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Adolf Hitler: The greatest story never told

Postby Masato » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:33 am

^ maybe that's the hard truth of it all.

It also explains a lot about why other nations were willing to fight with Germany, even Muslims, Indians etc. They were not fighting for any racist ideology, they were fighting a common foe, who is at its essence is perhaps the most racist of everyone. This enemy not being 'the jews', but the Anglo-Zionists who were actually attempting to swallow up and corrupt the world under their control.

One part I found extremely eye-opening was when the doc examines the 'racism' of the west during the exact same time; full segregation and lynching of blacks going on in the USA every day... Mexicans being rounded up and removed from USA, British slaughtering people in India and Africa with full racist intentions, etc. None of these folk were oppressing them as Germany was by the disproportionate representation of of Jewish power in Germany. - How dare they accuse anyone else of being racist!

The vid suggests that the racial ideas of Nazism have been twisted, that it was more a fascination of their own roots and blood and a desire to take back their own land and culture, and not so much a superiority thing. The vid suggests that they encouraged other nations and races to do the same for themselves - to simply cleanse themselves of the NWO.

Seen through this lens, the Whole World wars get flipped on their head. As with the modern political world

I was in a 'Chapters' bookstore yesterday and I scanned the 'History' section to see what kind of books they offer. I didn't find a single one that even remotely dared to look at either WW in this way. Not one.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:35 pm

Still haven't finished it, hoping to get through it this weekend.
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Postby Masato » Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:28 pm

Its a lot to take in. Kind of overwhelming

If at all accurate, it just makes the Lie we are becoming aware of even bigger. Monstrously bigger.

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Postby Luigi » Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:26 pm

I have watched this in the past. It is a great change from the typical one sided demonification we usually get, but I took issue with their portrayal of the Danzig conflict. There is a good discussion of it going on in the comments section of the video.

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Postby Luigi » Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:32 pm

Masato: I think the fact that the German people were given hope and stood together as a community of brotherhood to support and better their country played a role in the economic success of NS Germany. What the allies didnt realize was that in suppressing Germany with guilt about the first world war they actually eliminated a lot of the internal divisions in Germany(besides the Jew one lol). E.g. they were no longer a confederation of German language speaking localities, now they were just "the Germans".

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Postby Som-Pong » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:10 pm

Just repped the shit out of you Masato, but had too many characters in my first post. "The vid suggests that they encouraged other nations and races to do the same for themselves - to simply cleanse themselves of the NWO."
Check out German views on Egyptians. I'd also suggest that you read some of Sven Hedins work, don't know where to find it though.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:11 pm

@ 4:06:00

"The Struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them... is being nurtured by very specific parties. It is a small, rootless international clique that is turning people against each other... that does not want them to have peace! - It is a people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere! Who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up... but who live in Berlin today, Brussels tomorrow, Paris the after, then Prague, Vienna, or London... and who feel at home everywhere. They are the only ones who can really be regarded as international elements... because they conduct their business everywhere!"

-Adolf Hitler

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:21 pm

Funny thing here at my. Brother in laws place,his father was apparently a huge ww2 buff and he. Has some old books from the 70s and 50s regarding the war and Hitler. One of them actually has an old vinyl record thhat has 10 speeches. Of Winston Churchill on it that's never been played from the look of it. Going to see if I can post some pics from The one book which has tons of images. I've never seen.
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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:36 pm

^ tell us if ANY of it is contrary to the Great Bedtime Story, or if its the usual Indigo/Chapters-Curriculum stuff.

My Churchill thread didn't get too far but I am convinced he was a motherfucker like Cheney or Rumsfeld. I bet those speeches are filled with the same war/peace rhetoric we've been hearing ever since.

All serious CT puzzlers should take everything they know about the modern NWO agenda, and review the rise of Nazi Germany through this lens. Puts a fuck of a lot in perspective. It wasn't that long ago, really.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:28 pm

Just finished.

The last few minutes from 5:40:00 are quite astounding - real video of Hitler's speeches that few have likely seen. Modern politicians don't talk like this.

Thank you Canuckster that was amazing. Really rocked me, much to consider.

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