odd exchange with "Horus Rising"?

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odd exchange with "Horus Rising"?

Postby Masato » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:04 pm

There is another angle to this;

Some people are not necessarily looking for all the CORRECT facts, but rather simply enjoy entertaining their imagination with funky CTs that are kind of fun to think about. These topics are especially fun when you HAVEN'T dug into it to debunk them, etc. How can you blame someone for not having found that info that the McCartney rumor was a fraud? Its a fun little idea when it first comes your way

Also, it could be looked at that ANY contemplation of far-fetched CTs, even if they are bogus, are beneficial in that it furthers the mind outside the 'box' or paradigm of conventional thought. That ultimately, the truth is so far beyond what we have been told to even believe is possible, that we need to unshackle our ideas as much as possible so as to be able to begin to consider the real situation.

People like and explore CTs in different ways... etc

I do think Horus was a bit obtuse to just shut you down without considering your info. As I said I suspect it was your tone more than the facts.

just sayin'

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:15 pm

Masato wrote:I could highlight a BUNCH of lines in there that is both condescending, rude, and confrontational.

Things like 'Nope / Serious? / Bullshit / 'Learn how to...' / Whatever / Tool / etc etc

Nobody likes people talking to them this way even if they DO have useful info. Horus may be off his rocker, so help him out don't chop him down imho

Of course you can post however you like, maybe there is some good done by 'outing' people who spread disinfo, I dunno. Seems like you stab your own foot though, even other posters may not listen to you cuz you come of so chippy sometimes.

Why get so angry/personal about this stuff?? HELP us see through the mud, man!! If you had won Horus' respect maybe you could open his eyes and gain a good ally and he would be better at what he likes to do! Now he just hates you and likely built even thicker a mental block to the ideas you tried to show him.

POSITIVITY, people...! It works ya know

not being confrontational ;) but...

not how I meant "nope". it is how I always respond. no disrespect ever meant by it & perfectly fine response to his "yep" imho.

HE told me "learn how to..." (maybe I mistook it as being called a sheep).

when I said "tool" it was by definition. tool of the establishment. tool of a carpenter. tool of a mechanic. etc.

with that said, point taken.

& we will have to agree to disagree that someone like that is honestly searching for the truth or "releasing secrets to his flock". I don't think he is any disinfo agent or anything like that, but sharing stuff like that on FB & then speaking like it is proven fact because he has insider knowledge is irresponsible. and it's insane how many people eat it up. this whole world is going to shit.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:30 pm

Masato wrote:There is another angle to this;

Some people are not necessarily looking for all the CORRECT facts, but rather simply enjoy entertaining their imagination with funky CTs that are kind of fun to think about. These topics are especially fun when you HAVEN'T dug into it to debunk them, etc. How can you blame someone for not having found that info that the McCartney rumor was a fraud? Its a fun little idea when it first comes your way

I get this. the irony here is that this is the whole reason I became a big fan of the beatles. I'm wasn't even a thought around beatlemania or long after, only digging through their catalog because of the paul is dead stuff. conspiracy brought me to the beatles & only after I started really listening to the music, I realized how good it was. I didn't care for them @ all before.

redneck & I had a great, civilized debate in that thread & disagreed almost the entire time.

I'll talk paul is dead all day. I think I even told you once it was my favorite conspiracy. but don't talk as if it is fact & then delete disproving info immediately so no one sees it. besides, doing stuff like that is all good with PID & the beatles. I get it, like you said, it's fun. SH & BB? not so much anymore imho.

Also, it could be looked at that ANY contemplation of far-fetched CTs, even if they are bogus, are beneficial in that it furthers the mind outside the 'box' or paradigm of conventional thought. That ultimately, the truth is so far beyond what we have been told to even believe is possible, that we need to unshackle our ideas as much as possible so as to be able to begin to consider the real situation.

People like and explore CTs in different ways... etc

I can agree with this.

I do think Horus was a bit obtuse to just shut you down without considering your info. As I said I suspect it was your tone more than the facts.

just sayin'

cool. but in my defense, I think my tone was fine until he started deleting. could be wrong. working on biting my tongue more anyway.

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Postby Benwahwah » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:43 pm

I'll be honest here Masato, on this topic I think you are totally wrong. I'm trying to be as levelheaded as possible, but I'm honestly reeling from what you've said. If someone is happy to spread disinfo to make them question the mainstream when do they stop becoming 'teachers' and start becoming the problem?

For me, the truth is the absolute goal in everything I do. To think that there are people that are proclaiming to unveil the truth, but in reality are obfuscating it is the reason I started going to EY.com they were properly questioning authority and looking at things critically. In my opinion some point along the way they fell down the rabbit hole and decided to just go against everything the mainstream did without any critical thinking. This is when the site became less interesting for me.

I don't mind people having a place to share their 'out-there' CT theories, but they shouldn't be dressing it up as the truth. When someone comes along and reveals the truth it should be hailed as a great find, not deleted from the forum. If what Daglord is saying is true (which I have no reason to disbelieve), then I am shocked at how much the other site has fallen. It was once a bastion of free-speech, as long as the speech didn't cross boundaries. Now it seems to be as restrictive as the regimes they seem to idolise, it's truly a sad state of affairs.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:47 pm

I agree ben. on all counts.

this was on FB, where I should probably just learn to keep my mouth shut :roll:

but there it has a MUCH bigger audience & potentially a much more damaging effect.

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Postby superCalo » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:53 pm

someone who has the nickname Horus is disturbing for a start
I bought one of those cheap soapstone statutes off some immigrant at the pyramids of Horus it was the equivalent of like a 2 dollars, didn't even bother bother off bargaining him down that much it was so cheap to start with.
I soon discovered why, this gren statute was about 6 inches tall, it had the piercing eyes and beak, but it always seemed to be looking at me.
I turned it so it faced the wall, still felt its eyes on me, then facing the corner, this carried on for a few nights in various places, after sleepless nights I abandoned that horus in some 2 star hotel.
Finally I felt free, liberated, if I was secretly gay I would have came out at that point such was the feeling of relief, live a wave of pure 200 octatane freedom.
Hopefully the cleaning woman threw it away rather the next person in the room picking it up & keeping it, if so I pray they too passed it on before it was too late.
perhaps its curse continues to this very day, sleepness nights, nightmares, yet still the eyes see all.
Horos never liked the name since or anyting associated with it
I don't even like tinking about what I just wrote

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:11 pm

If you're confident in your position, you shouldn't be afraid of open debate, I don't pretend to know the true story of everything that went on in this thread, but if you have proof of your point and can genuinely rebut on a topic, then have at it, if all you can say is"i don't think that's how it went and this is why" then that's again your opinion and conjecture, as long as you don't project your opinion as fact when you clearly don't have enough evidence, then leave it the fuck alone and admit you are only expressing your opinion.

The following post was merely my opinion and in no way reflects the direct opinions of management, angy swedes or mysterious masked artists.....good day
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:18 pm

** I am also fully aware that this thread makes me look even more "shill"-like. lol. not sure what to say to that except it it what it is.

please correct me if I'm wrong in thinking that those pics/memes aren't deceitful and/or it's the same girl.

it's too bad really, he seemed like a cool guy besides the occasional sharing of stupid shit like this. gonna miss my friend.

still not convinced it was him posting over there.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:27 pm

I'm not purposefully saying anyone here is right or wrong, but if you can find the breadcrumb trails, a lot of stuff is able to be checked out.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby What » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:55 pm


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