Question for freaky Occult-based CT people

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Question for freaky Occult-based CT people

Postby Masato » Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:38 pm

OK you prophecy-loving metaphysical mofos...

Is Hillary Clinton the 'Harlot' of Revelation?

Is she the 'Whore of Babylon'?

Full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth.

17:1 "...the great whore that sitteth upon many waters."

17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication

17:3 I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


17:15 And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:40 pm




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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:43 pm

Various artworks depicting the 'Whore of Babylon':





[img] ... hore_2.jpg[/img]


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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:47 pm



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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:50 pm

I don't know about all this prophecy stuff, whether its real or not, or if we are self-fulfilling it... the stories surrounding Israel for example are very hard to dispute connections with such ancient texts and legends...

Regardless, Hillary Clinton is as evil as you can fucking get, and the thought of her as POTUS, with all her CFR friends and Bill already in power once (imagine what they have leanred to do it again), + her clear devotion to AIPAC, Rockefellers, Kissenger, etc

O my God you couldn't ask for a more wicked Whore of Babylon to ride that beast right in

I would post comical and insinuating photoshops of her, but in all honestly I cannot stand to look at her face, it makes me ill

Lego Whore of Babylon FTW

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Postby robbstar » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:28 pm

I am loving this thread. She is a cunt of the highest order. History always repeats! She may signal the end, Chinese hating, Israel loving, money loving, lying mother fucker. Oh I have just described a standard western politian.

Hilary yet another political leader in the pockets of the corporations possing as a...... Of the people.

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Postby IDL » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:17 pm

I'd wager that the whore of babylon isn't a person at all. Maybe it is America?

I think the prophecies are indeed self fulfilling, a sort of roadmap. And they are allegorical.

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Postby IDL » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:20 pm

robbstar wrote:I am loving this thread. She is a cunt of the highest order. History always repeats! She may signal the end, Chinese hating, Israel loving, money loving, lying mother fucker. Oh I have just described a standard western politian.

Hilary yet another political leader in the pockets of the corporations possing as a...... Of the people.

You have described politicians around the world, not just Western. Although I don't know about Chinese hating in this case. Chinagate was under the clintons and has to do with transferring technology to the Chinese.

China is viewed favorably by the globalists and it is a model system. They are deliberately building China up.

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:59 am

I have wondered about this, if we take Revelations literally, which is only one interpretation, she certainly fits most of the criteria. Somehow I just don't see Hillary as the temptress or siren though, and I've always thought that the WOB was a fairly attractive seductress. But maybe that's just me. That being said, she does fit a lot of the criteria. The fact that she seems to have failed makes me wonder though, maybe Merkel is the WOB, or maybe she hasn't appeared yet, but Hillary is certainly an interesting possibility.


It's worth noting Aleister Crowley's interpretation of the WOB, in his religion the whore simply became BABALON, sometimes also the scarlet woman. I always felt that she represented an archetype rather than a real person, Crowley had several Scarlet Women in his time, but none were actually BABALON.

"17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: "



Babalon as depicted in the card "Lust" in the Thoth Tarot deck.Interesting to note that in Crowley's Tarot Deck of 78, she is one of the 22 "Trumps".

The office of the Scarlet Woman

Although Crowley often wrote that Babalon and the Scarlet Woman are one, there are also many instances where the Scarlet Woman is seen more as a representative or physical manifestation of the universal feminine principle. In a footnote to Liber Reguli, Crowley mentions that of the “Gods of the Aeon,” the Scarlet Woman and the Beast are “the earthly emissaries of those Gods.” He then writes in Commentaries:

It is necessary to say here that The Beast appears to be a definite individual; to wit, the man Aleister Crowley. But the Scarlet Woman is an officer replaceable as need arises. Thus to this present date of writing, Anno XVI, Sun in Sagittarius, there have been several holders of the title.


Crowley gives her a number, 156.

Babalon in the Book of Lies

The 49th chapter of Crowley's Book of Lies, called "Waratah-Blossoms", is dedicated to Babalon:

Seven are the veils of the dancing-girl in the harem
of IT.
Seven are the names, and seven are the lamps beside
Her bed.
Seven eunuchs guard Her with drawn swords; No
Man may come nigh unto Her.
In Her wine-cup are seven streams of the blood of
the Seven Spirits of God.
Seven are the heads of THE BEAST whereon She
The head of an Angel: the head of a Saint: the head
of a Poet: the head of An Adulterous Woman: the
head of a Man of Valour: the head of a Satyr:
and the head of a Lion-Serpent.
Seven letters hath Her holiest name; and it is
This is the Seal upon the Ring that is on the Fore-
finger of IT: and it is the Seal upon the Tombs of
them whom She hath slain.


Here is Wisdom. Let Him that hath Understanding
count the Number of Our Lady; for it is the
Number of a Woman; and Her Number is
An Hundred and Fifty and Six.

Clinton Foundation got $156M from private donors while Hillary was secretary of state ... -1.2763117

Let him look upon the cup whose blood is mingled therein, for the wine of the cup is the blood of the saints. Glory unto the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, that rideth upon the Beast, for she hath spilt their blood in every corner of the earth and lo! she hath mingled it in the cup of her whoredom.

With the breath of her kisses hath she fermented it, and it hath become the wine of the Sacrament, the wine of the Sabbath; and in the Holy Assembly hath she poured it out for her worshipers, and they had become drunken thereon, so that face to face they beheld my Father. Thus are they made worthy to become partakers of the Mystery of this holy vessel, for the blood is the life. So sitteth she from age to age, and the righteous are never weary of her kisses, and by her murders and fornications she seduceth the world. Therein is manifested the glory of my Father, who is truth.

(This wine is such that its virtue radiateth through the cup, and I reel under the intoxication of it. And every thought is destroyed by it.

It abideth alone, and its name is Compassion. I understand by "Compassion," the sacrament of suffering, partaken by the true worshipers of the Highest. And it is an ecstasy in which there is no trace of pain. Its passivity (=passion) is like the giving-up of the self to the beloved.)

—The Vision and the Voice, 12th Aethyr, Aleister Crowley.



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Postby Winnson » Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:44 pm

Nah she's just a horribly evil cunt. As soon as I saw her as Bill Clinton's first lady, I knew she was rotten to the core.

She's just an opportunistic cunt, and she's worked really hard at it.

There is a special level in hell waiting for the likes of her and Soros, whom she loves!

Fuck that bitch. She is not worth your time or attention. The sooner she's gone from the public consciousness, the better it is for everyone.

Hoo boy do I fucking hate Hillary. What an evil witch.


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