Occult City of ASTANA, Kazakhstan

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Occult City of ASTANA, Kazakhstan

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:25 am

Hey all

Just discovered this, it is blowing my mind. (thx to penxv for the lead...)

BORAT would have us think that Kazakhstan is a backwards place of primitive peoples and junky villages.


This may be so, but it does not address the capital city of ASTANA, which is anything but. Astana is a futuristic city built rich with Occult symbology, designed as a beacon for a New Secular World.


Is it coincidence the name is so close of an anagram to SATAN?? :D

*edit: this thread is in high parallel to THIS thread, which is based on one of my most favorite documentaries ever:

Let's explore!:

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:30 am

As the first new capital of the 21st century, the city of Astana in Kazakhstan has been received by many as a revolution in social architecture. Rising out of the barren steppe in the north of the country, this surreal capital represents the investment of billions upon billions of petrodollars; and features some of the most radical, revolutionary design the world has ever seen.

Not everybody is queueing up to welcome this city of the future, however. Critics and conspiracy theorists the world over have pointed out the rich occult symbology which seems so deeply ingrained into the aesthetics of Astana… and many are heralding this as the ‘Illuminati Capital of the World’.

Astana, Kazakhstan

Earlier this year I spent the best part of a month in and around Astana. I had heard nothing about the Illuminati theory then, and the city didn’t exactly strike me as a capital for the New World Order.

However, there is certainly something strange about Astana. While the central and business districts have been laboriously designed by some of the most prestigious architects in the world, this 15-year-old capital is still seriously lacking in residential zones. Even now, many government officials commute by plane from the old capital of Almaty. The result is the most elaborately futuristic ghost town you could imagine – and feels like walking onto the abandoned set for a 1970s sci-fi film.

The rich symbolism and peculiar structural design of Astana do raise certain questions… questions which are best answered by superimposing lightning effects over footage of the city’s more notable landmarks, as this clip by xlivescom so amply demonstrates.

I’m going to continue referring back to points made in this video clip as the report goes on; not because xlivescom is anything approaching an authoritative source of information, but rather because this video offers a concise summary of the dozens of Astana-Illuminati theories scattered across the Internet [1].

Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to the end of the video, I’m sure you get the point. While the feature certainly manage to highlight some bizarre features of the city, there is little here that can’t be understood better when you consider the history and context of Astana.

The White Tomb

Kazakh culture has its roots in nomadic traditions, and the majority of permanent settlements didn’t begin appearing here until relatively recently.

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-9-DRIn 1824 a band of Siberian Cossacks travelling across the Central Asian steppe stopped on the banks of the Ishim River, where they built what would later become an important fortress defending central south Russia. They named it ‘Akmolinsk’: the word for a Holy Shrine, translating literally as ‘White Tomb’.

The town grew into the 20th century, and Akmolinsk served as a pivotal rail depot around the time of the Russian Civil War. Under the Soviet Union Kazakhstan became a powerhouse of industry; factories, chemical plants, mining rigs and missile silos were built far and wide across the country, in addition to a number of notorious gulags.

Perhaps the cruelest of these camps was situated at Akmolinsk itself, and known as ALZHIR: the ‘Akmolinskii Camp for Wives of Traitors of the Motherland’.

Kazakhstan staked its independence after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990; a year later, they struck oil in the southern Caspian region.

The decision to move the nation’s capital from the heavily Soviet-influenced Almaty to the small northern town now known as ‘Ak Mola’, was taken by many as a gesture of defiance on the part of the Kazakh government… although official motives included Almaty’s risk of seismic activity, its proximity to volatile foreign borders and limited space for expansion.

The move became official on 10th December 1997; and the town of Ak Mola adopted the Kazakh title of ‘Astana’, meaning ‘Capital’.
The Great Architect

To return to the suspicions levelled by xlivescom in the video above, perhaps the strongest recurring theme is that of ‘sun worship’. While a naive observer may be justified in comparing the appearance of the Bayterek Tower to some kind of sun altar, it would nevertheless be a gross misunderstanding of the monument’s true meaning.

The Bayterek is Astana’s most enduring icon, with a design based on an ancient Turkic folk tale.

Like many of Astana’s landmarks, the tower was conceived by the renowned British architect Sir Norman Foster. The golden sphere represents an egg, the pillar the ‘tree of life’. This symbolism comes from the tale of Samruk, the ‘magical bird of happiness’: a mythical being common to Persian, Iranian, Armenian, Byzantine, and a range of Turkic traditions.

Personally, I don’t have an issue with sun worship anyway – of all the things you might care to deify, the sun strikes me as a fairly natural choice. Sun worship predates any other belief or teaching in the history of human culture, and the sun and eagle emblems serve as important, historical symbols of the Kazakh race. The conspiracy theorists would have us believe that the sun is a symbol of Lucifer, and the ultimate occult icon; but the sun was nourishing all life on this planet long before Christians had invented the notion of ‘Lucifer’.

However, the comparisons which can be drawn between Astana’s city centre and the traditional layout of a masonic temple are interesting to say the least.

The Ak Orda Presidential Palace sits in the East of the city centre, at the same position as the Grand Master’s chair. President Nazarbayev’s palace is flanked on either side by vast golden pillars, which correspond neatly with the twin pillars called ‘Joachim’ and ‘Boaz’ that stand on either side of a masonic temple.

Many masonic rituals require initiates to pass between these pillars, and those with a little imagination might suggest that placing golden pillars on either side of Astana’s central Nurzhol Bulevard allows for occult workings on a grand scale [2].

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-Masonic-SymbolismWhile the eastern station of a masonic temple is occupied by the Grand Master (whose wisdom is often associated with Divine Light), the western position is the realm of the Senior Warden. His duties are to preside over the Lodge at times of labour, and this position could be said to represent the soul; reflecting Divine Light in the same way that the moon reflects that of the sun [3].

It’s hard to draw a parallel between the apparent sun symbology of the Bayterek Tower and the moon associations which characterise the corresponding position of the masonic lodge. Unless of course we look even further west… considering the Bayterek as the mid-point of the temple then, at the far western end of Astana’s central plaza we find the Khan Shatyr leisure complex. I’m not sure that this is any easier to compare to the masonic position of Senior Warden though. Perhaps it’s fair to conclude that this masonic parallel is merely superficial and aethestic, rather than intended to serve as a functional reconstruction.

An annoted, overhead photo of the centre of Astana shows the layout more clearly, with the linear orientation of the Bayterek Tower, Nazarbayev’s Palace and the Pyramid of Peace in the far East. The graphic below comes from David Icke‘s website.


Another key point to consider might suggest that any similarities between Astana’s city centre and a masonic temple are no more than eccentric, provocative design: just a small amount of research into the history of freemasonry will reveal that the Craft was heavily persecuted by the Soviets; as well as remaining to this day strictly illegal in most of the Islamic world. I just don’t see it catching on in Kazakhstan, a predominantly muslim country which is still struggling to shake off the ghosts of its recent communist past.
The Eye in the Pyramid

That brings us to one of the more striking buildings on Astana’s skyline, the 77m tall pyramid known as the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation.

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-All-Seeing-EyeTheorists such as xlivescom tend to pick up on this one structure more than any other, when presenting Astana as the ultimate Illuminati capital. “Much more than being a tourist attraction,” they claim, the pyramid “is a representation of the philosophy of the initiates.” Further associations are drawn between the pyramidal design and the teachings of figures such as Pythagoras or even Manly P. Hall. While these include some interesting observations, it does not follow that Astana’s Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (or ‘Palace of Peace and Accord’ as it is sometimes translated) was necessarily built to embody these same esoteric ideals.

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-7-DRAs a design concept, it seemed no stranger to me than the Louvre in Paris or the Las Vegas Luxor Hotel… but then again, countless websites already argue the case for an Illuminati agenda behind those buildings too. It seems unacceptable to believe that an architect ever chose a pyramid design simply to create a dramatic effect.

A great deal of fuss is also made of the Palace’s interior, where the Kazakh congress meets around a circular ‘sun table’. Directly beneath this is the city’s new opera hall, and xlivescom notes with suspicion that the former is considerably more ‘luminous’ than the latter. Perhaps this genuinely does symbolise the path to godliness along which the Kazakh elite are treading… or maybe theatres simply work better when the house lights are turned off. You decide.

The pyramid’s apex is decorated with dove motifs. If you played the video to its end you’ll already know that these doves appear, “representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governments and religions in the NEW WORLD ORDER.” You will also note that the image of a sun appearing on the glass ceiling represents Satan, and not the actual sun itself.

As for the All-Seeing Eye in this pyramid, President Nursultan Nazarbayev himself seems an unlikely Illuminati pawn. This old-school Soviet joined the Kazakh Communist Party in 1962, working his way up to the position of First Secretary by 1989. He stands today as Kazakhstan’s first – and only – democratically elected president.

There have been many criticisms of Nazarbayev’s seemingly unshakable rule; a 2004 study by the Transparency International organisation declared Kazakhstan to be suffering from “rampant corruption”, and civil activists both inside and outside of Kazakhstan cite instances of “human rights abuses”.


The Nazarbayev family has been investigated in the past for allegations of money laundering, bribery and assassination, while former ministers of the Kazakh government claim Nazarbayev has accepted millions of US dollars in bribes, while discretely transferring at least $1 billion of oil profits into his personal account. None of these allegations have been proven however, and Nazarbayev continues to gain international regard for his work in dismantling former Soviet nuclear weapons, as well as pushing to see more women in government and politics.

It is worth noting that the former allegations couldn’t be further from the modus operandi of the theoretical Western Illuminati. Rather than a sophisticated and secretive cartel controlling society through the worlds of finance and media, Kazakhstan’s perceived problems have perhaps been more accurately surmised by references to a “Soviet bully-boy mentality”; for a more accurate parallel to this lavishly opulent capital built by a charismatic-yet-overbearing leader figure, one should look East rather than West; toward the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, for example.
A New World Order

One very good question which ought to be asked at this point, is why would a secret ruling elite put so much time and money into designing a capital city which reveals their purposes in such a spectacularly un-secretive way?

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-6-DRAs is often the case however, the conspiracy theorists have an answer for this as well.

“Externalisation of the Hierarchy” was the title of a 1957 book by British writer and theosophist Alice A. Bailey; put very simply, the ‘externalisation’ is the process by which the masses are gently prepared for the future, as those controlling the world from behind the scenes gradually make themselves known through increasingly explicit signs [4].

I never made it to the top of the Bayterek, and nor did I step inside the Palace of Peace and Accord. However, I did spend a lot of time getting to know the people of Astana, and seeing their city as they see it.

I visited a range of museums, restaurants and bars, and explored the extensive green park beside the Ishim River. The city has a lively nightlife, and much of the ex-pat culture in Astana is centered around the ‘Guns N’ Roses Pub-Grill’. The city’s modern entertainment complex is housed inside the Khan Shatyr, or ‘Khan’s Marquee’. This vast, translucent tent-like structure covers an area greater than 10 football stadiums, with floor upon floor of shops, entertainment venues and sports facilities. On the top floor of the Khan Shatyr, you’ll find a tropical beach – complete with real sand, convincing palm trees and a wave machine.

Khan Shatir (Giant Tent)


I even had the chance to take in a performance of ‘Coppélia‘ by the Kazakh National Ballet; the story of a young man who falls hopelessly in love with an automaton created by a cruel inventor, only to grow increasingly isolated from the real world around him. (Don’t worry, the irony wasn’t lost on me – this is Monarch Programming at its finest.)

Dark-Tourism-Illuminati-Capital-Astana-Kazakhstan-12-DRThere is a lot to like about Kazakhstan, and I really warmed to the Kazakh people. In my considered opinion, the seemingly blatant and oft-reported Illuminati symbolism of Astana is no more than the superficial veneer of an adventurous modern capital: Astana is what happens when an eccentric and powerful ruler hires a team of world famous architects to build the ultimate capital city on an unlimited budget.

Sir Norman Foster, Kisho Kurokawa and other architects involved in this multibillion dollar project have trawled through the history books for their inspiration, incorporating elements of Greek, Egyptian and Arabic design [5].

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:32 am

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:38 am

In 2017, Astana will host the WORLD EXPO, with an apparent theme of 'New Energy' being discussed/released

Here are some promotional vids for the event, with some concept artwork of more symbolism-rich architecture being planned:


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Postby Daglord » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:05 am


Daglord wrote:Villagers in Kazakhstan Are Falling Asleep En Masse for No Apparent Reason

Sleeping sickness traps Kazakh town in waking nightmare

The village that fell asleep: mystery illness perplexes Kazakh scientists

A town's residents will fall asleep suddenly for a period lasting from two to six days and wake up with memory loss


“We were at the parade of schoolchildren on September 1,” she continued. “My children are small, so we just went to look at the celebration. After that [two-year-old] Stanislav played outside in the yard, then he came home at about 4 p.m. and just fell down on his face. He couldn’t sit, he couldn’t stand. I tried to put him on his feet, but he was falling. His eyes were looking in different directions, as if he was drunk. It was so scary.”

“We need to escape now, there is no future for us here,” she said to the Siberian Times. ”Everyone is leaving. Many people have sent their children to relatives in other cities and villages. It is so scary. No one can explain us anything. We still do not know what’s going on. My children have not been outside since September. I am afraid to let them out.”

“My brain switched off,” he says. “That’s it. I don’t remember.” Kazachenko had been hit by the so-called “sleeping sickness” that is plaguing Kalachi, a remote village about 300 miles west of the country’s capital Astana.

The mysterious illness has sent residents into comas, sometimes lasting days on end. “I was going to town on 28 August ,” Kazachenko told EurasiaNet.org, still disoriented by the experience. “I came round on 2 September. I understood [on waking up] in the hospital that I’d fallen asleep.”

120,000 endangered saiga antelopes die mysteriously in Kazakhstan

more than 120,000 critically endangered saiga antelopes — more than one-third of the worldwide population — have died in Kazakhstan since mid-May, and the cause of the “catastrophic collapse” is unclear.


Pasteurella and Clostridia bacteria exacerbated the die-off, but they are not lethal unless the animal already has a weakened immune system, so experts are still trying to identify the underlying cause, CMS said.

Die-offs are not unusual among saigas, which largely live in Kazakhstan and are recognized for their bulbous, flexible noses that warm up freezing air and filter out dust, CMS said. A 2010 event killed 12,000, and a 1984 event killed about 100,000, it said, although the causes of those mass deaths “could not be conclusively identified.”



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Postby Daglord » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:10 am

Daglord wrote:Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan

Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents where the world is headed. It is truly one man’s vision: Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan (yes Borat’s country, I know). Backed by billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of the Asian steppes. The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the most ancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that are already completed already sum up Nazarbayev’s occult vision.


Conceived by Britain’s most prolific architect, Lord Norman Forster, this giant pyramid is an odd presence in the middle of the Asian Steppes. The building is dedicated to “the renunciation of violence” and “to bring together the world’s religions”. Norman Foster has said that the building has no recognizable religious symbols to permit the harmonious reunification of confessions. In reality, the pyramid is a temple for the occultist’s only TRUE religion: Sun worship. A journey inside this building is a truly symbolic one. It represents each human’s path to illumination. Let’s take the tour.

The Opera House (Basement)


Underground Opera House. Despite the darkness, a huge image of the sun occupies almost all of the ceiling.

The Midsection


Around the Sun Table
Right on top of the opera house is the central space of the pyramid. It acts as the meeting room for conferences reuniting religious leaders of the world. Take a minute and soak up the symbolism here. You have religious leaders from around the world sitting around a huge figure of the sun, discussing how to reconcile their differences for the coming New Age. The symbolism is blatant: all these theologies are simply outgrowth of the original object of worship: the Sun.

This space is much more luminous than the opera house, representing the progress towards illumination. The sun image in the middle of the round table is exactly on top of the sun of the opera house. So while the general population is being entertained in the darkness of the material world, the illuminated, sitting right on top of them, are contemplating how to reach godliness.


Contemplating Godliness
If you read other articles on this site, you might be aware of the objectives of the New World Order. One of them is the replacement of all religions by a form of neo-paganism. This is what those meetings are for. The city of Astana is truly a city of the New World Order.

The Apex


The apex is literally heavenly. It is round, totally windowed and bathing in glorious sunlight. Images of white doves are embedded in the windows, representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governments and religions in the New World Order. The apex is the ultimate representation of the achievement of illumination, on an individual and on the worldly level.

Look at the ceiling of the apex:


The solar deity is shining upon the illuminated. Beautiful.

The pyramid’s divisions (the lower dark opera house, the middle conference room and the godly apex) embody the Pythagorean vision of the world. Pythagoras’ teachings are thoroughly studied in today’s occult societies.


In other words, this pyramid, much more than being a tourist attraction, is a representation of the philosophy of the initiates. As Dan Cruikshanks rather cryptically said in his documentary, it is a “representation of the power to come”.



Also designed by the distinguished British architect Sir Norman Foster, the monument is meant to embody a folktale about a mythical tree of life and a magic bird of happiness. The bird, named Samruk, had laid its egg in the crevice between two branches of a poplar tree. The egg – the golden globe at the top of the monument – represents, once again, the Sun, the Supreme Deity.

This “tree of life”, represents the channel through which spirits go to leave the material world and join the divine world. This concept is a recurrent in most (if not all) esoteric societies.

Inside the Golden Globe

Visitors can go at the top of the tower and get a wonderful view of Nazarbayev’s city. There are also some strange items to look at.


Inside the globe we find this enigmatic “thing”. It’s a golden triangle with president Nazarbayev’s handprint in it. Why? I honestly don’t know. All I can say is that it looks like something out of the movie Total Recall.

Bata Composition


It is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations. Yes, once again, talking about uniting all religions into one for the NWO and all of that.


Masonic Pillars


Two pillars and one in between, further away. Is there a chance that this may be Masonic symbolism?


Yes, the twin golden pillars represent the two pillars of Masonry named Boaz and Jachin. I won’t go into the whole symbolism behind those pillars, but we can probably assume that Nazarbayev is a “Free and Accepted Mason”.

Presidential Palace


Placed in a commanding position in the city, the Presidential Palace sits at the end of a ceremonial route which starts with the Bayterek tower. A big fat dome sits on top of the palace, representing the female principle, in opposition to the phallic Bayterek tower – the male principle. This layout is present in almost all important cities, including Washington DC and Paris.

Khan Shatyry Entertainment Center (The World’s Biggest Tent)


This unfinished oddity is designed, once again, by Sir Norman Foster (he basically designed the whole city). Underneath the tent, an area larger than 10 football stadiums, will be an urban-scale internal park, shopping and entertainment venue with squares and cobbled streets, a boating river, shopping centre, minigolf and indoor beach resort. It has been said that this structure is made to look like a tabernacle, on par with the Temple of Solomon.

These portable places of worship, composed of tents, were used by Jews during biblical times. Initiates attribute to these ancient settlements an esoteric meaning.

Coming Soon in Astana

Astana is still under heavy construction, but there are some truly amazing projects in the works. Here are some of them.



To Conclude

As members of the world elite are fulfilling the conditions required to unite the world into a single government, they are scattering all over the world symbols of their power. The fact that the general population have no idea what those structures represent is exactly the reason why their plans go forward unquestioned and unnoticed. But those plans have been here for ages now. Manley P. Hall wrote in 1918:

Mob is equal to democracy, church is equal to religion and state is equal to countries. In other words, before men can live in harmony, we have to abolish democracy (because the mass is too dumb), religions (because they are superstitions) and states (because we need one world government).

Sound good doesn’t it? Only one catch. When this will happen, most of the world population will be dead. On that note, have a nice day.



Daglord wrote:Astana: The Illuminati Capital of Kazakhstan

As the first new capital of the 21st century, the city of Astana in Kazakhstan has been received by many as a revolution in social architecture. Rising out of the barren steppe in the north of the country, this surreal capital represents the investment of billions upon billions of petrodollars; and features some of the most radical, revolutionary design the world has ever seen.
Not everybody is queueing up to welcome this city of the future, however. Critics and conspiracy theorists the world over have pointed out the rich occult symbology which seems so deeply ingrained into the aesthetics of Astana… and many are heralding this as the ‘Illuminati Capital of the World’.

Earlier this year I spent the best part of a month in and around Astana. I had heard nothing about the Illuminati theory then, and the city didn’t exactly strike me as a capital for the New World Order.
However, there is certainly something strange about Astana. While the central and business districts have been laboriously designed by some of the most prestigious architects in the world, this 15-year-old capital is still seriously lacking in residential zones. Even now, many government officials commute by plane from the old capital of Almaty. The result is the most elaborately futuristic ghost town you could imagine – and feels like walking onto the abandoned set for a 1970s sci-fi film.

The rich symbolism and peculiar structural design of Astana do raise certain questions… questions which are best answered by superimposing lightning effects over footage of the city’s more notable landmarks, as this clip by xlivescom so amply demonstrates.
I’m going to continue referring back to points made in this video clip as the report goes on; not because xlivescom is anything approaching an authoritative source of information, but rather because this video offers a concise summary of the dozens of Astana-Illuminati theories scattered across the Internet.
Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to the end of the video, I’m sure you get the point. While the feature certainly manage to highlight some bizarre features of the city, there is little here that can’t be understood better when you consider the history and context of Astana.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:18 am

^ nice! I didn't connect it with your other thread

This is VERY weird.

Great place to live when the 'civilized' world all goes to shit, lol

images are not showing in your quote though...

Amazing topic of intrigue

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:30 am

The soviets aren't part of the illuminati/freemasonry?

Sorry, that's inaccurate imo.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:42 am

^ good catch

This is right inside the fuckin Kremlin (eye in the pyramid/sun symbology):


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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:50 am

Here is something really creepy:

a HAND print in a pyramid atop one of the main structures.

Look out the window, it is aligned perfectly with the symbolic architecture of the city design:



This is what you see when your hand is on it:


Stuff I've read says its the hand of the PM/Pres of Kazakhstan, but I don't think so. I also doubt it is merely symbolic, this is for some kind of ritual it would seem. (for the Maitreya? :shock: )

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