Mueller Report = Gold LOL

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Re: Mueller Report = Gold LOL

Postby Masato » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:29 pm

Benwahwah wrote:I wouldn’t read it personally, but there are definitely people that would.

While I accept that Trump probably didn’t collude with Russia directly, it seems to me it wasn’t through a lack of trying.

Now, the question remains, why is the report being withheld? Trump himself has said it should be made public, and if there is nothing to hide there shouldn’t be any reason not to release it. While it isn’t released questions still remain.

One such issue is whether Trump tried to obstruct justice, despite Trump’s claims, he has not been cleared of this. Is this the reason the full report is being withheld? Until it is released we won’t know.

Good question I also don't understand why its not released.

I am no Trump-lover, nor do I think he's not full of crooked shit. However with regards to these specific charges of 'collusion with Russia to influence the elections', I do personally find it very credible that it came up empty. I smelled that this was a boogeyman witch-hunt from the start to be honest and lots of others did too.

It all started NOT because evidence came out that Russia was fuckin with the elections, nor that Trump's gang had been caught meeting etc. It started as a result of the LEAKED CLINTON AND PODESTA EMAILS. Those emails got out and were FULL of illegal shit. THIS is where the whole Pizzagate scandal came from, it was emails from Hillary and Podesta talking about pedophile shit. There was also numbers from 'pay to play' schemes INVOLVING OTHER COUNTRIES (how ironic) and loads of other dirt.

There was so much dirt that many thought this swung the election, as it was leaked JUST before. Assange had insinuated strongly that the source of the leak was not 'Russians' but rather Seth Rich who worked for the DNC and was murdered shortly after under mysterious uninvestigated circumstances. No one denied the authenticity of the emails, not even DNC. The content of the emails was so damning and horrific that the collective mainstream media had to to everything in its power to reverse it. The way they handled Pizzagate was an atrocious backpeddling never before seen. If those remember Debbie Wasserman Shultz not wanting to give up those hardrives lol you could smell the guilt from a mile away. Podesta had to resign and fall into the shadows with all the pedo shit that came flooding out.

So what happened? Were the suspicious/criminal emails investigated? NO. The computers were seized, still locked up or destroyed as far as I recall, and a case was made that RUSSIANS leaked the emails and not an insider.

The MSM went full steam with this and CHANGED the direction, now it was all about how Russians influenced the election and that Trump colluded with Russians to beat Hillary.

And that is ALL the MSM has talked about ever since. Non fucking stop, even though now it was proven there was never any evidence to begin with.

That's why I called bullshit on this Russiagate from the beginning. When they couldn't get Stephen Fucking Colbert to get the public minds off of Pedo podesta and his gang they had to start this Russiagate case out of sheer panic desperation to steer the attention away.

That's why I'm happy today that's over, I've been physically disgusted with the fast that this story has been stretched for almost the entire first term for Trump. This is the worst collusion of media I've seen since the early years after 911.

If I have any of this sideways or backwards please correct me. But that's how I watched it go down. Will be very curious to see what happens from here

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Postby Masato » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:30 pm

Benwahwah wrote:I’m good thanks. Didn’t manage to get away for the meditation retreat. The school changed the end of semester dates on me. I’m exceptionally tired, but for the next few weeks things are a lot simpler, even if they aren’t totally free.

Enjoy that free time man. I'm starting to think they are more precious/what life's all about than we give it credit for.

Maybe better you missed the retreat, I told you my friend just did one. I met with him the day he got back he was all fucked up lol they sound horrible

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:21 pm

The real kicker is that Hillary and company sold significant amounts of American uranium to Russia and Barack Obama himself issued the orders that put Trump's campaign under surveillance based on nothing but made up nonsense. The Democrats colluded with Russia and then accused their opponent of Russian collusion. That's Rich.



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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:28 pm

Masato wrote:
Benwahwah wrote:I wouldn’t read it personally, but there are definitely people that would.

While I accept that Trump probably didn’t collude with Russia directly, it seems to me it wasn’t through a lack of trying.

Now, the question remains, why is the report being withheld? Trump himself has said it should be made public, and if there is nothing to hide there shouldn’t be any reason not to release it. While it isn’t released questions still remain.

One such issue is whether Trump tried to obstruct justice, despite Trump’s claims, he has not been cleared of this. Is this the reason the full report is being withheld? Until it is released we won’t know.

Good question I also don't understand why its not released.

It can't be released in full because it is filled with top-secret least that's what Trey Gowdy and others say.

If I were to recklessly speculate like Rachel Maddow, I'd say it is entirely possible that it conclusively proves with damning documents that Bathhouse Barry abused the FISA court with made-up bullshit "evidence" paid for by Hillary in order to get her elected so she could cover up their multiple abuses of power. This would threaten to topple the MSM-cemented legacy of the already-deified first black President, so it must never see the light of day.

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Postby Masato » Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:59 pm

I don't think that's what Rachael Maddow would speculate, or am I misunderstanding you

I thought Maddow was all over the Russia collusion story and sucked on a fake Hillary tit every night before bed

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:00 pm

Masato wrote:I don't think that's what Rachael Maddow would speculate, or am I misunderstanding you

I thought Maddow was all over the Russia collusion story and sucked on a fake Hillary tit every night before bed

I mean, if I were to have journalistic standards of just throwing what I want to be true out there

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Postby SRBrant » Sat May 18, 2019 1:59 am

You claim to be “free”, “enlightened” and “woke”, ready for creative revolution and yet all I have seen you do for the past four years is regurgitate pro-Trump/oligarchal propaganda, Russian subterfuge and even anti Semitic canards with conspiracy theorists like dogs eating each other’s shit. I recommend you get *your* shit together.

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Postby Canuckster » Sat May 18, 2019 4:41 am

The minute you start throwing around anti semitic, you lose all credibility
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby SRBrant » Sat May 18, 2019 5:52 am

Canuckster wrote:The minute you start throwing around anti semitic, you lose all credibility

As if to say that awareness of such an ancient cancer as antisemitism is somehow irrational?

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Postby Masato » Sat May 18, 2019 1:54 pm

Ah, my friend SRBrant, whom I like so much and am always happy to see here, even if he is becoming increasingly angry at me :D

You keep mistaking being anti-mainstream media for being pro-Trump

You keep mistaking being anti-apartheid/anti-genocide for being anti-semetic

You keep mistaking CNN and other MSM for being a reliable source of news and perspective

Most of us have been digging and trying to understand world power and politics since you were an infant, literally. That doesn't mean any of us really know wtf what's what, but there is a wealth of experience on this tiny forum to draw from, and I'm quite sure none of it has anything to do with irrational hatred or fanatic alt right extremism as you seem to keep misinterpreting (excpet for maybe Vutu lol)

I applaud that you are becoming passionate and waking up to the horrible faces of politics, once we find things going on it is right and natural to have a fire lit in us and a desire to search for truth and combat evil. I think most everyone here has been through that in spades. But if you’re just sort of catching on now in this crazy time of extreme disinfo and propaganda wars I’m afraid you’re at a great disadvantage.

I'm guessing you are here in reply to my twitter message. Whatever lens you look through, it was sent with love my brother. I don't know you well but you admit that your anger towards Trump is causing you pain and damage, fear, panic, and anxiety (your words), reaching unhealthy proportions. All I was saying is don't let THAT propaganda machine do this to you. Your attention and thoughts are precious and magic, all of ours are. Don't let them STEAL IT!!!! That is their goal! To steal our attention! to rob us of our time and thoughts and emotion and shove it all in a pool of shit and ugliness and make us mad. To divide us into groups (are you and I not getting split over Trump/anti-Trump bullshit??), to make us fight each other and NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE WISER THINGS IN LIFE. If they don't use Trump as the face at which to suck our attention, they will use something else, one boogeyman to the next. Trump will fade away one day and there will still be evils running rampant. We must face that it has NO FACE. No scapegoats to draw us to the finger, and not the moon. Not Russians, not terrorists, Bin Laden, not Communists, not orange man Trump. See it on a metaphysical level, I know this is your strength!

Being too mad is not healthy. Panic attacks are not healthy. Fear and anxiety for the future of the planet is not healthy. Ranting out at people that care about you is not healthy. In my humble and limited observance, I worry that the MSM anti-Trump propaganda is doing this to you. And it just saddens me to see.

I like ya, kid. I'm just watching out for you. Don't let the MSM dictate how you see me, or the rest of the world. Your eyes are too good.

If Trump is invading your meditations and visions, well how can that be healthy?

The Kitsune thinks he stinks too!! They are upset you keep dragging him around in your thoughts and dreams! :D

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