Star Wars Episode 7 Discussion Thread (with SPOILERS)

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Star Wars Episode 7 Discussion Thread (with SPOILERS)

Postby Daglord » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:41 pm

you didn't even read the article did you?

so you agree that theo adorno was ghost-writing the beatles & rolling stones music behind the scenes then? or are you just reading headlines again?

and if we're gonna start being dicks, at least I have an opinion. what the fuck have you ever added? serious question. you seem to always want to discuss videos you haven't watched or articles you haven't read. lololol @ you asking someone to make a valid argument. have you made one? ever? or do you just parrot the shit like above?

I've shown you plenty of disproving evidence, you are just too lazy to look @ it. I know this for a fact. I tried engaging you in conversation in the SH thread, make you think a little, until it was obvious it wasn't gonna happen. someone mentioned the coroner's press conference on ey the other day & you were like "vid?". lolololol. wow, dude.

it's amazing how much time you can spend on each forum & not pick up anything.

you wonder why people call you a shill? because you're running the shill playbook trolling everyone with what they want to hear so you can sit back and get your troll jollies off pretending to be something you're not. ?

you're gonna need to explain this one in more detail to me. not following...

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Postby Daglord » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:45 pm

Canuckster wrote:
Daglord wrote:
Canuckster wrote:ummm, thats fake as shit dude. these guys who set up crisis drill have props like this, i've seen it firsthand from a friend of mine who has to do them for the toronto FD, he has an hour and a half long video of the experience , if you were watching it and weren't told it was fake, you wouldn't be able to tell it was a drill, the entire event looks completely real and is designed to put real stress on the recruits..

also, that's your opinion again, you don't know the facts here, neither do I, yet you use it as a tool to show how he posts crazy things. you're cherry picking the most obvious stuff that may or may not be.

lol. it is fake as shit. it's also not from the boston bombing. was online 3-4 years before it ever happened & not even from the US.

and your boy henry makow was spreading that on twitter as proof that the BB was a hoax.

think about that for a minute...

henry makow (with all his education, experience & resources) actually thought that was a real pic of a crisis actor from boston, caught texting on his phone while he was supposed to be playing victim. :lol:

or did he? :shock:

maybe i should go through all your posts and pull out the things that are wrong or inaccurate? would that be sufficient to debunk the rest of the stuff that comes out of your mouth?

do it man. I would love that & won't get my panties in a bunch like some people.

I'm actually here to learn, so want to be corrected when I'm wrong. I actually welcome it, fire up the debate.

in the meantime...

are you admitting that henry makow is that stupid then? don't you expect a litte more from the so-called alternative media?

you seem to have incredibly high standards set for the MSM, why put up with this bullshit? because it's from henry makow?

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Postby Daglord » Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:05 pm

Canuckster wrote:all I know is that if my legs were blown off i sure as hell wouldn't be texting anyone, no blood around him,, nor would ianyone be holding them up the way they are, they would be laying prone for sure. the only other time ive seen that leg position before was that fake baby that woman was carrying around once upon a time with the baby who kept switching carriers. not to mention that fake looking shape in his pants, i know my legs don't have square edges.

and there are no body parts around him either for that matter. who moved him away from the blast and then just left him there, and who the fuck took that picture with a dude with his legs blown off laying there.

there's a ton of questions i could ask on this. but since i don't know the details, im going to call it fake as fuck and call it a day.

I think this about sums it up.

so, you are sure it's fake, but only in the way that henry makow says it's fake?

you've done all this analysis on it & never once considered that the pic might not be from the boston bombing?

wouldn't those "ton of questions" you have, like the lack of blood or body parts around him, lead you to question if this was even a legit pic from boston? or did you just take henry makow's word for it?

shouldn't makow have caught something like this?


Postby Vutulaki-san » Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:29 pm

Daglord and cunuckster this is a safe place where encourage mutual respect and no name calling please guys it hurts me to see you quarrel.

I wonder if Winnson sucked santas candy cane dry of its eggnog?

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Postby Benwahwah » Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:31 pm

L Vutulaki wrote:Daglord and cunuckster this is a safe place where encourage mutual respect and no name calling please guys it hurts me to see you quarrel.

Christmas seems to have a positive effect on you Vutu. I approve.

Now chuck me a shrimp on the barbie mate. This sure is bonza tucker.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:38 pm

Daglord wrote:
Canuckster wrote:all I know is that if my legs were blown off i sure as hell wouldn't be texting anyone, no blood around him,, nor would ianyone be holding them up the way they are, they would be laying prone for sure. the only other time ive seen that leg position before was that fake baby that woman was carrying around once upon a time with the baby who kept switching carriers. not to mention that fake looking shape in his pants, i know my legs don't have square edges.

and there are no body parts around him either for that matter. who moved him away from the blast and then just left him there, and who the fuck took that picture with a dude with his legs blown off laying there.

there's a ton of questions i could ask on this. but since i don't know the details, im going to call it fake as fuck and call it a day.

I think this about sums it up.

so, you are sure it's fake, but only in the way that henry makow says it's fake?

you've done all this analysis on it & never once considered that the pic might not be from the boston bombing?

wouldn't those "ton of questions" you have, like the lack of blood or body parts around him, lead you to question if this was even a legit pic from boston? or did you just take henry makow's word for it?

shouldn't makow have caught something like this?

cut the shit, you're making leading generalizations in an attempt to discredit without a proper discourse on the matter with a smug attitude to boot, as far as im concerned, if you're not a shill, you're doing the job of one, there's a reason I or others don't want to discuss with you, it's because you're not discussing you are generalizing opinion in an attempt to either make one side lose their cool or say something stupid to further discredit them and reinforce your own narrative.

I see exactly what you're doing, cherry picking some articles from something in discussion because someone uses them, then attempt to discredit them by throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Don't think I can't see your argument tactics for what they are. and they aren't worth debating, because debating isn't what you do, you act smug and snide and beat a dead horse on matters that are inconsequential to the discussion at hand. because you seem to love compartmentalizing a topic and then ridiculing someone with things that frankly were never said and questions that were never raised or discussed.

piss off until you can hold a decent discussion without the smugness and holier than thou attitude, that's all I will say on the matter.
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Postby Turanian Trashtalker » Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:15 pm


Sandy Hook was not a "farrse frag". Get over yourself.

May Santa bestow you the gift of reason this Christmas.



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Postby Daglord » Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:55 pm

Canuckster wrote:cut the shit, you're making leading generalizations in an attempt to discredit without a proper discourse on the matter with a smug attitude to boot, as far as im concerned, if you're not a shill, you're doing the job of one, there's a reason I or others don't want to discuss with you, it's because you're not discussing you are generalizing opinion in an attempt to either make one side lose their cool or say something stupid to further discredit them and reinforce your own narrative.

lol @ cut the shit. that’s the thing now isn’t it? I’m trying to have proper discourse on the matter but you keep responding without actually saying anything or addressing any of my points. I keep asking you questions & all you do is respond with some shill bullshit, like I’m trying to trip you up by making you think. if you say something stupid, that's on you.

which brings me to my next point...

I see exactly what you're doing, cherry picking some articles from something in discussion because someone uses them, then attempt to discredit them by throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Don't think I can't see your argument tactics for what they are. and they aren't worth debating, because debating isn't what you do, you act smug and snide and beat a dead horse on matters that are inconsequential to the discussion at hand. because you seem to love compartmentalizing a topic and then ridiculing someone with things that frankly were never said and questions that were never raised or discussed.

piss off until you can hold a decent discussion without the smugness and holier than thou attitude, that's all I will say on the matter.

so someone asking your opinion, or challenging you to make a “valid argument”, is now an argument tactic? lol. that’s some real EY shit right there. & how are these matters inconsequential to the discussion @ hand? was the discussion @ hand not trust/mistrust of the MSM or alt media?

LOL @ "throwing the baby out with the bath water", are these examples posted not proof enough that he spreads mis or disinformation? how many more do you need? what, in your opinion, makes him solid? do you think makow vets his information like any solid journalist would do? if so, how? do you think he really believes that stuff?

do you believe that stuff?

appears to me that I’m trying to discuss this media/alt media trust issue & all you want to do is talk about me. how about this...

this bullshit previously posted by henry makow, do you honestly think that those are simply “errors in judgement” or mistakes?

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:37 am

You haven't shown dick all but opinion pieces, plain and simple, I'm not going to get dragged into your little circle jerk of questions game you play with everyone else. Go giggle to the schoolgirls and claim a victory all you like about how you're right and stroke your ego for a little while.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:45 am

someone asking you to explain your position or trying to have "proper discourse on the matter" is now a "circle jerk of questions"??

lol @ ego. I'm not the one getting defensive because I'm being challenged.

happy festivus.

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