Ever hit rock bottom?

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Re: Ever hit rock bottom?

Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:38 pm

Jehannum wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Jehannum wrote:can't be too serious about it if you survived to tell the tale ... twice

First time was jumping out in front of cars trying to get hit, second I got caught trying to hang myself late at night, wife heard me moving stuff around downstairs to get the rope hung and stopped me

Had to spend time in the hospital after the second attempt which fucking sucked
Its so obvious the shrinks there dont give two shits about you it's crazy

I will say I came out of both situations very happy they were not successful at the time, but that feeling goes away after time

married? damn I can't imagine what that kind of mental illness must be like (to still want to die)

reminds me of Sir Michael Caine's character in "Cocktail" :( I've had depression for about 30 years and honestly have never come close to suicide, so while I might be able to relate to some of that, I definitely can't relate to whatever it is that makes you feel that strongly about escaping your existence. Must be brutal.

It's the 24/7 pain that I've had for around 8 years now
It just gets so overwhelming at times and knowing that it will never get better and most likely will only get worse, takes a lot to fight through each day

All of that leads to crazy mental illness because I had to basically become a different person, not being able to do anything I used to love, not being able to run with my kid, not being able to throw your kid in the air when you see others doing it or small shit like that where you are so happy they are enjoying these things but at the same time absolutely breaking your heart

Having a kid is probably the only reasons I'm still around right now but at the same time it brings on a lot of the depression seeing how limited you are

It's like a war going on inside your head
One side wants to be here forever while the other is asking if it's worth it and how long you can fight through the pain

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Postby Shinkicker » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:20 am

Canuckster wrote:
Shinkicker wrote:
Masato wrote:No shit posts.. honest compassionate suggestions! :D

Creative/artistic hobbies do wonders for people in all sorts of ways I am convinced of this

As for stop obsessing on race, well maybe that was askin for too much lol

Get strong, bro

I wish I had an ace in the hole.

Is this a euphemism?


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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:17 am

Well there's rock bottom and then there's rock bottom. I believe Im actually in between the two positions. Not the end of the earth, rock bottom still gives you a footing if Im understanding things right.

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:21 am

Details - Im working a fulltime job which Im new at still and mowing lawns every night, Ive actually got two portable headlights to attach to my one piece of shit needs the plugs replaced every 3 days mower (that sits in the back of my SUV) because Im the asshole mowing strangers lawns until way after daylight savings is over.

Based purely on the numbers I personally dont see a light at the end of the tunnel but it will happen eventually.

Mo money mo problems, for those of you who are old enough.

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:27 am

I turned 40 a week ago, how is that for epitome of a loser?

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:50 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby DonJohnson » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:11 pm

Vutulaki wrote:I turned 40 a week ago, how is that for epitome of a loser?

its not healthy for scorpios to be posting online as often as you do. you fools take everything personal and it's detrimental to your psyche and health.

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Postby Diet Butcher » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:40 pm

DonJohnson wrote:
Vutulaki wrote:I turned 40 a week ago, how is that for epitome of a loser?

its not healthy for scorpios to be posting online as often as you do. you fools take everything personal and it's detrimental to your psyche and health.
LMAO that explains why he's banned everywhere except here

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Postby Masato » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:52 pm

Wow, some real posts from Vutu. fresh

Everything is in our thoughts and minds imo. I know money is the bitch of life, but imho a person can't start getting the flow back until they get straight in the mind/soul first. I've been through this many times, and when I get scared or lose confidence it only gets worse. Only when I flip my head around and get dat Rocky music playing again does luck seem to show up again and money gets better. Positive thoughts, hope, goals, belief in one's self and purpose are the core foundations of any attempt to dig ourselves back out of a hole. Its like the mental aspect of any fight, whether real or metaphorical; we can't win if we don't believe we can win. Once we fold in our heads its all over, we lose our strength.

You may think I'm just trolling but this is a big part of why I always push creative hobbies & endeavors. Getting those thoughts back on a positive track by ourselves is really hard, we can't just change our patterns easily by willpower alone. But being creative naturally re-sets this stuff without us even realizing its happening. It gives us projects to look forward to completing, something to focus on away from the thoughts that bring us down. I remember Mauro Ranallo saying the same thing; that music is his refuge, and simple goal-setting his motivation. My brother hit pretty much rock-bottom a little less than 2 years ago, really bad spot he lost his family, home, job + money, was suicidal and everything. He is doing great now I'm so proud of him, and am sure that his attention to his Aikido training had tons to do with it.

Do any of you guys have anything like this? Any creative hobbies? Projects you'd like to complete? Do you train martial arts?

I've heard so many testimonies that martial arts or any kind of arts has saved people, helped them get back on track, give them strength both mentally and physically its not even funny. Shit works, but we have to help it to work.

Also it may not be for everyone but religion can work the same way. Can turn a person around 180, I've seen amazing transformations thought this as well.

Heart goes out to everyone here who may be in a rut, love 2 ya all. Find that strength, don't listen to the negative thoughts, visualize a positive future and believe that you can move towards it.

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:14 pm

DonJohnson wrote:
Vutulaki wrote:I turned 40 a week ago, how is that for epitome of a loser?

its not healthy for scorpios to be posting online as often as you do. you fools take everything personal and it's detrimental to your psyche and health.

Spot on mate.

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