Crimes of the British Empire thread

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Crimes of the British Empire thread

Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:11 am

Hey all

We STILL celebrate the fucking Queen in this country (Canada)... kids have her portrait in their schools, and our supermarket checkout aisles are flooded with magazines depicting this wretched family with praise and glory.

How few people understand that this family, and their 'claim' to royalty are among the most evil groups guilty of more crimes than almost anyone else in history. These people murdered millions, enslaved as many, occupied nations under violence, all in the name of their supposed 'nobility' of blood.

It is atrocious, and un-forgivable. Any remaining members of this twisted psychotic murderous family should be rounded up and hanged in all corners of the world, or they should renounce their royalty and empire immediately imo. How anyone can celebrate this shit is beyond absurd.

So this thread will be an archive to show people how fucking nasty they were, and hopefully will help inspire a lynching one day :D

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:15 am

Here is a good article to start:

Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire ... are_btn_tw

here are some quotes:

"...a book that exhumed one of the nastiest chapters of British imperial history: the suppression of Kenya’s Mau Mau rebellion. Her study, Britain’s Gulag, chronicled how the British had battled this anticolonial uprising by confining some 1.5 million Kenyans to a network of detention camps and heavily patrolled villages. It was a tale of systematic violence and high-level cover-ups."

"The British, declaring a state of emergency in October 1952, proceeded to attack the movement along two tracks. They waged a forest war against 20,000 Mau Mau fighters, and, with African allies, also targeted a bigger civilian enemy: roughly 1.5 million Kikuyu thought to have proclaimed their allegiance to the Mau Mau campaign for land and freedom. That fight took place in a system of detention camps."

One day in the spring of 1998, after months of often frustrating searches, she discovered a baby-blue folder that would become central to both her book and the Mau Mau lawsuit. Stamped “secret”, it revealed a system for breaking recalcitrant detainees by isolating them, torturing them and forcing them to work. This was called the “dilution technique”. Britain’s Colonial Office had endorsed it

Over some 300 interviews, she heard testimony after testimony of torture. She met people such as Salome Maina, who had been accused of supplying arms to the Mau Mau. Maina told Elkins she had been beaten unconscious by Kikuyu collaborating with the British. When she failed to provide information, she said, they raped her using a bottle filled with pepper and water.

She calculated that the camps had held not 80,000 detainees, as official figures stated, but between 160,000 and 320,000. She also came to understand that colonial authorities had herded Kikuyu women and children into some 800 enclosed villages dispersed across the countryside. These heavily patrolled villages – cordoned off by barbed wire, spiked trenches and watchtowers – amounted to another form of detention. In camps, villages and other outposts, the Kikuyu suffered forced labour, disease, starvation, torture, rape and murder.

“I’ve come to believe that during the Mau Mau war British forces wielded their authority with a savagery that betrayed a perverse colonial logic,” Elkins wrote in Britain’s Gulag. “Only by detaining nearly the entire Kikuyu population of 1.5 million people and physically and psychologically atomising its men, women, and children could colonial authority be restored and the civilising mission reinstated.” After nearly a decade of oral and archival research, she had uncovered “a murderous campaign to eliminate Kikuyu people, a campaign that left tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, dead”.

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:18 am

^ article also goes into detail about how much COVER UP was discovered.

Documents either classified or destroyed, facts falsified, etc etc.

Can you imagine at the height of the British Empire, the power they would have had to control the narrative of almost anything? They could screen what scholars are writing or publishing, what gets taught in schools and universities, what gets printed or not printed in the press.. etc etc etc. It is a nightmarish situation beyond Orwellian imo

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:24 am

“There is an enormous amount to be proud of in what the British empire did & was responsible for”
- David Cameron


"I do not admit a great deal of wrong has been done to black people of Australia. Higher grade race has come in & taken place" - Churchill


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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:39 am

The British had a long tradition of executing Indians 'guilty of mutiny' by blowing them to bits with canon fire.

The "Crawling Order" where the British made Indians crawl on all fours to go from one end of the street to the other

Britain's genocidal campaign against the Aboriginal people in Australia.

British soldier overseeing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs from Haifa, 1948. City to be given to Zionists.

British swept thousands of Palestinians into what they termed 'Arab Investigation Centres' to be tortured, 1936-39.

Britain sent 150,000 indentured labourers from India to South Africa. Like all non-whites, subject to racist laws.

The 'Madulla Massacre' of 1817, Sri Lanka. The British razed an entire village, men women and children slaughtered.



Palestinian village of Mi'ar being blown up by the British in 1938. It was completely destroyed, homes dynamited.

Millions of Biafrans made refugees due to Britain arming Nigeria to satisfy quest for cheap oil.

British occupation forces lamented as victims in Britain by press. Iraqis are the victims, not merchants of terror.

Gulags in Kenya. British hero Churchill decided fertile land should only be for whites. Forced 150,000 into camps.

Churchill's treatment of Indians was so bad he was compared to“Hitler” by British Sec. of State Leo Amery.

1090 Kenyans were hanged by Britain for opposing colonial rule which stripped the most fertile land from them.

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:39 am

Tribunal at The Hague finds Britain was complicit in the 1965 mass killings in Indonesia.
500,000-1 million died. ... sacre.html

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:42 am

And let us not forget their crimes in IRELAND. They still occupy N Ireland to this day

Britian's colonial police charging into terrorise Irish Catholics in Derry.
Awarded George Cross by Queen for bravery

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:45 am

Here is another good resource: ... h-century/

Information and photos/evidence of MASSACRE after MASSACRE, all over the world.

Long live the Queen :roll:

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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:57 pm

Some pages I found from children's book (propaganda)

I hope to find the rest of the book, this is all I found so far...





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Postby Masato » Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:02 pm

Yes, this is real:


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