Anyone interested in a group fitness challenge?

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Re: Anyone interested in a group fitness challenge?

Postby Luigi » Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:15 am

Update: My new place has a lot of sleep impediments. Light gets through the curtains, the city is loud even at night, and windstorms have been battering my windows. Basically my recovery has been a whole lot shittier since moving. I havent been healing as well, I've been making less progress. A week ago Tuesday I tried a session and my body felt utterly wrecked. I struggled to get 3 reps at a weight about 15 lbs lower than where I should be able to, so I took it easy for the rest of the workout hoping to come back stronger next session. That Friday, 8 days ago, I had my last successful session. It felt like I would fail yet somehow I pulled out the last rep. Since them its been a trainwreck disaster. Tuesday I was confident and feeling good, I probably should have forced myself to take it easy anyways, but like everyone else I'm not always that patient. I got all the way to my top sets with minimal pain, a very good sign, yet something was off. I noticed my right side simply felt massively less capable than my left. The right side went up much slower. I should have taken this as a warning sign and backed off, but I didnt. On my third top set I failed hard, despite getting I think 5 or 6 a few days earlier. Clearly I was injured on my right side. It seems to be my shoulder, exacerbated by returning bicep tendonitis. From then on I dropped the weight by 45 lbs, to not go hard the rest of the session thinking it would set me up well for my session Friday(yesterday). The next day on Wednesday I had a failed squat session, which seems to always happen when I try to go over 350, but this time it must have been mostly because of my shitty recovery. Then Yesterday I told myself that I would give myself a break by only doing 240 lbs on bench, 35 less than my last top sets. Clearly I didnt understand the seriousness of the injury, as when I tried a single warm up rep at this weight I failed. Oddly enough 220 felt fine but 240 totally destroyed me. Something has really gone wrong.

My plan is on Tuesday to go extra light and see how my body responds to 205. If there are no issues, next Friday I will try going back to 220. If no issues I will try going back to 240. Obviously this whole process is going to severely wreck my gains, but at this point I need to accept that as much better to the potential alternative of a traumatic injury ruining my life. 8 days ago I was on top of the world, just a few days later I am faced with this disaster. Let it be a warning to all - listen to your body and do absolutely anything to make sure you sleep well.

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Postby Vutulaki » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:12 am

Always takes time to adjust to a new place, keep the training and the diet dialled in and wait until youve adjusted to sleeping at the new pad

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Postby Diet Butcher » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:16 am

haven't tested this yet. might be worth a try.

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Postby Vutulaki » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:13 am

Diet Butcher wrote:haven't tested this yet. might be worth a try.

Ive trried this IIRC its a relaxation tech where you relax your toes then work your way up, cant remember how it went so I cant speak for its efficacy
but 1L of wine plus a few beers and bowls of hyrdo weed will get you to bed in seconds

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Postby Diet Butcher » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:18 pm

Vutulaki wrote:but 1L of wine plus a few beers and bowls of hyrdo weed will get you to bed in seconds

That works too. But wake up feeling like shit. All day. And then have a shit work out. I've been doing that a lot :lol:

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:11 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:
Vutulaki wrote:but 1L of wine plus a few beers and bowls of hyrdo weed will get you to bed in seconds

That works too. But wake up feeling like shit. All day. And then have a shit work out. I've been doing that a lot :lol:

Um yeah dont do that it was my go to pre bbed routine for 8 years, id drink that much then get up at 5am go lift hard almost drunk still then rinse repeat, it was beyond retarded

For me a big part of getting sleep is going to bed and trying but I feel like im "misssing out" on my free time so I guess it comes down to prioritization and discipline. Its 11pm now and here I am at my desk instead of being in bed and I killed it in the gym today

Ebooks or listening to podcasts 8/10 will get me to sleep there is the odd night that nothing works in which case I just give up and dont try

Oh hot shower before bed helps too, I want zero grease on me in bed especially that part between the balls and inner thigh

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Postby Luigi » Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:50 pm

Had a good squat session today. At least Im developing in this still. I now have 3 weeks to increase the weight by 2kg, I should get it.

Shoulder soft tissues are still killing me, still cant sleep well.

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Postby Anastasios » Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:50 pm

Missed posting three sessions and my logbook is in the car, too lazy to get it, but I think I can remember it if I start from last training session and then go backwards

Last training
Deadlifts 195kg x 10
Single leg seated leg curl negatives 3 sets of 10 on left leg

I tweaked my hamstring from the side kicks (glute med rehab), didn't know until I visited physio who said the only reason I still thought I had some glute med pain is because it is the hamstring attachment in the trochanteric area. When he pressed his thumb in my left hamstring I screamed lol. I did feel a bit of a tweak but didn't care much about it, I thought it was part of the glute med pain. So far though this hamstring tweak is healing day by day.

Training before that
Bench press 140 x 5,5,1
Dead tired. Have been very busy this period, new things have arised which will give great profits but lots of work. Performance was absolute crap this session

Training before that
Split squats worked up to 75kg for two or three sets of 5
Single leg seated leg curl negatives 3 sets of 10 on left leg.

Later tonight going for stock press, pullups, and some arms.

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:03 pm

Stuck in this loop of constant injury and sickness
Little things like a deep ggrraze on my ankle that wont heal cause its a moving part
Also a cold that lingers on for almost 2 months
Will do what I can, its a marathon not a sprint so will be good over the long run

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Postby Anastasios » Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:32 pm

Log press 75kg x 8
Pullups 3x20
Seated EZbar overhead tricep extension 60kg x 20
Concentration curls 4 sets of 12 with 9kg, supersetting left and right arm

lots of work ahead, luckily got my van running now that one of the restaurant suppliers has a mega campaign. Every morning before work at 9am from thurs to sunday I take the van to the grocer thats 5km away and pick up 30 12.5kg sacks of flour and 13 packs of 100 pizza boxes, drive it back home and unload it in my basement, then drive to work at 10am, leave work 9:30-10pm, then home or gym and back home 1am, eat steaks sleep by 2am, wake up 830 repeat lol.

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