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Pedophilia Rings/Rituals in the HIGHEST of Places

Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:21 pm

Hey all

For those who can stomach it, I have come to believe that the accumulating number of real cases, and the ABSURD LEVEL OF POWER implicated with them has become way more alarming than the topic usually deserves.

Simply, there are just too many actual cases to ignore where elites in the highest of places (Royalty, TV/Media, The White House, billionaires, etc) have been directly connected to huge pedo rings, child trafficking rackets, child porn/snuff films etc, many of which are associated with Satanic rituals of sorts.

Don't believe it? Too weird? Too horrifying to look at?
May be...

Yet if any of this is true (, it changes the whole game and puts us in perspective as to just how distorted the ruling class really are. And at worst, is one of the most horrific things going on in the world today (prayers 4 those kids)

I really hope this shit gets exposed one day and CLEANED OUT.

I will discuss the 4 cases I have found to be most compelling:
If you know more please post

- The Hampstead UK Children Testimony (weakest of the 3 in terms of evidence):
- Jimmy Savile
- Jeffrey Epstein
- The Franklin Coverup

Some others are:

- Johnny Gosch/Bush Jr case
- Research of Kevin Annett
- Operation Ore

1. The Hampstead UK Children Testimony

2 Children in the UK give massive, ultra-detailed testimony that their father was part of a pedo-satanic cult sacrificing babies and shit that went all the way up to David Cameron.

This case is not as high-profile as the next 2; It was closed pretty fast and was legally concluded that the kids had been coerced into telling a massive lie. But when put together with other more substantial cases, especially in the UK, it seems not entirely irresponsible to think that these kids may be telling the truth and that once again the BBC was complicit in the coverup.

Here is a previous thread with lots of information about this case:

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:02 pm

2. Jimmy Saville

This case is FUCKED up.

Jimmy Saville was a HUGE celebrity in the UK, equivalent to Johnny Carson or Bob Hope etc. Did all kinds of TV shows, radio shows for YEARS AND YEARS, and was absolutely embedded with some of the highest of the highest of elites.

After his death is was totally spilled that he was an obsessive pedophile, necrophiliac, and even performed ritual killings, "on an unprecedented scale", the number of potential victims staggering. Total victims stated by the police was 589, most of them children.

Through his 'charity' work, he had access to many hospitals, where he would fuck dead people. There is an interesting theory that Saville was actually the mastermind behind the Yorshire Ripper case.

What was weird is that he was TOTALLY embedded into the highest elite of society.

Here is a list of friends with whom he factually involved with and/or had deep personal friendships with
: ... -case.html

A few notables;

The Beatles
Close friends with Lennon, was an intimate part of the band. John Lennon's trademark round glasses are said to have been fashioned after Saville.

Margaret Thatcher
Tried 5 times to get Saville a Knightood from the Queen. Eventually got it. Saville boasted that he spent Christmas with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Dennis every year for a decade. This is certainly reported to be true in terms of eleven consecutive New Year’s Eves.

Ted Heath
British Prime Minister before Thatcher, also convicted of pedophila. **That's 2 Successive PM's with whom Saville was intimately tied

Prince Philip
Easily proven friendship; Saville was invited to Buckingham Palace on numerous occasions, and partied with Prince Philip openly. Savile told Esquire: ‘The thing about me is I get things done and I work deep cover. I’ve known the Royal Family for a million years.’

Prince Charles
Admitted close friend, spent much time together, Charles is said to be quoted "No one will ever know what you have done for this country", and allegedly sent a Christmas card to Savile in which he wrote: ‘Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.

Lord Louis Mountbatten
Uncle and mentor of Prince Charles. Mountbatten was Commandant General of the Royal Marines and arranged for Saville to become the first civilian to be awarded the Marines’ Green Beret.

SO many people in the BBC all claimed that it was next to common knowledge what Saville was doing. All his TV shows, parties, charity events etc for years and years and years, he was involved with the highest producers of the BBC yet the BBC KEPT SILENT until the story broke after his death

Cardinal Keith O'Brien
Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh. Leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland and had been the head of its conference of bishops until he stepped down as archbishop in 2013

Rolf Harris
UK TV Presenter

Piers Morgan
Denied any association with Saville until evidence showed and he retracted his statement

Pope John Paul II
Awarded a Papal Knighthood to Savile for 'multiple services to children' or something like that

Norman Tebbit
Gave the eulogy at Savile's funeral. Senior minister in Thatcher's cabinet.

Gary Glitter
Pop star, convicted sex offender

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:07 pm

There is so much info and videos about the Jimmy Saville case I don't even know where to begin.

Here is an interview with a lot of info and less production hype:

And here is an especially weird video suggesting that the reason Saville was so powerful and yet so evil was more than just luck or cunning, that he was actually some kind of wizard, using tricks from Aliester Crowley-style Magick.

Very interesting IMO:

Who gets to swing with these kind of people???
Jimmy Saville did:

Prince Charles

The fucking Queen:

Margaret Thatcher

Ted Heath

Tony Blair:

The Beatles:

Pope John Paul II:

Cardinal Kieth O'Brien:

Elvis Presley

Prince Philip

Lady Diana:

Prince Rainier & Grace Kelly:

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:29 pm

3. Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein is a BILLIONAIRE, yet no one can really figure out how he got his money.

He owns a private island where he was CONVICTED OF TRAFFICKING CHILD SEX SLAVES to his island.

Yes, convicted.

His time? 18 months, where he was free during the day and only had to report in at nights.


Epstein is free now.

What is interesting about Epstein is that his case blew open RIGHT BEFORE THE LEWINSKY SCANDAL with Bill Clinton. It is highly suspected that the ENTIRE Lewinsky scandal was a complete distraction for the media and public to swoon in on while details of Bill Clinton's deep involvement with Epstein was coming out; have the public shocked at the immorality of infidelity, while the real case was fucking pedo sex trafficking.

Epstein was friends not only with Clinton, but with Kenneth Starr, who was said to have masterminded the whole Lewinsky 'scandal'.

Ghislaine Maxwell was reported to be Epsteins RECRUITER; she would find shildren for Epstain etc. Maxwell was a guest at Chelsea CLinton's wedding.

Epstein was also friends with Alan Derschowitz, a bigtime laywer who defended Roman Polanski in his pedo case, as well as a longtime defender of the Israeli government’s harsh policies toward the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank..

More notable connections to Epstein that were known to have been to his private island parties, or was found in court to be in his Rolodex list of contacts ( ... 1681383992 ... Trump.html ), or was found in court to be on flight logs to his Island:

Sir Evelyn DeRothschild

Ehud Barak, Former Israeli Prime Minister

Prince Andrew
surprise surprise, he was pals with Saville too

Larry Summers
Worked for Clinton Admin, World Bank, was Treasury Secretary, Director of the National Economic Council under Obama, etc

Eliot Spitzer
Former New York Governer

Katie Couric

Woody Allen

Kevin Spacey

Chris Tucker

***I have heard some convincing theories that the Epstein mansion was a BLACKMAILING OPERATION where the elites could pick out the pedos, invite them to a party full of trafficked kids, film it all, then hold it over them forever in order to control them.

I will repeat:

- Epstein did 18 months partial-imprisonment.


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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:31 pm

Good interview:

typical Youtube fluff:

Here is Epstein's Privae Island Party Pedo Mansion HQ:




Prince Andrew and Epstein:

Alan Dershowitz


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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:31 pm

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:33 pm

Masato wrote:3. Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein is a BILLIONAIRE, yet no one can really figure out how he got his money.

He owns a private island where he was CONVICTED OF TRAFFICKING CHILD SEX SLAVES to his island.

Yes, convicted.

His time? 18 months, where he was free during the day and only had to report in at nights.


Epstein is free now.

how does this even happen? seriously, I already knew about this case, but at the end of the day how does one set immunity on possible other criminal convictions?

oh right

money and power...

What is interesting about Epstein is that his case blew open RIGHT BEFORE THE LEWINSKY SCANDAL with Bill Clinton. It is highly suspected that the ENTIRE Lewinsky scandal was a complete distraction for the media and public to swoon in on while details of Bill Clinton's deep involvement with Epstein was coming out; have the public shocked at the immorality of infidelity, while the real case was fucking pedo sex trafficking.

Epstein was friends not only with Clinton, but with Kenneth Starr, who was said to have masterminded the whole Lewinsky 'scandal'.

Ghislaine Maxwell was reported to be Epsteins RECRUITER; she would find shildren for Epstain etc. Maxwell was a guest at Chelsea CLinton's wedding.

Epstein was also friends with Alan Derschowitz, a bigtime laywer who defended Roman Polanski in his pedo case, as well as a longtime defender of the Israeli government’s harsh policies toward the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank..

More notable connections to Epstein that were known to have been to his private island parties, or was found in court to be in his Rolodex list of contacts, or was found in court to be on flight logs to his Island:

Sir Evelyn DeRothschild

Ehud Barak, Former Israeli Prime Minister

Prince Andrew
surprise surprise, he was pals with Saville too

Eliot Spitzer
Former New York Governer

Katie Couric

Woody Allen

Kevin Spacey

Chris Tucker

I will repeat:

- Epstein did 18 months partial-imprisonment.

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:35 pm

What do we do with all these cases cumulatively??

How do they reflect accusations of guys like KEVIN ANNETT?

Or stories of Hollywood pedophilia rings?

Accepting that such activity exists is horrifying enough... but when MAINSTREAM MEDIA is covering it up left and right... and elites like ROYALTY and PRESIDENTS are involved... just what exactly are we looking at here??

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:36 pm

Just found a lead on some possible Search Terms;

Operation Ore

Operation Avalanche

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:38 pm

I'm not sure how much digging you've done, but this is a massive issue that no one pays attention to

did you ever watch this one?

surprise surprise the lead guy on this panel committed "suicide" a few years back.

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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