NOFX Political Songs/Lyrics

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NOFX Political Songs/Lyrics

Postby Masato » Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:12 am

Best fuckin band ever

So many good political songs I wouldn't know where to start. Here's one I've been diggin lately/singing in my head:
-I'll post more later


First they put away the dealers,
keep our kids safe and off the street.
Then they put away the prostitutes,
keep married men cloistered at home.

Then they shooed away the bums,
then they beat and bashed the queers,
turned away asylum-seekers,
fed us suspicions and fears.
We didn't raise our voice,
we didn't make a fuss.
It's funny there was no one left to notice
when they came for us.

Looks like witches are in season,
you better fly your flag and be aware
of anyone who might fit the description,
diversity is now our biggest fear.

Now with our conversations tapped
and our differences exposed,
how ya supposed to love your neighbor
with our minds and curtains closed?
We used to worry 'bout big brother,
now we got a big father and an even bigger mother.

And you still believe
this aristocracy gives a fuck about you.
They put the mock in democracy
and you swallowed every hook.

The sad truth is
you'd rather follow the school into the net
'cause swimming alone at sea
is not the kind of freedom that you actually want.

So go back to your crib and suck on a tit
go bask in the warmth of your diaper.
You're sitting in shit and piss
while sucking a giant pacifier,
a country of adult infants.
A legion of mental midgets,
a country of adult infants,
a country of adult infants.
all regaining their unconsciousness

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:05 pm

thought you meant these guys

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:42 pm

political song thread!! viva la revolution!!

they get you ready to fight
the fuse is ready to blow
you shoot to kill on sight
they call you g i joe
you never wanted to stop
the smell of burning flesh
the hero marches alone
across the highway of death

it's not a matter of rights
it's just a matter of war
don't have a reason to fight
they never had one before
you're just a killing machine
he's come to take you down
we take the gas that we need
and pump the blood on the ground

they're gonna set you up
so they can take you down
they're gonna suck you dry
they've left the blood to be found
they're gonna rip you apart
you're gonna burn at the stake
cos when it's time to collect
it's only heroes who pay

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:51 pm

You guys are hijackin my NOFX thread, brahs :)

I gotta post some more.

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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:53 pm

This song RIPS:

It's not the right time to be sober
Now the idiots have taken over
Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding
Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
The industrial revolution
Has flipped the bitch on evolution
The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
The world keeps getting dumber
Insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin
The fittest are surviving much less often
Now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
Now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
And I'm starting to feel a lot like Charlton Heston
Stranded on a primate planet
Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground
With generals and the armies that obeyed them
Followers following fables
Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred
Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

What are we left with?
A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
Pass on traditions
How to get ahead religions
And prosperity via simpleton culture

The idiots are taking over [x8]

I wanna see the constitution burn
Wanna watch the white house overturn
Wanna witness some blue blood bleed red

I wanna tar and lynch the KKK
I wanna pull and shoot the NRA
Yeah yeah yeah...

Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, And then do it again yeah
Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, and then
Murder the government

This one starts slow, wait for it to kick in:

We are Rome, Aztec Mexico, Easter Island paradigm
We are followers of Jimmy Jones, cutting in the kool-aid line

We are Animal Farm Pigs, we are a Terry Gilliam film
We are fear Oligarchy, we are wolves in wolves' clothing,
We are this planet's kidney stones

In the process of getting passed, metamorphosis from first to last
A system breaking down beyond repairs
A product of three million millionaires, a hundred million easy marks

We are Marie Antoinette, we are Joseph McCarthy
We've finally become the divided states
A nation built on freedom, fear, and hate, the denotation of Irony

We all want a Hollywood end, but we're getting a foreign one
The script has already been penned, and titled, "the epitaph of a drowning nation"

Here's some classics from the 90's:

Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

How did the cat get so fat?
Why does the family die?
Do you care why?

Cause there hasn't been a sign
Of anything gettin' better in the ghetto
People's fed up
Getting fed up

You point your fuckin' finger
You racist, you bigot
But that's not the problem
Now is it?

It's all about the money
Political power is taken
Protecting the rich, denying the poor
Yeah, they love to watch the world from the White House
And I wonder...

How can they sleep at night?
How can they sleep at night?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?

Oh yeah, kill all the white man,
Oh yeah, kill all the white man.

The white man call himself civilized,
Cause he know how to take over,
The white man come to pillage my village,
Now he tell me I have to bend over.

Oh yeah, kill all the white man,
Oh yeah, kill all the white man.

No I do not like the white man up in me,
He rape my people as he rape my country,
Everything I love and cherish, he try to take away,
We will be rid of him, soon come the day.

Oh yeah, kill all the white man,
Oh yeah, kill all the white man.

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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:55 pm

It’s ok, allow yourself a little hate
Hatred is not so bad when directed at injustice
You can turn the other cheek, just don’t turn the other way

Enemy of the planet we finally have a common aim
a reason to forget about our differences
and stand as a united front

It’s up to us, we must expose,
Humiliate American errorists
We’ll start with one
The war has just begun

The war has just begun!

You're wrong about virtues of Christianity
And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity
If you think that pride is about nationality
You're wrong

You're wrong when you imprison people turning tricks
And you're wrong about trickle-down economics
If you think that punk rock doesn't mix with politics
You're wrong

You're wrong for hating queers and eating steers
If you kill for the thrill of the hunt
You're about wearing fur and not hating Ann Coulter
She's a cunted cunt

You're wrong if you celebrate Columbus Day
And you're wrong if you think there'll be a judgment day
If you're a chartered member of the NRA
You're wrong

You're wrong if you support capital punishment
And you're wrong if you don't question your government
If you think your reproductive rights are inconsequent
You're wrong

You're wrong fighting jihad, your blind faith in god
Your religions are all flawed
You're wrong about drug use when it's not abuse
I hope you never reproduce

You're getting high on the down low
A victim of the Cointelpro
You're wrong and you'll probably never know

here's a fast version of the same song^^


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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:59 pm

And of course their famous and very epic 'Decline' (maybe the longest punk song ever):

Where are all the stupid people from?
And how'd they get to be so dumb?
Bred on purple mountain range
Feed amber waves of grains
To lesser human beings, zero feelings

Blame it on
Human nature, mans destiny (mans destiny)
Blame it on the greediocracy (greediocracy)
Fear of God
The fear of change
The fear of truth

Add the Bill of Rights, subtract the wrongs
There's no answers
Memorize and sing star spangled songs
When the questions
Aren't ever asked
Is anybody learning from the past?
We're living in united stagnation

Father what have I done?
I took that .22
A gift to me from you
To bed with me each night
Kept it clean
Polished it well
Cherished every cartridge, every shell

Down, by the creek, under brush, under dirt
There's a carcass of my second kill
Down, by the park, under stone, under pine
There's a carcass of my brother William
Brother where, have you gone to?
I swear, I never thought I could
I see so many times
They told me to shoot straight
Don't pull the trigger, squeeze
That will insure a kill
A kill is what you want
A kill is why we breed

The Christians love their guns
The church and NRA
Pray for their salvations
Prey on the lower faiths

The story book's been read
And every line believed
Curriculum's been set
Logic is a threat
Reason searched and seized

Jerry spent some time in Michigan
A twenty year vacation, after all he had a dime
A dime is worth a lot more in Detroit
A dime in California, a twenty dollar fine

Jerry only stayed a couple months
It's hard to enjoy yourself while bleeding out the ass
Asphyxiation is simple and fast
It beats seventeen fun years of being someone's bitch

Don't think (Stay)
Drink your wine (Home)
Watch the fire burn (Be)
His problems not mine (Safe)
Just be that model citizen

I wish I had a schilling
(For each senseless killing)
For every senseless killing
I'd buy a government
America's for sale
And you can get a good deal on it
(A good deal on it)
And make a healthy profit
Or maybe, tear it apart
Start with assumption
That a million people are smart
Smarter than one

Serotonin's gone
She gave up, drifted away
Sara fled, thought process gone
She left her answering machine on
The greeting left spoken sincere
Messages no one will ever hear

Ten thousand messages a day
A million more transmissions lay
Victims of the laissez faire
Ten thousand voices, a hundred guns
A hundred decibels turns to one
One bullet, one empty head
Now with Serotonin gone

The man who used to speak
Performs a cute routine
Feel a little patronized
Don't feel bad
They found a way inside your head
And you feel a bit misled
It's not that they don't care, yeah

The television's put a thought inside your head
Like a Barry Manilow, jingle
I'd like, to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
A symphonic blank stare, yeah
It doesn't make you care (make you care)
Not designed to make you care (make you care)
They're betting you won't care (you won't...)

Place a wager on your greed
A wager on your pride
Why try to beat them when, a million others tried?

We are the whore
Intellectually spayed
We are the queer
Dysfunctionally raised

One more pill to kill the pain
One more pill to kill the pain
One more pill to kill the pain
Living through conformity

One more prayer to keep me safe
One more prayer to keep us warm
One more prayer to keep us safe
There's gonna be a better place

Lost the battle, lost the war
Lost the things worth living for
Lost the will to win the fight
One more pill to kill the pain

Na na na na na
La na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na

The going get tough, the tough get debt
Don't pay attention, pay the rent
Next of kins pay for your sins
A little faith should keep us safe

Save us
The human, existence
Is failing, resistance
Essential, the future
Written off, the odds are
Astronomically against us
Only moron and genius
Would fight a losing battle
Against the super ego
When giving in is so damn comforting

And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can
Admit defeat, live in decline
Be the victim of our own design
The status quo, built on suspect
Why would anyone stick out their neck?

Fellow members of
Club "We've Got Ours"
I'd like to introduce you to our host
He's got his, and I've got mine
Meet the decline

We are the queer
We are the whore
In the class war
We are worker
We love our queen
We sacrifice
We're soilent green

We are the queer
We are the whore
In the class war

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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:29 pm

PS: I was just jokin about the hijacking :D

We can post other bands/music in here too!
(it just won't be as good :) )

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Postby Canuckster » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:09 pm

Reminds me of corporate avenger.

Sort of
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:06 pm

This song is awesome.

I wrote a whole screenplay that I always imagined NOFX as the soundtrack for. Would be such a rippin movie

"The Plan"

Call it libertarian, cause we do as we please
Don't need fear, or force or farce to know morality
Cuz morals aren't substance you can shove in someone's ear
They're basically a bi-product of a mind thinking clear

The plan, the plan

It's nothing like the bible, there's no lesson to be learned
It ain't the 10 commandments, cause nothings written in stone
It has to do with freedom and personal liberty
I don't fuck with you don't fuck with me

The blueprints of a better world
Were written on a postage stamp
No one bothered to read the front
Stick out their tongue to lick the back

The plan, the plan, the plan, the plan

If you're not part of the cure
You're part of the disease
Father time will tell us who concedes

The blueprints of a better world
Disguise and revealed as fortunes
10,000 Chinese Restaurant
Customers prefer not to read it
when they're taught
Don't think, just eat it
A turning point we call the plan

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