Plot Twist: Astrology is Real

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Lester Burnham
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Re: Plot Twist: Astrology is Real

Postby Lester Burnham » Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:47 pm

“They had this big … textbook of everything astrology, and they were like, ‘This describes my personality so perfectly — look what it says about you,'” Scroggins said. “I was caught off-guard, and I remember … I was like, ‘But how can this be true? If God created all of us and he made our personalities, how can a planet dictate my future or dictate my personality?'”

She said this was the first “seed of deception” the devil planted in her life, and her perspective started to shift. With her family friend stating God created astrology as a system “He put in order,” she started down what she now believes was a dangerous path. ... t-new-age/

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Postby Luigi » Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:31 am

Masato wrote:
Luigi wrote:
Masato wrote:
What does the name (word?) 'El' mean to you, Luigi?

Its the same word every Semitic language uses for "god", and in Hebrew meant specifically the supreme god of the Hebrew pantheon, before he was synchronized with Yahweh. You're sure to recognise the form the word has taken in Arabic, illah, in the compound Al-illah(the god), contracted to Allah. In Akkadian its illum, likely not far off from the proto-Semitic root word which was only about a millennium removed from our first Akkadian records. Not sure if I ever discussed it here but the evidence is fairly compelling that the Sumerian supreme god Enlil is actually a reinterpretation of the writting EN.lil which originally encoded Illil, itself likely derived from an unattested prehistoric name il illim, literally "God of Gods."

DUDE your knowledge of this stuff is awesome and uncanny.
Thanks for sharing, I wish I had the understanding to make better conversation with you about it.

The best part about not knowing much about something is you get to experience the fun of learning it. If you ever have the spare time dont feel daunted by starting a deep dive research project. I think I have a few going in the sanctuary where I have only scratched the surface but one day when I get the time will really get into.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 12, 2023 12:25 pm

One interesting thing I remember when talking to my wife's friend in Brazil;

I knew a little bit about CHAKRAS, as I'd taken a meditation course once that was quite centred on the concept of chakras...

Anyways there are supposedly 7 Chakras, each representing a different part of ourselves/our psyche;

For example (I am not an expert); 1. Base chakra is basic/primitive needs, 2. the next is pelvis/sexual/pleasure, 3. the next is belly/our gut feelings and strength, 4. then the heart- love/compassion, 5. then the throat- communication, 6. then the head - mind and wisdom/3rd eye, and finally 7. ABOVE our head - connection to God/enlightenment.

I did not know about astrology, and she didn't know about chakras, so we both kind of tripped out when we realized that THEY MATCH;

The 7 planets in her astrology system ALSO REPRESENTED THE SAME THINGS, IN THE SAME ORDER. (or so it seemed when we talked, I should maybe look into it)

Is there a relation???? I had not heard of a connection between these 2 systems before, but the similarities seemed uncanny, at least during that discussion.

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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:58 pm

I'm getting a full reading from the Brazilian astrologer Thursday and Friday.

Thursday she does an interview, asks all kinds of questions. Then she plugs it into her calendar charts and delivers her findings on Friday. Or at least that's my understanding

Mrs Masato is paying for it to help her friend and to satisfy my curiosity :D

I will report the results. Looking forward to it

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