GoPro on a wheel

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GoPro on a wheel

Postby johnkilo » Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:09 am

I know some people here partake in the drugs of the psychedelic persuasion...

This video made my brain freak out and I don't do any sort of drugs.

Don't know how to embed Vimeo videos here, so here is the link.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:58 am

that was really cool. try this one too:

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Postby johnkilo » Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:09 pm


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:58 pm

- I saw a guy rinding a bike carrying a Go pro a couple of months ago.
They are so expensive here.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:22 pm

I've tried those kind of vids, they're kinda fun if you really just stare at them for the duration and let your eyes play tricks.

As for psychedelic hallucinations, I am still a bit confused about it; I used to say that hallucinations weren't really real or part of an LSD or mushroom trip... I never actually saw things that weren't there. It was always more of an intense appreciation for what is ALREADY there. Everything was simply more vibrant, almost to the point of being too intense

On the other hand, I have several impossible memories that don't make sense unless I was hallucinating something.

I don't think psychedelic hallucinations are what most people think they are

Funky vids though.
Watch people fall over having seizures watching them, lol

I wanna see more GoPro vids, it is a cool phenomenon. I posted one a while ago from a dog's back it was hilarious

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:59 pm

deep thoughts^. good post.

I'm not sure I ever really saw something that wasn't physically there, but things were def manipulated in how I perceived them.

or distorted.


tripping is a hard thing to put into words. It is really a 'feel' thing imo. but I think you nailed it about the intense appreciation. that IS a great way to describe it.

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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:32 am

^ Daglord, I didn't know you tripped.

I took heroic amounts for about 3 short (long) years in the late 90's, and am still haunted by them. Not in a negative way, perhaps haunted is the wrong word...

But they shaped me so profoundly and I am still trying to put in perspective exactly what that time was all about and what I learned. What's weird is that our culture teaches us to think of the world as an objective, stable reality. It has rules, and if something in physics works here today, then you can count on it to be the same anywhere else, tomorrow, etc. But I don't feel this anymore, I see reality as highly SUBjective... much more dream-like and un-stable than we think it is. Science only pays attention to what is measurable, testable, observable - and ignores everything that isn't so. IMHO, as a result we are ignoring TONS of what is happening around us all the time.

Its also tough because its not an everyday subject and not many people can relate. Even my wife is straight edge and will never really understand. So I've been somewhat alone with it for like 15 years. I always get excited when I meet someone who can talk about it. These experiences are the (a?) source for a lot of my creative energy, I think I am somehow striving to communicate the worlds I lived in.

I recently re-connected with a very good friend that I haven't seen in as many years who has tripped with me and knows me well, it was great to reminisce.

It really is like exploring other dimensions, we think its fantasy when characters go through portals into parallel universes or other realities or dreamworlds... but its really not that far off.


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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:40 am

^ most people have no idea that story is 100% about psychedelics lol

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Postby Daglord » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:13 pm

Masato wrote:^ Daglord, I didn't know you tripped.

I took heroic amounts for about 3 short (long) years in the late 90's, and am still haunted by them. Not in a negative way, perhaps haunted is the wrong word...

But they shaped me so profoundly and I am still trying to put in perspective exactly what that time was all about and what I learned. What's weird is that our culture teaches us to think of the world as an objective, stable reality. It has rules, and if something in physics works here today, then you can count on it to be the same anywhere else, tomorrow, etc. But I don't feel this anymore, I see reality as highly SUBjective... much more dream-like and un-stable than we think it is. Science only pays attention to what is measurable, testable, observable - and ignores everything that isn't so. IMHO, as a result we are ignoring TONS of what is happening around us all the time.

Its also tough because its not an everyday subject and not many people can relate. Even my wife is straight edge and will never really understand. So I've been somewhat alone with it for like 15 years. I always get excited when I meet someone who can talk about it. These experiences are the (a?) source for a lot of my creative energy, I think I am somehow striving to communicate the worlds I lived in.

I recently re-connected with a very good friend that I haven't seen in as many years who has tripped with me and knows me well, it was great to reminisce.

It really is like exploring other dimensions, we think its fantasy when characters go through portals into parallel universes or other realities or dreamworlds... but its really not that far off.

I was more of a 'weekend warrior'. mostly tripped before big events with groups of people. maybe 15-20 times total. don't recall ever really having the 'soul searching' moment, but I'm sure there was one or two somewhere along the way (that I prob wouldn't be able to describe). I do still have vivid memories of specific moments though & it def changed my outlook on things. I also mixed it up w/other things quite a bit.

when younger, I made it a point to try almost everything once. whatever I could get my hands on anyway. some I continued, others I didn't, but always wanted the experience at least once, be it good or bad, & to go on from there.

great post btw.

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