a long battle but most of those on our side—albeit with far too much handwringing for my tastes and not enough real action—finally have a leader who looks tough and articulate enough to drain the swamp or get the effort going."

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:52 pm

Look, I respect Daglord's research and appreciate his viewpoint, especially on matters where we see eye-to-eye like the assassination of John Lennon, for instance. I think the reason why he "triggers" people as you say, is I because I don't feel the feeling is mutual. You either see the world exactly as he does, or you eat 400 derisive Fight Club memes.

I stated earlier in this thread that it is a completely valid worldview to assume Trump is nothing more than a media created distraction. I have vacillated toward that viewpoint and back over the course of the last two years. I have come down on Winnson's side of the argument, not because I think Trump is interested in ending war, or changing the financial system or limiting government surveillance. While I am all for those things, I am a realist in the sense that no one in the Oval Office will ever address them, at least not in the current climate. Which brings me to why I support Trump: he is endangering the current climate. He is at war with a duplicitous fifth column that has taken root in our nation personified by rogue elements of the intelligence community and their pawns in the news media. I believe this war to be real, but it could in fact be WWE. Daglord could be right, I am willing to cede that point.

However, he could be wrong, in which case Trump represents the last best hope for the national sovereignty of America before we all take our marching orders from a regime of Maoist Spirit Cookers in the new Global Capital of Astana, Kazakhstan. Maybe I'm letting that hope blind me to the truth, but if Trump is nothing more but one more puppet in the long-line of establishment puppet presidents, I guess it doesn't much matter. We're all fucked anyway.

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:02 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote: I think the reason why he "triggers" people as you say, is I because I don't feel the feeling is mutual. You either see the world exactly as he does, or you eat 400 derisive Fight Club memes.

Yes, I too have no taste for a condescending tone among CT discussion. That is the reason I left EY, really... I just couldn't take the arrogance know-it-all tone of his posts anymore, ridiculing and laughing at whoever disagrees, chin way up fuckin high. Anytime I see thins it turns me off, do you remember the days of peak 9/11 discussion? lol people were rabid. Absolute ego warfare, lol

Its counter productive imo, turns a collective motivation into a mess of squabbling idiots. Even on things I am very sure of I make an effort not to ridicule or talk down to someone with different eyes.
Daglord is an awesome researcher and CT puzzler but I agree its much better to be a bit cooler, have some respect and humility. There is very little we can really be so assured about, be so confident as to lash out at others, we are just trying to learn and understand

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Postby Daglord » Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:25 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:Look, I respect Daglord's research and appreciate his viewpoint, especially on matters where we see eye-to-eye like the assassination of John Lennon, for instance. I think the reason why he "triggers" people as you say, is I because I don't feel the feeling is mutual. You either see the world exactly as he does, or you eat 400 derisive Fight Club memes.

same, I respect everyone's viewpoint, unless given good reason not to. I won't extend any more courtesy than I receive from the likes of EY, Dean, Dagwood & Winnson though (for obvious reasons). always respected yours (besides our brief SH moments - blame it on a toxic environment @EY).

responding to Winnson's question, I post my thoughts & get accused of "shilling' (obviously not knowing what the word means) and/or posting "walls of texts" or "too many words". I then respond with a meme (a lot less words, point made) & get accused of posting "pointless memes". which is it? considering this comes from the guy notorious for posting the same dumb shit ad nauseum (catch phrase, Media/history sucks boss, it is what it is & a 3 hr Trump dancing vid and/or MAGA meme), the irony is too much. I figured he wouldn't reply (hence the meme).

"Sandy Hook, JFK, 9/11... forget about 'em boss." & "anyone who studies history is an idiot" LOL. great attitude to have on a conspiracy forum. why are we here again? so much wrong with that, wouldn't know where to begin.

examples of feeding someone "400 derisive FC memes" when they don't "see the world exactly as i do"? curious about that one. maybe i don't see it, but could be wrong. again, if you have to go back to EY for that one, don't bother - I own it (see above). I would guess that Mega & Redneck, who have also posted frequently in my threads (here & there) & Trump specifically, feel differently. Redneck & I have disagreed on most things, but always kept it cordial.

Masato, IIRC, suspects a hoax in SH & I haven't ever given him any shit for it. just as he has never given me shit for not buying it. respect is reciprocated.

good thought on Trump. where I disagree is that we were all fucked anyway. this year, IMO, brought the best possibility for change in a long time. Both Sanders & Paul would have did their best to rein in our reckless foreign policy, provide real tax reform for the middle class, curb the unconstitutional surveillance apparatus, Audit the Fed, stop the militarization of police, re-prioritize the drug war & stop dumping endless amounts of money into the MIC. I'm guessing neither would have surrounded themselves with "the swamp" while claiming to be draining it as well. maybe they wouldn't/couldn't have succeeded, but it was our best shot IMO. again, could be wrong.

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Postby Winnson » Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:12 pm

Just stop screaming LOL you idiot! and then spamming more shit than anyone will take the time to read from your folders.
Be sincere and discuss. That doesn't take 50 pages and tons of played out memes.

I will always be grateful for you putting me onto Clive Bundy Live. Watching that unfold live made me believe in America.

I don't know if you're working for other interests or not, but even if you are, if you stop spamming so much shit at people that disagree with you on certain points, you're more likely to get them to side with you.

LOL! and 3 pages of spam will not get you further ahead with your employers, whomever they may be.

Just be real.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:30 pm

Former Dem IT staffer strikes deal to return from Pakistan and face charges in US


A former IT staffer for House Democrats who's been in Pakistan for months has struck a deal with federal prosecutors, agreeing to return to the U.S. and face charges.

Hina Alvi, who along with her husband Imran Awan worked for House Democrats and now faces bank fraud and conspiracy charges, had left with her children for her native Pakistan while under federal investigation.

Both defendants reportedly worked at one time for Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y. Awan separately worked for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., until he was arrested in July at Dulles airport in Virginia trying to board a plane to Pakistan, where his wife already was.

But court documents show Alvi has agreed to return to the U.S. and face an arraignment as early as Oct. 6, when her husband is scheduled to appear in court for a status hearing.

Documents filed in federal court Wednesday outline the terms of her return.

“Counsel represented that defendant Alvi will turn in her passport(s) when she returns to the United States, and that she will not seek to book any international travel following her appearance in the United States,” the documents said.

Imran Awan, who remains in the U.S., entered a not guilty plea last week.

That was after a grand jury returned an indictment last month in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charging the couple with a total of four charges.

Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July.

The indictment itself addresses separate allegations that Awan and his wife engaged in a conspiracy to obtain home equity lines of credit from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by giving false information about two properties – and then sending the proceeds to individuals in Pakistan.

After Awan was arrested at Dulles airport in Virginia, attorney Christopher Gowen told Fox News that federal authorities have no evidence of misconduct by Awan relating to his IT duties.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) hinted broadly in an interview on Fox Business with host Lou Dobbs that there will soon be news about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and the prospect of dealmaking by federal prosecutors with Hina Alvi, a woman now in Pakistan who is wanted in questioning in federal bank fraud charges against husband Imran Awan. Frank said on Wednesday, “I think you’re going to see some revelations that are pretty profound. And the fact that this wife is coming back from Pakistan and is willing to face charges, as it were, I think there’s a good chance that she’s going to receive some sort of immunity to tell a larger story that is going to be pretty disturbing to the American people.”

For months media have speculated whether Wasserman Schultz and Awan (who was arrested at a Washington-area airport before flying to Pakistan, and is now indicted) may have colluded in concealing evidence possibly linked to the hack of the Democratic National Committee computer system in 2016. The hack revealed embarrassing emails that linked members of the media to personalities in Hillary Clinton’s political organization and the DNC. Wasserman Schultz resigned from the DNC during the midst of the campaign, adding to Clinton’s campaign woes. There has also been speculation that the leak of the emails may also be linked to the murder of Seth Rich, a young DNC staffer in July 2016.

Wasserman Schultz and the DNC have continued to maintain that the hack was accomplished from outside the DNC by Russians in a remote location, while others contend that the stolen emails and documents were released by an insider with direct access to DNC servers. In addition, the DNC has continued to bar the FBI from getting access to their servers after the alleged cyber-attacks.

Awan is an IT specialist who worked for the DNC and more than a dozen Democrats in the House of Representatives, including Wasserman Schultz. Awan and four of his associates, including his wife, are now facing charges of bank fraud, a procurement scam, and violating House IT network rules, that are ostensibly unrelated to the email hack. While Awan was fired by all the other Democrats who used his IT services (some of whom are on the House Intelligence Committee), he continued in Wasserman Schultz’s employ until his arrest in July. Federal authorities are also investigating whether or not classified information was compromised by the Awan conspirators. Awan attorney said this summer that his client had no "classified clearance for anything."

A further connection between Awan and Wasserman Schultz arose when on April 6, 2017, when U.S. Capitol Police discovered a laptop issued to her. That laptop and an accompanying letter were found during the predawn hours in a room that once served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report according to The Daily Caller. That room is on the second floor of the Rayburn Building, not in the Longworth House Office Building where Wasserman Schultz has her office. With the laptop were copies of Awan’s driver’s license and Congressional ID badge, a Pakistani ID card, and letters to the U.S. Attorney. In an accompanying notebook, U.S. Capitol Police also found notes marked “attorney-client privilege.”

The laptop had the username “RepDWS,” even though the Wasserman Schultz had previously said that she had never seen it and that it belonged to Awan.

During a May 18, 2017 Congressional hearing on the U.S. Capitol Police budget, Wasserman Schultz appeared to threaten Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa with “consequences” if he would not return the laptop in question. She told Verderosa, “If a Member [of Congress] loses equipment,” it should be given back. When Verderosa told her the laptop is tied to a criminal suspect and thus cannot be returned, Wasserman Schultz reiterated that the computer should be returned because it is “a member’s … if the member is not under investigation.”

“I don’t want to talk out of school here but I think you’re going to see some revelations that are going to be pretty profound. The fact that this wife is coming back from Pakistan and is willing to face charges, as it were, I think there is a good chance she is going to reach some type of immunity to tell a larger story here that is going to be pretty disturbing to the American people.”

“I would just predict that this is going to be a very significant story and people should fasten their seat belts on this one.”


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