Occult City of ASTANA, Kazakhstan

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Occult City of ASTANA, Kazakhstan

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:07 pm

Compare Astana:


with Washington DC:


(will try to find better photos later)

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:48 pm

Some screengrabs from the video that didn't link:












Video maker makes the suggestion that this pattern is reflected in a specific astrological constellation:


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Postby Masato » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:22 pm

I have recently been reminded of this thread, as I have been trying to learn about the KHAZARS, or Khazarians of history.

There are some weird theories that the Khazars were some kind of Satanic empire, then suddenly around 800AD all converted to Judaism. Some Tinfoilers believe that this sect of crypto-jews were behind Bolshevism and all the other quasi-satanic behavior that such tinfoilers see today in extreme Zionist/Neocon/Occult circles of power.

Well if there is any merit to these stories, it is interesting to see that this super-modern and OBVIOUSLY Occult/Masonic city, absolutely riddled with such symbolism, would exist in the same place, in a country whose name KAZAKHSTAN would seem to be derived from Khazar..?

Just some thoughts

Here is the leader of this country, Nursultan Nazarbayev

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Postby Masato » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:59 pm

This history of the Khazars is really interesting... if I get more info maybe I'll start a thread, for now I'm just listening

For now I am getting 2 stories;

1. There was these Khazars who for some reason all converted to Judaism because of this King Bulan guy
2. This story was concocted much much later, so that Jews in this region (+ Russia) would be allowed to get into banking again. According to this version Jews at the time were not allowed to bank because their ancestors killed Jesus or something like that. Someone brought out this Khazarian tale saying, 'look, we're not descendants of those peoples, we were Turks/Khazars who were converted'. Which is interesting because if this is so, then most modern era Jews from Europe/Russia really have no ancestral ties with the 'Holy Land' at all. Something about Yiddish coming from this root, different than Hebrew

As I said however I'm just scratching the surface, getting some general impressions of the topic. Any history geeks in here (and I know we have several :D) who have some pieces to this puzzle please post.

What do you think that the current name of Kazakhstan may be derived from a Khazar root name? What do you think of the tales that the Khazars were Satanic/Occultish in nature? And if you can go that far, what of Astana being this semi-secret but obviously super-wealthy occult city in this same region?

They talk of the 'Khazarian Mafia'... 'Synagogue of Satan'... Rothschilds are rumored to be part of this mafia, etc ("...who say they are jews but are not jews", etc to paraphrase some biblical prophecy) Apparently the Khazars had some twisted religion where they would find redemption through deliberate sinning or something (sounds like Rasputin)

Good rabbit hole imo, I've listened to a few lectures on the topic including a few from some rabbis and its still a foggy picture at best


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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:43 am

Holy shit, the city is no longer called ASTANA.

It is now called Nur-Sultan, named after the departing Kazakh president, Nursultan Nazarbayev.


Here is the dude they named it after, apparently he was behind the creation of the city and was in charge when all the occult masonic symbolism was constructed:







He also supposedly now has the coronavirus:
https://astanatimes.com/2020/06/kazakhs ... ronavirus/

That's pretty trippy, no? To build this super modern and OBVIOUSLY masonic/Occult city in the middle of fucking Kazakhstan, and then have it named after you?

I wish I was better at anagrams, I thought it was weird considering the ideas in this thread that ASTANA was almost a perfect anagram for SATAN, lol but what can be made out of the letters of Nur-Sultan ? :D :D

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