Masato's True Acid Stories

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Masato's True Acid Stories

Postby Anti D » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:23 am

I was going to try to add to this today. Did you experiment with different kinds of hallucinogens/psychedelics or just LSD?

If so did you notice many differences no matter how subtle and which one was your favorite?

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:37 pm

^ not many... Just acid and mushrooms. did E a few times but wasn't memorable for me. I am very curious about Ayahuasca, and under the right conditions peyote.

I enjoyed mushrooms but somehow was never as comfortable on them. Its sort of like a hyper example of the difference between sativa and indica (mushrooms being the indica - less cerebral, more heavy)

1 difference I will swear by is that mushrooms are better for OUTDOOR trips. Go camping, out in nature etc and acid will not be right, mushrooms connect to that shit wonderfully. Reversely, I don't think its wise to do mushrooms in the city. LSD is right at home with the artificial/man-made.

Also, to be completely honest I am not even 100% sure that what I was taking was in fact real LSD. We would get it off the street with no info on the source. Sometimes it was crap and didn't work, other times a real messy kind of high, other times I'd get physical reactions. Likely at least some of the stuff was street-shite or a mix of other chemicals to pass off as acid.

Other times the high was so pure and clean I suspected it must have been the real deal.

If I were to ever do it again I would want to make absolute sure it was pure and know exactly who made it and where. I would also be picky to find it in liquid form as opposed to the blotted paper (I never saw the sugar cubes)

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Postby SRBrant » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:26 pm

Well, certain chemicals can open up hidden forms of perceptions, though I do not want to discredit myself with psychedelics, let alone screw up my brain chemistry.

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Postby Som-Pong » Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:50 am

I love shrooms. Whenever I go down to the islands I always end up staring at the ocean for hours on end. Only time I ever get tanned lol

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:40 pm

OK here are some more before I go...

Som's mention of connected consciousness will inspire these ones.

They deal with possible MAGIC POWERS! :shock:

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:47 pm

True Acid Tale #3


I am tripping on the idea of different consciousness overlapping. I am getting strong psychic intuitions from people... All I have to do is focus on someone and I get a very clear wave of what it 'feels like' more or less to be that person.

I decide of all places to go into Eaton's Centre (which is a huge underground mall right downtown). TONS of people.

I go into the Food Court, and decide to experiment;

I would focus on a single individual at random; someone about 50 feet away. I would try to contact the person's consciousness.

I don't think I did this for long, but I do remember vividly one time it worked. I chose some dude across the whole food court (which was PACKED, I mean really packed), and felt a definite sensation that I had tapped his mind. IMMEDIATELY he started acting strange and looked RIGHT AT ME from across the sea of people. I mean in less than 1 second his eyes spanned perhaps a few hundred people, right to me sitting inconspicuously 50 feet away.

I get a psychic yell like; 'Get out of my head!'', so I break the connection and leave.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:56 pm

True Acid Tale #4

OK this is perhaps one of the strangest.

There are 2 different stories here, but they share the same phenomenon so I will put them together.

The first time this happened was on the epic 7-hit trip with crazy punk girl. This is AFTER the sunny island hallucination. We are tripping balls, and it is raining hard. We are wet.

I had JUST scored a summer job at a college in North York, and since I was coming from BC they agreed to give me a room in the college Residence until I could find my own place. BUT the residence has a SECURITY DESK, and RULES. They have to buzz you in, etc... and there is a no visitors rule after hours.

We are soaking wet, and the girl is starting to fall apart. I go back to the residence to get dry, change into some clean clothes, and re-stock.

We get into the lobby, and there is the daft old lady who works the security desk. Both me and crazy punk girl look like shit, and I am so high I can barely speak. Security Lady is saying something about no visitors, and I don't know what to do.


Somehow I instinctively say a little prayer, or ask my 'angels' or whatever to help me. AS SOON as I do.... Security Lady bounces out of her seat and gets sucked down a hallway. lolol.. To my eyes it was FAST, like when you hit FF on a VCR. She just went 'blip-bloop' and she was GONE.

The door into the residence is somehow UNLOCKED, and we go inside.

We get to my room, change into dry clothes, grab whatever supplies we can find, and leave again to go finish the trip, as we both totally did not feel safe in the residence.

No one ever asked me about it, nor do I remember seeing Security Lady again.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:00 pm

True Acid tale #5

The Second manifestation of this 'power':

Kitchener, ON. I am walking up King st at 2 or 3am. I'm on a high dose and am tripping wildly. I also 2 100-hit sheets of acid in my backpack, which is a major amount (I was planning to sell em to get to BC)


2 Cops get out, both men. I am so high I cannot even speak. I can't comprehend language. Everything is totally wacko and there is no way in hell I can communicate with these cops. I remember I have the drugs in my backpack and realize I am in big trouble here.

I say the little prayer again, and IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS BEFORE, the 2 cops go 'blip-bloop' and do an about-face back into their cruiser and drive away. Again, this happened FAST, like FF on a VCR. Zzzzip! Vroom! they are GONE.

What is this??

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Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:31 am

True Acid Tale #6

Victoria, BC. Summertime.

A good friend of mine and I were living on opposite ends of the city... a few hours' walk, but a beautiful one. We decide to dose at this basement pad of a house I was renting, and enjoy tripping as we make the trek to his place, taking the most scenic and enjoyable route possible. We hang out listening to music and bullshitting, I try to get him to appreciate the Beastie Boys, etc while we wait for the trip to kick in. Eventually it does, and we start to trip just being in my apartment, having fun.

Soon we remember the plan, and pack up our stuff and head out.

Its a beautiful day and the trip goes great. We walk through parks and beaches and fields and cool neighborhoods, bridges and gardens, traffic, artwork, etc etc.
Conversation is smooth and productive, many great ideas explored.

Awesome trip.

We eventually make it across the city, and stumble up to his place, exhausted... and quite satisfied by the intense journey.

Then we realize its only been 3 hours, and we will both be high for at least another 5 or 6.



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Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:45 am

True Acid Tale #7

The next 2 tales revolves around psychic HOMING DEVICES! :D

*For both of these stories there exists a very possible rationalization. However my experience was of a different nature. Choose your poison.

There were 2 instances, when I was lost and too high to really navigate properly, that I would just THINK about a place, and trust that I would gravitate to it. Both times it worked, but both times also I had only been to once, and was quite new to the terrain.

The first time was on the night I took 7 hits with that girl. As I said I was completely new to this part of the city, I had just arrived to begin a summer job. We had already snuck into the residence I was staying at to get dry, but also at I said we had decided not to stay there. So we left, quite aimless what we were planning to do or where we were gonna go.

Go we just keep walking, its like 2am, and we're both getting pretty beaten. The high is crazy, and we're starting to break down. But nowhere feels comfortable to rest. Then I get a flash of this Irish dude who I had met the previous day who I was to be working with for the summer. I THINK somehow I had been to his place once, though I can't remember the circumstances.

Anyways, I get an instinct that we should go to his place for rest, though I have no idea where I am or how to get there. So I just THINK about it, and let me feet do the walking.

Somehow, maybe less than an hour later, we arrive at his doorstep. I don't remember ever looking or thinking for directions or orientation... I just remember following my feet and trusting they would take me there.

He was awake, listening to his Dad's old irish records. upon seeing us (the girl was FINISHED, lol) he lets out a big hearty laugh that I will never forget. Instantly all woes were lifted, I had found sacred ground.

'Bell's Theorem', if I grasped the idea correctly, proposes that the universe AS A WHOLE, is conscious, and that such consciousness is 'non-local' and can exist at once over even astral distances. I wonder if what I experienced had anything to to with this.

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