Interesting experience just now

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Interesting experience just now

Postby Masato » Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:56 pm

Hey all

So for my work I am often having to chase the clock, rushing to meet deadlines, not a minute to spare etc... its shitty but I've become pretty good at it over the years.

Anyways This morning I got up and am rushing for a 6pm deadline (3 hours from now, I better stop typing, lol)

Anyways I was watching The Smashing Machine doc with Mark Kerr... and if anyone has seen it you know its a very dark tale of all kinds of heartbreaking and ugly situations. Just a really negative vibe.

As I was watching I started panicking about my work; I thought I was totally gonna fuck up the deadline. I was going through all the shit I have to finish before 6 and thinking 'no fuckin way I'm gonna get this done'... really starting to worry, preparing to have to ask for more time etc.

All my energy drained out, and I seemed like I was really up against the wall. I felt like Mark Kerr, all fucked up and facing failure/weakness etc

THEN I stopped watching the Smashing Machine, and put in WHEN WE WERE KINGS about Muhammed Ali in the Rumble In The Jungle. - exact opposite, a story of success, and hope and positivity.

Instantly my mood changed and I got charged up. I BLASTED through what I thought would take me much longer and am now even slightly ahead of schedule. Felt like a fuckin champ.

- Don't take for granted what you expose yourself to, it can have a direct effect on your reality and your future imo.

Fuck, now I'm behind again, lol


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Postby Som-Pong » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:53 am

Well said. I am watching chimpanzees masturbate. Pure joy.

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Diet Butcher
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Postby Diet Butcher » Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:53 pm

I wish I had a job where I have a 6pm deadline to meet and still be able to watch Smashing Machine and When We Were Kings.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:34 pm

Most times my deadlines are 6am. Illustrators worked FUCKED up hours.

Not bad though as far as work. Just don't watch the Smashing Machine.

I'm watching WWII stuff today. The work itself can be mind-numbingly boring (often work 20+ hours solid), but it's awesome because I spend most of this time listening to documentaries, interviews etc about topics that interest me to pass the time. I've done this for 14 years now and have managed to spend almost every day learning and researching things.

I suck at reading now lol, but I can take in audio info for hours like a mofo

Today I'm coloring a comic book for someone about the US civil war.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:40 pm

Masato wrote:
Anyways I was watching The Smashing Machine doc with Mark Kerr... and if anyone has seen it you know its a very dark tale of all kinds of heartbreaking and ugly situations. Just a really negative vibe.

As I was watching I started panicking about my work; I thought I was totally gonna fuck up the deadline. I was going through all the shit I have to finish before 6 and thinking 'no fuckin way I'm gonna get this done'... really starting to worry, preparing to have to ask for more time etc.

All my energy drained out, and I seemed like I was really up against the wall. I felt like Mark Kerr, all fucked up and facing failure/weakness etc

[color=#FF0000]THEN I stopped watching the Smashing Machine, and put in WHEN WE WERE KINGS about Muhammed Ali in the Rumble In The Jungle. - exact opposite, a story of success, and hope and positivity.

Instantly my mood changed and I got charged up. I BLASTED through what I thought would take me much longer and am now even slightly ahead of schedule. Felt like a fuckin champ.

- The same happenend to me a couple of times.
The thing is try to avoid things that are gonna bring you down, i like to watch cartoons, don't like terror movies.
And listen to the Rocky themme always brings the warrior on me.:)
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Postby Masato » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:54 pm

Rocky never fails for me too


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