david ickes coming to toronto

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Re: david ickes coming to toronto

Postby Redneck » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:36 am

Megaterio Llamas wrote:Icke is here in Vancouver now. Dan Dicks caught up with him on the Stanley Park seawall to get his thoughts on the antifa/alt right conflict.

"If you go far enough to the left and far enough to the right you actually meet them both on the same ground because they're the same mentality using a different label" - David Icke

Recent events in both Charlottesville Virginia and Berkeley California show the true state of the current left right divide in America where those on the so called tolerant left are clashing with the now infamous "alt right". In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews David Icke about what the endgame is to this false left right paradigm and more importantly what the ultimate solution should be when it comes to dealing with anyone on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

Icke is one of the few "Truth researchers" who has consistently accused the establishment of manufacturing all sides of the political spectrum and pointed out it's divisionary tactics.

When the likes of Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones started saying "it's da Muslims"!! Instead of "It's the government and those behind it", Icke never faltered from his course. The weirdest thing i've seen him do is to support Jermy Corbyn at one stage, which seemed to contradict what he says about the broken system and the false left-right paradigm. Overall though, I'm yet to see any evidence that he's a shill, despite many people claiming that he is.

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