Potential Unbaning of Masato

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Potential Unbaning of Masato

Postby Total Immortal » Mon May 05, 2014 11:44 pm

It's all good, i've gotten settled in here anyways. You might as well just keep trying to expand this forum.

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Postby Enock » Tue May 06, 2014 8:24 pm

Masato wrote:lol @ the 'grandfathering clause'

lol @ all of Emp's posts on this page :)

Thanks for all the support guys, it really means a ton.

The irony of a 'Free Masato' campaign however is that from my perspective I 'freed' myself when I left. I am already 'free' and it is growing good things (wait'll you see what me, EOW and Joe Mama got cookin lol :) )

Going back to Sherdog to me its like going back in a prison. Those mods were cra-zy man beyond sanity

We have a completely opposing philosophy on what a forum is/should be, and if I go back I can just totally see the same things eventually happening again;

- if I plug my forum anywhere in any way, will I get carded/banned?
- if I watermark my shoops with my website url, will I get carded/banned?
- if I post anything I make in the heavies, will I get carded/banned?
- if anyone asks about my bannings and I discuss it, will I get carded/banned?
- what happens when I start making money off my work? Does that change what I can post?
- Are there other things I can't say?
- Do I have to suck any dicks?
- etc
- etc
- etc

...eternal harassment all over again.

You KNOW I love the P&M crew, and you know I will always support the shoopers.

After much flip-flopping about the issue, I think Canuckster is offering the right advice; Sherdog can go 'ride a hard high one' lol. I left for a reason, and I have to stand by my principles.

That's why I made this place. Its about the creativity, not existing within the rules of some crazy internet private police force. Honestly I find it so insulting and rude, I don't hang out at houses of people like that in real life either. If people still dig me they are welcome to come hang out at mine anytime. Granted its not as big/fast as Sherdog, but at least it's honest and respectful. I just wanna make/share my art, and build communities for creative people to grow. Sherdog already has that, they don't need me on a leash for it.

Thanks everyone, for trying. Please extend warm invitations to anyone at the Old F7 they will receive a warm welcome if they wanna come and play in this neck of the woods.

NEW PROJECT COMING SOON! It's gonna floor ya'll :)


Now in the mean time Masato and crew.

I have a new theme idea for today - Fabio "I'm the real motherfucking G" Maldonado shoops.

Fabio just stepped up to face Miocic!

Poster on the UG made a thread called: Fabio Maldonado is a F'ing G! http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/thread/2319372/Fabio-Maldonado-is-a-Fing-G/?&page=1

I made a couple quick shoops - nothing special real dirty, took about 2 minutes on each - just wanted to get it done and out so didn't worry about details and fine tuning.

But thought I'd come here to the creative fields of Masato land and see what you guys can come up with.




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Postby Masato » Tue May 06, 2014 10:11 pm

Enock! nice to see you back bro

Start a new F7 thread with this idea, could be funny ^^

I gotz some Dr Dre in my itunes lol, can crank it up

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Postby Enock » Tue May 06, 2014 10:19 pm

Masato wrote:Enock! nice to see you back bro

Start a new F7 thread with this idea, could be funny ^^

I gotz some Dr Dre in my itunes lol, can crank it up

lol, we have some potential here! I'm off to bed buddy, just stopping by to say hi, I lurk here a lot - love the material and creative forces you are spreading!

Keep up the good work!

I'll be back soon.

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Postby Masato » Thu May 08, 2014 12:12 pm

Where's Da Tread??? ^^

Tachycardia did indeed reply btw, he's gonna set up an account for me and says in P&M there will be none of the old legal concerns.

I think I'll wait for the project me, EOW and Joe Mama are cookin to make a return..
(gotta make that 1st post a good one) :)

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Postby Joe Mama » Thu May 08, 2014 1:54 pm

Masato wrote:Where's Da Tread??? ^^

Tachycardia did indeed reply btw, he's gonna set up an account for me and says in P&M there will be none of the old legal concerns.

I think I'll wait for the project me, EOW and Joe Mama are cookin to make a return..
(gotta make that 1st post a good one) :)

I agree :D

This ones gunna be good!

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Postby EOW » Thu May 08, 2014 9:01 pm

When the Masato/EOW/Joe Mama collaboration is released - NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME!

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Postby Luigi » Fri May 09, 2014 3:50 am

Masato wrote:Where's Da Tread??? ^^

Tachycardia did indeed reply btw, he's gonna set up an account for me and says in P&M there will be none of the old legal concerns.

I think I'll wait for the project me, EOW and Joe Mama are cookin to make a return..
(gotta make that 1st post a good one) :)

Dulce victoria!
Sweet victory!
All aboard the Masato war wagon, get hyped sherdog!

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Postby Enock » Sun May 11, 2014 10:40 pm

Decisions, decisions. What to do?

This is the perfect time to ponder this:

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


And now here you are Masato; two roads diverged in a yellow wood - Sherdog Vs. The Unknown Potential

But 1st lets sit back and reflect, Sherdog was a great forum *years ago, but you and I both know that changed for the worse not to long ago (2011-Present?) , slowly the moderation became more strict - old mods replaced with new power hungry fools looking to test their new power tools. Members who had been there for years began to disappear - banned for minor infractions or banned for disagreeing with a new mods deplorable actions. The place changed, not for the good but for the worse - as the "Creative Forces" were snatched away like a robber stealing an old womens purse.

The breaking point finally came to a head... when finally enough was enough and something had to be said, you wondered then pondered how to express your built up anger for a place that no longer looked familiar but day by day became stranger and stranger ...finally you let it go, a drop of creativity left to flow into the minds of those left behind:


And now, here you are.

It's important where you direct your creative forces, your powers have out grown the confines of Sherdog, it's a nice jester by tachy to make some adjustments and even offer to reinstate you, but you must continue to grow, this site has given you the opportunity to keep advancing without taking two steps back. The choice is yours.

Best of Luck to you Masato.

Should you decide to return to Sherdog, touch up on:

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Postby Luigi » Mon May 12, 2014 12:08 am

Sherdog is merely another realm for the forces of Masatoland to conquer. It will not limit our expansion.

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