Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

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Re: Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:50 pm

listening now... (FRAT - I threw in some pics to break it up)



I have always been a big fan of the Jason Bourne movies because it is a Hollywood version and fore structuring of what can be called MK Ultra fiction. Jason Bourne is a covert intelligence operative who survives an intense mind control “reprogramming” process to become a government assassin. After being shot while on an assassination mission, he forgets his identity and tries to rediscover his true past.

The super soldier mind control program in the series is called Treadstone. I couldn’t help but wonder if the name “Treadstone” is a cover for a covert ops program called “Gemstone” and alleged program where trained assassins were programmed to carry out numerous assassinations against leaders like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and John Lennon.

Bourne’s amnesia has always been central to the character’s story. The ex-black ops soldier has spent years trying to elude the authorities and uncover exactly how the CIA manipulated him.

And while the new film “Jason Bourne” includes several ripped-from-the-headlines details — austerity protests in Greece, a battle over cyber-privacy — Bourne’s memory loss seems more like the stuff of fiction. But it’s actually based on fact.

The CIA experimented extensively with brainwashing during the 1950s and 1960s, honing techniques that could force someone to kill, then have no recollection afterward. Code-named MK Ultra, the program involved some 149 separate experiments — many on unwitting Americans, including a Kentucky mental patient who was dosed with LSD for 179 days straight.

MK Ultra was officially launched in 1953 to develop better interrogation techniques, as well as to explore the possibility of creating a programmable assassin. The CIA also wondered if it would be possible to mind-control hostile foreign leaders, such as Fidel Castro.

Some 44 universities, 12 hospitals and three prisons helped out with the experiments, though many were apparently not aware they were working for the CIA. The spy agency sometimes funded the work through anonymous grants that the organizations believed were from private individuals. The institutions that did know “acted in good faith and with the belief they were aiding their government,” per a 1977 Senate report.

Project MK Ultra was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK Ultra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.

Although the CIA insists that MK Ultra-type experiments have been abandoned, there are many people who have come forward to say that there are subprograms that are training sleepers to carry out mass shootings and bombings as false flag events.


In conspiracy circles, there are always discussions about the timing of events, where they happen and why. Dates and other artifacts are discussed as a matter or record in order to understand whether or not an assassin or a perpetrator in a high profile shooting event has all of the earmarks of the lone nut assassin that has been programmed by a paramilitary or intelligence agency.

It is suspected that mind controlled assassins Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charles Manson, Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh, John Salvi, John Hinckley Jr., may have been mind-control victims.

One of the surviving “sleepers” is being released from prison, John Hinckley Jr. The timing of this is suspect and many worry that he could be activated again to do another job on another elected official.

Thirty-five years later, Hinckley has never expressed any guilt for the attempted murder of President Reagan, the maiming and eventual death of James Brady, or the wounding of D.C. Police officer Thomas Delahanty and Secret Service Tim McCarthy, one of only four agents in history to literally take a bullet for the president of the United States.

Instead, Hinckley called his act of horror “the greatest love offering in the history of the world.” He claims that he did it in the hopes of garnering the attention of a young Jodie Foster, the object of Hinckley’s stalker fixation.

John Hinckley, Jr. has never served a day in prison, and now never will. When he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, he spent his first several years exchanging letters with Ted Bundy and did all he could to reach out to Charles Manson. By the year 2000, he was routinely allowed unsupervised vacations from the hospital. Even after these privileges were revoked for his continued obsession, they were reinstated within a few years.

When the most aggrieved victim, Jim Brady, passed away in August of 2014, his death was ruled a homicide; there was hope that Hinckley would finally face justice, but the prosecutors declined to move forward.

Many editorialists have asked why he has been treated the way he has, why is he different and have questioned the timing of the release. In order to understand one has to dive into the story behind the story and understand conspiracy theory and how theory no longer applies here.

I know that today we find most Americans still stuck in what can be called the fairy land of perpetually immaculate American politics. As I have warned and as I have said that this notion is dangerous and if you look back into history we realize that no matter what political party you choose to identify with there is always a conspiracy or historic evidence that conspiracies exist and are also a part of American politics.

There really is no political party that can safely claim that they have been on the right or correct side of history.

When you open your mind to conspiracy history and mystical histories you will find that there are many patterns that always show up. These patterns can be identified by name association, numerological synchronicity, timing and execution and finally what is the outcome and who benefits from the planning of said conspiracy.

The standard account is that John Hinckley Jr was an unstable soul who randomly shot the president in another reenactment of the lone nut theory which was supposed to explain the murder of John F. Kennedy as evidence of prior insanity, John Hinckley Jr. was a known stalker of Jodie Foster.

Even though Hinckley’s communications with Foster had been forwarded to appropriate authorities all the way to the FBI, no restraint or surveillance was applied to him. He just happened to be in right place at the right time and was also able to fire six shots at the president and his entourage.

In Reagan’s first months in office, the insiders and political clique did not feel comfortable with him in the White House.

This is why theorists agree that Reagan was the target of a shadow government hit. The assassination attempt was botched in order to send a message to Reagan that he either participates in bringing about the New World Order or dies.

It was no secret that at first Reagan had no love for secret organizations within government. He was well aware of groups like the Trilateral Commission, and those with what can be called in conspiracy circles ties to the Illuminati.

According to Kitty Kelly’s biography on Nancy Reagan:

“It is safe to say that Nancy Reagan hated Vice President George Bush–the ambitious CIA spy and former CIA director who seized the presidency without an election. This hatred was certainly a motivation as effective as any truth serum. (Former CIA director Richard Helms, one of twenty Reagan/Bush White House officials convicted in the Iran-Contra cocaine-for-guns/NATO-stockpiles-for-cash scandal, testified to Congress the CIA successfully completed over 60,000 assassinations. Mind-controlled assassins (MK-ULTRA torture/psychology program) were just one of the CIA’s many underhanded specialties. Reagan and Bush’s Costa Rican embassy staff–including the U.S. ambassador-was expelled from that nation for the crime of importing cocaine into the USA. As head of the CIA, Bush was certainly one of America’s more ruthless government employees.)”

The question is how then did George H.W. Bush weasel his way into the Vice presidency? Reagan had stated publicly that he would never take Bush as his vice-presidential running mate. It has been rumored that Reagan was invited to a meeting with the Rockefellers in New York City where he was allegedly told:

“If you do not take my head of the Trilateral Commission’” (George H.W. Bush) “‘as your running mate, the only way you’ll see the inside of the White House is as a tourist.”

Many people saw trouble in the Reagan Whitehouse with the arrival of the ex CIA head.


After his assassination attempt in March of 1981, there has been the ever-present rumor that the Whitehouse was taken over and that Reagan became the puppet of George Herbert Walker Bush. Tucked somewhere in the memory holes of most Americans is the news report that was given by NBC News correspondent John Chancellor.

NBC news reported that the brother of the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted with the son of the man who would have become president if the bullet had killed Ronald Reagan. Chancellor reported that Scott Hinckley the brother of John Hinckley, Reagan’s assailant and Neil Bush had been scheduled to have dinner together the night after the attack.

Neil Bush, a land man for Amoco Oil, told Denver reporters he had met Scott Hinckley at a surprise party at the Bush home January 23, 1981, which was approximately three weeks after the U.S. Department of Energy had begun what was termed a “routine audit” of the books of the Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, the Hinckley oil company.

In an incredible coincidence, on the morning of March 30, three representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy told Scott Hinckley, Vanderbilt’s vice president of operations, that auditors had uncovered evidence of pricing violations on crude oil sold by the company from 1977 through 1980. The auditors announced that the federal government was considering a penalty of two million dollars. Scott Hinckley reportedly requested “several hours to come up with an explanation” of the serious overcharges. The meeting ended a little more than an hour before John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan. Although John Hinckley Sr. was characterized repeatedly by the national news media as “a strong supporter of President Reagan,” no record has been found of contributions to Reagan.

To the contrary, in addition to money given to Bush, a fellow Texas oilman, as far back as 1970, the senior Hinckley raised funds for Bush’s unsuccessful campaign to wrest the nomination from Reagan.

Furthermore, he and Scott Hinckley separately contributed to John Connally (Secretary of the Navy under President John F. Kennedy and shooting victim in Dallas) in late 1979 when Connally was leading the campaign to stop Reagan from gaining the 1980 presidential nomination. The Bush and Hinckley families, of course, would do better under a Bush presidency than it would under President Reagan.


It is not known how many newspapers chose to print this AP dispatch; it would appear that the Washington Post for one did not do so. The electronic media also do not appear to have devoted much attention to this story. It was reported and later ignored.

Once the cabinet had decided that there had been no conspiracy, all such facts were irrelevant anyway. There is no record of Neil Bush, George W. Bush, or Vice President George H.W. Bush ever having been questioned by the FBI in regard to the contacts described. They never appeared before a grand jury or a Congressional investigating committee. No special prosecutor was ever appointed.

Which is another way of saying that by March, 1981, the United States government had degenerated into total lawlessness, with special exemptions for the now ruling Bush family. Government by laws had dissolved. The silent coup had arrived and Reagan was held captive. He could speak up and die, or cooperate.

How did the story of Neil Bush meeting with Scott Hinckley get lost in the annals of history?


It was a matter of a diversion tactic.

The cameras were moved to a soap opera in the situation room when Secretary of State Alexander Haig on national television declared that “he was in control of the Whitehouse.”

“Constitutionally, gentlemen, you have the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary of State, in that order, and should the President decide that he wants to transfer the helm he will do so. He has not done that. As of now, I am in control here, in the White House, pending the return of the Vice President and in close touch with him. If something came up, I would check with him, of course.” —Alexander Haig

Haig made a hasty blunder and soon it was all over the news. Vice President Bush was in the air over Texas at the time of the shooting. John Hinckley Jr. allegedly fired the shots at Reagan. The bullet that entered Reagan’s body came within fractions of an inch of hitting President Reagan’s heart.

George Herbert Walker Bush was literally a heartbeat away from becoming the President of the United States. The relationship between George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan was never the same after that day and it seemed that the plans for the New World order were being implemented.

Reagan’s health deteriorated and it was believed that major decisions were made by George Herbert Walker Bush.

Now it doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to see that the relationship between the Hinckley’s and the Bush families were suspect. Jack Hinckley, John Hinckley’s father had contributed heavily to George H.W. Bush’s 1980 political campaign. Both Jack Hinckley and George H.W. Bush were Texas oil men. On the day of the assassination John Hinckley’s Older brother was scheduled to meet with Neil Bush.

George H.W. Bush would have benefited greatly if Ronald Regan was killed.

George H.W. Bush’s ties with the CIA and was the director throughout the 1970’s however we can trace his activities all the way back to the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Most Conspiracy history indicates that George Herbert Walker Bush, in addition to working for Zapata Offshore, may also have been a participant in certain covert operations of the US intelligence community.

Such participation would certainly be coherent with George’s role in the Prescott Bush, Skull and Bones, and Brown Brothers, Harriman networks. During the twentieth century, the Skull and Bones/Harriman circles have always maintained a sizable and often decisive presence inside the intelligence organizations of the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Office of Strategic Services, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

A body of leads has been assembled which suggests that George Bush may have been associated with the CIA at some time before the autumn of 1963.


By the time of the Kennedy assassination, official FBI documents surfaced where J Edgar Hoover was investigating a “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency,” and despite official disclaimers there is every reason to think that it was the same man who was vice president during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan.

George Bush’s role in both Watergate and the October surprise/Iran-contra complex should also be investigated. In the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon a protégé of Prescott Bush, was afraid that the documents would reveal the killers of John F. Kennedy.

The Iran Contra scandal was secret arrangement allegedly made by Bush in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran. The very activity that some conspiracy theorists believe allowed for the release of the Iranian hostages just before Ronald Reagan became president.

George Bush is demonstrably one of the most important protagonists of the Watergate scandal, and was the overall director of Iran-contra. Was he also a key figure in organizing an attempted coup against President Reagan?

Could it be that the CIA, with whom George Bush may have had a close association long before becoming its Director, wanted their man—Vice-President George Bush– in the White House instead of Reagan and used the pathetic Hinckley to do the job? The CIA, conspiracy theorists claim, played a part in the assassination of Kennedy and the removal of Nixon from the White House, so why not try it again?


Consider this…

John Hinckley had flown from Nebraska to Nashville in October 1980 with plans to assassinate President Jimmy Carter, but Nashville airport officials detained him when it was found he had three guns in his luggage. Amazingly, he was released with a fine after a mere five hours in detention, in a city where President Carter was expected. Hinckley also had links with the American Nazi Party and the Islamic Guerilla Army. A member of the latter group apparently warned the Secret Service of Hinckley’s plan to shoot Reagan two months before the shooting, but did nothing about it.

Forty-four days after the attempted assassination of Reagan, there was an attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II during a general audience in St. Peter’s Square in Rome.

During those forty- four days the man in charge of the United States was George Herbert Walker Bush. The man who fired the shot at the pontiff was Mehmet Ali Agca. Agca was trained by CIA operative Frank Terpil. Terpil of course is an old associate of George Herbert Walker Bush and knew Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin accused of killing Kennedy.

Furthermore, John Hinckley the father of John Hinckley Jr. was an official for World Vision Church, and organization whose missionaries were also CIA operatives. World Vision was an evangelical front for the CIA. World Vision “missionaries” were in contact with Jim Jones of The People’s Temple in Guyana –where over 900 people committed mass suicide. The massacre was seen as a mass mind control experiment as Jones was contacted by the so-called missionaries before the mass suicide ritual.


World Vision’s nefarious activities put them in the middle of several events where massacres take place. World Vision churches were responsible for espionage during the Vietnam War and were a crucial tool in Operation Phoenix where nearly 40,000 innocent civilians were murdered. World Vision also had representatives in the Cuban refugee camps recruiting anti-communist mercenaries namely Alpha 66 the notorious group from the CIA in the Bay of Pigs debacle.

A mysterious “double” of John Hinckley, Jr., a man named Richardson, followed Hinckley’s path from Colorado to Connecticut, and even wrote love letters to Jody Foster. Richardson was a follower of Carl McIntyre’s International Council of Christian Churches, (part of the World Vision international partnership.) and attended their Bible School in Florida. He was arrested shortly after the assassination attempt in New York’s Port Authority with a weapon, and claimed he intended to kill Reagan.

Mark David Chapman, the killer of John Lennon, was an employee of World Vision and worked at a Port Chaffee Refugee camp. Both Chapman and John Hinckley, Jr. were allegedly triggered by the book “Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Sallinger.

Salinger’s was employed by the United States Defense Intelligence agency, during and after World War II. His job was interrogating Nazi Intelligence officers and scientists about their mind control programs. Sallinger was responsible for the creation of the mind control program MK Ultra.

There is also a little known fact that John Hinckley Jr. attended the prayer vigil that was held for Lennon on December 14th 1980 in Central Park.


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/groundzeromedia/a2016-8-1

The fourth Jason Bourne movie came out recently. Bourne was a super soldier under mind control and beginning to recover his memories. One of the alleged MK Ultra mind control shooters, John Hinckley Jr. will soon be released after 35 years of being institutionalized. With the presidential election coming up, is a possible scenario playing out whereby one of the candidates are a possible target of assassination? On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis will be talking to the secret service agent who interviewed John Hinckley Jr,, John Carman about GEMSTONE REBOURNE.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:00 pm

The Gemstone File: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemstone_File

The Gemstone File is a conspiracy theory document attributed to Bruce Porter Roberts. In 1975, "A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File" appeared and is generally attributed to Stephanie Caruana. The "Key" is purportedly a synopsis of Roberts' documents that presents a chronicle of interlocking conspiracies, including claims that world events since the 1950s were shaped by suppressed information, the names of supposed shooters of President John F. Kennedy, and suggested connections between a number of political assassinations which occurred within a relatively short time frame. Authors James McConnachie and Robin Tudge called it "the original mega-conspiracy theory.


The Gemstone File proposes that Aristotle Onassis, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other prominent figures were involved in various schemes to forward a vast global conspiracy, involving the Mafia and corrupt politicians, brutal oil and drug cartels, rogue military operations, and more. It also posits that early in 1957, Aristotle Onassis had Howard Hughes kidnapped from his Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow; that Hughes suffered a massive brain injury during the forcible kidnapping, and that Hughes was subsequently a virtual prisoner of Onassis on Skorpios and injected regularly with morphine, while Onassis took over the operation of Hughes's considerable financial affairs, including airlines and U.S. defense contracting.

The Gemstone File portrays Onassis as the main force behind the election of John F. Kennedy as President, and subsequently, Kennedy's assassination in 1963. According to the documents, Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy in the JFK assassination plan and was linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, and to Mafia connections in New Orleans, with Jimmy Fratianno, Johnny Roselli, and Eugene Brading as the real shooters. The Gemstone papers claim that John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy were involved with the Mafia and Onassis, and when the Kennedy brothers attempted to break away, they were murdered.


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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:15 pm

I was always under the impression that Bush was an Oilman first & CIA second.

I now wonder if Zapata Oil was always a CIA front. Bay of Pigs?


Zapata Oil was formed by Bush & Former CIA staffer Thomas Devine.

“Their joint activities culminated in the establishment of Zapata Oil”



when Bush was picked to be director of the CIA in 1976, he testified to Congress that he had never worked for the CIA before. Of course, it did not make much sense to appoint a director who had no such background but Congress approved him anyway.


HRG Group: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HRG_Group#cite_note-14

According to a CIA internal memo dated November 29, 1975, Zapata Petroleum began in 1953 through Bush's joint efforts with Thomas J. Devine, a CIA staffer who had resigned his agency position that same year to go into private business, but who continued to work for the CIA under commercial cover. Devine would later accompany Bush to Vietnam in late 1967 as a "cleared and witting commercial asset" of the agency, acted as his informal foreign affairs advisor, and had a close relationship with him through 1975.


It was eventually released (in 2016)

CIA Releases Controversial Bay of Pigs History

Washington, D.C. October 31, 2016 - The CIA today released the long-contested Volume V of its official history of the Bay of Pigs invasion, which it had successfully concealed until now by claiming that it was a “draft” and could be withheld from the public under the FOIA’s "deliberative process" privilege. The National Security Archive fought the agency for years in court to release the historically significant volume, only to have the U.S. Court of Appeals in 2014 uphold the CIA’s overly-broad interpretation of the "deliberative process" privilege. Special credit for today’s release goes to the champions of the 2016 FOIA amendments, which set a 25-year sunset for the exemption: Senators John Cornyn, Patrick Leahy, and Chuck Grassley, and Representatives Jason Chaffetz, Elijah Cummings, and Darrell Issa.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:20 pm


just dropped on Feb 16th, 2018... could this be gaining steam??

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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:30 pm

take a minute & imagine if Trump was shot today & the shooter's family had long standing ties to the Pence family?

& Pence himself (& his father) was former CIA/"Deep State"?

& only a few days before, after a power struggle between Pence & Tillerson, Trump named Pence the head of his 'crisis management team' (in an unprecedented move) & Pence now has presidential authority in case of an emergency or "crisis"?

& Pence's son was scheduled to have dinner with the shooter's brother the night of the shooting?

& the motive for the shooting was given as wanting to impress a teenage movie star (when the shooter was 26)? the limo was parked 40+ feet away from the exit & around the corner and the shooter took a mysterious phone call on a payphone every day before the shooting?

& Pence took over the investigation, played dumb and/or dismissed the family ties & almost immediately declared no conspiracy, case closed?

& when the trial came, the shooter was defended by the CIA's top attorney of choice & the trial presided over by a CIA judge?





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Postby Daglord » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:15 pm

was this an attempt to normalize a homicidal obsession with Jodie Foster? I'm not sure if it even really happened...


A 22-year-old unemployed man armed with a .32-caliber revolver was arrested yesterday afternoon in the Port Authority bus terminal in midtown Manhattan on charges of threatening the life of President Reagan.
In that room, they said, they found the letter promising to carry out the assassination of the President, three .32-caliber bullets and several magazine photographs of President Reagan with X's drawn through his face.

Handwritten under the photographs, the agents said, were the words ''targeted for death.'' According to the agents, the letter threatening Mr. Reagan said, in part, ''I depart now for Washington, D.C., to bring to completion Hinckley's reality.''
The Federal agents said that the bullets and the other material were found in plain view on a night table in the room. ''We don't know if they were inadvertently left behind,'' said Dan Marchitello, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service office in Connecticut, ''or if he was trying to be stopped.''


Investigators are looking into similarities between two letters threatening...

NEW YORK -- Investigators are looking into similarities between two letters threatening the life of President Reagan, federal sources said Wednesday -- one allegedly written by a gunman arrested Tuesday and the other received by a magazine the day Reagan was shot.

An anonymous letter mailed March 25 from Grand Junction, Colo., and received March 30 by 'The Evangelist' magazine in Baton Rouge, La., contained wording almost identical to that of a letter found Monday that allegedly was written by Edward Richardson, the sources said.
Like Hinckley, Richardson allegedly was obsessed with teen-age actress Jodie Foster and is accused of following her to New Haven and sending her a letter that threatened her life and Reagan's.

Two letters -- the one similar to the threat sent to Baton Rouge and another expressing affection for Miss Foster -- were found in his New Haven hotel room.

Richardson and Hinckley both had relatives who lived in the suburbs of Denver, and both had visited them during March.


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Postby Daglord » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:25 pm

12:00 into this Frontline/Oct Surprise doc.

When Reagan's former rival George Bush became the Vice Presidential nominee, he brought with him strong support from the Intelligence community. within the spy agency itself, contempt for Carter & an endorsement of Bush were literally written on the walls.

Senate staffer Angelo (something) was a frequent visitor to CIA headquarters.

"There were Reagan/Bush posters cut off in the middle, with only the George Bush name up all over the agency. one could walk the halls of the CIA & see Bush signs & Bush's name all over the place. George Bush was the white knight of the CIA"


CIA also used Bush to oust Carter...

Bush’s ‘October Surprise’ File in Dispute


The National Archives is reconsidering its initial refusal to release Secret Service records regarding the whereabouts of George H.W. Bush on Oct. 19, 1980, when the then-Republican vice presidential candidate is alleged by some witnesses to have secretly traveled to Paris for illicit meetings with Iranian officials.

Gary M. Stern, general counsel for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), told me that a “serious review” is under way regarding my complaint that an earlier decision to withhold that information out of concern for the safety of Secret Service agents made no sense.

Stern said a decision is likely in the next couple of weeks, a time frame that suggests that Bush’s approval is being sought before any final decision is reached. Under existing rules, Bush could assert executive privilege to prevent a release, but that could be overturned by President Barack Obama or the White House counsel’s office.

For the past two decades, the senior George Bush has resisted releasing this information, even when it was sought by congressional investigators in 1992 as part of an inquiry into whether Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign went behind President Jimmy Carter’s back to delay release of 52 Americans then held hostage in Iran, the so-called October Surprise controversy.

Though redacted Secret Service reports were released in the early 1990s showing that Bush was taking that weekend off in Washington (with two non-public visits on Oct. 19, 1980), key details of those movements were whited-out, including the destination of an afternoon trip.

As the sitting president in 1992, Bush stopped the congressional investigators from checking out his presumed alibi, thus raising questions about whether some friendly Secret Service supervisor might have simply created false reports as a cover story for Bush’s trip to Paris. Under that scenario, Bush might have feared a full investigation would have uncovered the subterfuge.

Bush-41’s October Surprise Denials

For Bush, the emergence of this damaging scandal, which could have denied him his own shot at the White House, was time to test out his ability to “deny everything.” So, he denied knowing that the White House had been secretly running a Contra resupply operation in defiance of Congress, even though his office and top aides were in the middle of everything. Regarding the Iran arms deals, Bush insisted publicly he was “out of the loop.”

Behind closed doors where he ran the risk of perjury charges, Bush was more forthcoming. For instance, in non-public testimony to the FBI and the Iran-Contra prosecutor, “Bush acknowledged that he was regularly informed of events connected with the Iran arms sales.” [See Special Prosecutor’s Final Iran-Contra Report, p. 473]

But Bush’s public “out of the loop” storyline, more or less, held up going into the 1988 presidential election. The one time when he was directly challenged with detailed Iran-Contra questions was in a live, on-air confrontation with CBS News anchor Dan Rather on Jan. 25, 1988**.

The Enduring Mystery

The drawn-out dispute over Bush’s whereabouts on that Sunday in October 1980 now stretches over more than two decades, from when the Secret Service initially agreed to release only redacted copies of Bush’s travel records even to federal prosecutors and Congress.

Though most investigators both inside and out of government gave great weight to the Secret Service records vouching for Bush’s apparent presence in the Washington area that day, Bush’s refusal to fill in the blanks created suspicions that he might have gotten a friendly supervisor on the Secret Service detail to cook up some movements as a cover story.

Another part of Bush’s alibi for Oct. 19 a morning trip to the Chevy Chase Country Club previously collapsed when no one at the club recalled the visit and the account from Secret Service supervisor Leonard Tanis, who described a brunch also involving Barbara Bush and Justice and Mrs. Potter Stewart, turned out to be false.

Disproving Tanis’s account, Mrs. Bush’s Secret Service records showed her taking a morning jog along the C&O Canal, and Mrs. Stewart told me that she and her late husband never had brunch with the Bushes at the Chevy Chase club.

When questioned by congressional investigators, none of the other Secret Service agents on the detail recalled going to the Chevy Chase club at all. After his Chevy Chase story was debunked, Tanis a Secret Service official who was known to be personally close to Bush withdrew it

That left Bush’s supposed afternoon trip on Oct. 19 as his key alibi. But there were problems with that story as well.

Evidence of a Paris Trip

Contradicting the shaky Secret Service records were several accounts of a Bush trip to Paris on the night of Oct. 18, 1980, and into the day on Oct. 19.

For instance, I informed the congressional investigators in 1992 about contemporaneous knowledge of the Bush-to-Paris trip provided to me by Chicago Tribune reporter John Maclean, son of author Norman Maclean who wrote A River Runs Through It.

John Maclean said a well-placed Republican source told him in mid-October 1980 about Bush taking a secret trip to Paris to meet with Iranians on the U.S. hostage issue.

After hearing this news in 1980, Maclean passed on the information to David Henderson, a State Department Foreign Service officer. Henderson recalled the date as Oct. 18, 1980, when the two met at Henderson’s Washington home to discuss another matter.

For his part, Maclean never wrote about the Bush-to-Paris leak because, he told me later, a Reagan campaign spokesman officially denied it. As the years passed, the memory of the leak faded for both Henderson and Maclean, until the October Surprise story bubbled to the surface in the early 1990s.

Henderson mentioned the meeting in a 1991 letter to a U.S. senator that was forwarded to me. Though not eager to become part of the October Surprise story in 1991, Maclean confirmed that he had received the Republican leak. He also agreed with Henderson’s recollection that their conversation occurred on or about Oct. 18, 1980.

The significance of the Maclean-Henderson conversation was that it was a piece of information locked in time untainted by later claims and counter-claims about the October Surprise dispute.

October Surprise Conspiracy Theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Surprise_conspiracy_theory


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Postby Masato » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:47 pm

No, Daglord. Hinkley did it to impress Jodie Foster. End of story. All Hinkley-Bush connections are just crazy conspiracy theories


This is amazing! I did not know the extent of how deep the Hinkley-Bush relations actually go.

Daglord wrote:take a minute & imagine if Trump was shot today & the shooter's family had long standing ties to the Pence family?

& Pence himself (& his father) was former CIA/"Deep State"?

& only a few days before, after a power struggle between Pence & Tillerson, Trump named Pence the head of his 'crisis management team' (in an unprecedented move) & Pence now has presidential authority in case of an emergency or "crisis"?

& Pence's son was scheduled to have dinner with the shooter's brother the night of the shooting?

& the motive for the shooting was given as wanting to impress a teenage movie star (when the shooter was 26)? the limo was parked 40+ feet away from the exit & around the corner and the shooter took a mysterious phone call on a payphone every day before the shooting?

& Pence took over the investigation, played dumb and/or dismissed the family ties & almost immediately declared no conspiracy, case closed?

& when the trial came, the shooter was defended by the CIA's top attorney of choice & the trial presided over by a CIA judge?

That is pretty much the situation, lol... but MSM goes with the Jodie Foster explanation instead :roll:

Its really insane

What is tripping me out is just how many things BUSH SR seems to be connected to. Almost every fucking conspiracy rabbit hole over the past 70 years that dude has his fingers in. Total boss, not to be underestimated. I highly suspect he was way more involved in his son's administration and 9/11 than we suspect, he acted all out of commission but he is just too fucking smart and powerful to not have been directing and overseeing a lot of shit from behind the scenes.

Nasty, nasty creature

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Postby Daglord » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:25 pm

Fifty years ago, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot in the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, moments after winning the California Democratic primary. A lone gunman was captured at the scene, pistol in hand. Police said the case was open and shut. But was it? Meet Bill Klaber (author, Shadow Play) - a researcher who has a very different idea of what happened on June 5, 1968.

Allard K. Lowenstein encourages Senator Robert F. Kennedy to run for president but ends up wheeling him into the morgue. Years later, when he picks up the autopsy report, Lowenstein is stunned at what he finds. Through intimate private recordings, we follow Lowenstein as he begins questioning the official version of his friend’s murder.

As Allard K. Lowenstein continues his investigation into Senator Robert F. Kennedy's murder, he enlists the help of Paul Schrade, one of the surviving shooting victims in the case. Together, they force a reexamination of the evidence collected by the LAPD in an effort to determine, once and for all, if more than one gun was firing in the kitchen pantry.

Was the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy a deliberate political statement or the act of a sick mind? As Sirhan Sirhan sits in jail awaiting trial, the prosecution sends in a psychiatrist to find out.

Moments after Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated, Sandra Serrano, a young campaign worker, says she saw a suspicious woman in a polka dot dress running away from the hotel screaming, “We shot him, we shot him.”

To prepare for Sirhan Sirhan’s 2011 parole hearing, his current legal team brings in an expert to investigate whether or not Sirhan was hypno-programmed to shoot Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Zac sets out on his own to talk with former aides to Senator Robert F. Kennedy about what that 1968 campaign was like, and what they believe happened the night of the California primary.

Investigative journalist Dan Moldea begins a quest to try to find evidence of a second gun in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel… by talking to the cops who were there that night.



Investigative journalist Dan Moldea finds the man he believes assassinated Robert F. Kennedy.

Zac goes back to Acidalia for one last interview with Bill.

On the night of Robert Kennedy’s murder, a young photographer named Scott Enyart had his film confiscated by the LAPD. When Enyart sued the city more than twenty years later, Bill Klaber was there.


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Postby Canuckster » Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:53 pm

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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