The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure

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The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure

Postby Masato » Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:46 pm

Hey all

This was WAY better than I expected.

This dude found a 4000 year old cuneifrom tablet that EXPLICITLY describes a story exactly as the story of Noah's Ark from the Hebrew bible, and the parallel tale of Gilgalmesh from even earlier.

What's more, the tablet describes IN DETAIL how to build the ark, the shape, length of rope, materials etc etc.

They gathered a team to build a scaled-down version of it, and tested it out.

Also, the dude is SUPER funny. One of the comments describes it "like monty python + archaeology." lol

I am most interested in this personally because I have become aware of an accumulating stack of evidence that the Great Flood story may indeed be factual.

Not only do we have multiple old stories of such an event (Noah's Ark, Epic of Gilgamesh, Plato's account of Atlantis, Native N & S American legends, etc etc)... but geology and archaeology is also repeatedly confirming the end of the ice age at approx 10,000BC, resulting in massive flooding and catastrophe.

The theory which continues to catch my attention is that civilized (perhaps even advanced) humans existed at that time, and were victims of the flood. (Destruction of Atlantis, water-erosion arguments around the Sphinx, underwater civilizations etc). But some survived, and of course would record and tell the tale. Hence these old legends.

Anyways great lecture, super smart and funny dude.


Irving Finkel | The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure

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Postby Luigi » Fri Aug 30, 2019 3:54 am

I watched the documentary on these guys back in the day. The boat they made was pretty cool. It was cool to see the waterproof tar stuff in real life. We always read about it in history. The Oriental Institute is an amazing institution with a very long history and because of it one of the best museums in the world is a random place in Chicago that nobody knows about. I have to visit one day.

On the flood story, the Hebrew version follows the Mesopotamian one so closely that there is no doubt they copied it, probably during the captivity. The Hebrew names are very distict though so its thought that the Hebrews had their own more simple flood myth before being exposed to the Mesopotamian culture. On the idea that the flood myths are a preserved culture memory from the end of the ice age, its an idea I always loved and its plausible, but some scholars doubt the myths would survive thousands of years in just oral transmission. Its not impossible though and actually there is some proof that ideas do last that long, for example archaeological artifacts of the Anatolian goddess Kybele are attested with the same attributes as early as the neolithic. However there is the legitimate criticism of occams razor: Mesopotamia has two giant rivers through it that often flood violently, the people there didnt need glacial melting to get these ideas.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:59 am

F'n Luigi FTW


Nice new sig banner too ! Care to expand? why did you choose these images?

Always a pleasure to peek into your mind, bud. U 1 smart fellow

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Postby Luigi » Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:12 am

Masato wrote:F'n Luigi FTW


Nice new sig banner too ! Care to expand? why did you choose these images?

Always a pleasure to peek into your mind, bud. U 1 smart fellow

Thanks bro! The figure on the far left is Väinämöinen, which I chose not only because of my beliefs relating to Finnish folk beliefs but also because I see him as a manifestation of the wandering wiseman archetype with which I feel a deep personal connection. To the right of my name is one of my favorite boxing prospects, Andrew Moloney. There are prospects with much more hype but Andrew fights at superfly, my favorite weight class right now and his twin brother is also an elite prospect. He replaces Carl Frampton in my last sig, who has ducked Rigo for too long to keep his spot in the sig. To the right of that is a design based on a song based on modern poetry based on Finnic folk poetry. The important imagery is Ukko's hammer/axe, lightning, honeycomb, and cosmic/solar/infinite imagery with Nordic artistic styling. I picked it because it reflects my worldview and looks awesome. To the right of that, a Sumerian elaborately decorated copper dagger. I wanted a cool Sumerian thing to replace the Eanatum relief from my last sig and I picked the copper dagger because I had seen them depicted in art for years yet somehow I hadn't seen pictures of the perfectly preserved one from the Iraq museum until this year. To the right of that, fanart of Zero from Megaman X. This is basically an upgrade of my last sig which also had art of Zero. I picked the X series of the many I could have picked to show my love of gaming because its from that golden 90s era, is badass and is popular enough that the internet is full of fanart. To the right of him is one of my favorite kick fighters, French-Croatian nak muay Rafi Bohic, who returns from my previous sig. Rafi was never the flashy guy who looked like he would become the best but he was persistent and puts in the struggle of Thailand life, and after years he is finally reaping the rewards. Not long ago he TKO'd the great champion Chamuaktong with leg kicks, showing he has truly risen to the world level. I hope his career continues to go well, Ive been a fan for a long time. To the right of him is X from Megaman X, same reason as Zero.

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