odd exchange with "Horus Rising"?

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odd exchange with "Horus Rising"?

Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:30 pm

yeah, the guy someone was copying & pasting to post as "horus rising" over @ dipshit's.

anyway, so I call him out on his "paul mccartney is dead' bullshit (that he is sharing from the worldnewsdailyreport of all places LOLOLOL) providing proof & he kept deleting my posts. & this isn't the first time. after I debunked some of his more ridiculous sandy hook/boston bombing/everyone is a reptile/hollywood clone bullshit, he kept deleting them as well? why is that?

anyway, I then started asking him why he keeps deleting my posts? is he afraid of the truth? intentionally trying to spread disinformation to his "hobbits" (as he calls them. lol.)? or is he just sharing shit without proper fact checking? I then told him by what he is doing he appears to be a tool of the system that he is (allegedly) fighting.

what prob got me blocked (or his page completely deleted) was this:

you think you are a part of the solution, when you appear to be part of the problem. now hurry up & delete this.... LOL.

this is all I get now:


someone check "mike kavanaugh" facebook. you'll know him by all the batshit crazy reptilian or everyone is a clone or alien theories. seriously, half the shit he shares is completely laughable. almost like a few other posters I know. I want to know if he blocked me somehow (can you do that?) or deleted his page?

if not, someone ask a mod over @ EY. I have a sneaking suspicion that (REDACTED) was copy/pasting kavanaugh's statuses & using them to imp him as a poster named "horus rising"... I WANT ANSWERS FROM "HORUS" !!

edit: I don't mind the guy who was prob imp'ing him. REDACTED. those who know, know.

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Postby Som-Pong » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:33 pm

I feel that Uncle Mega would be more qualified to comment. I'll give him 'til next time I am drunk.
EY, Redneck and Dean are the same.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:00 pm

I guess I shouldn't say "outed" who fucking knows. seems like a bitch move to delete (or ban) someone for questioning you. shouldn't be a problem if you truly believe in what you are sharing IMHO. where have we heard that before pong & vutu?

is he that afraid of being challenged on the "information he is passing down to us hobbits" from his position of former "hells angel", "hitman", "black operative, "all around badd ass" & CIA?

dude is exposing ALL KINDS of secrets that are DAMAGING to the NWO (lolol)... yet they seem to let him post away 24/7 on facebook "exposing" them, while listing his occupation as "CIA". LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

* ... If I don't show up here or post for awhile, he was obviously legit & got to me :lol:

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Postby Masato » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:02 pm

ya but he gots some badass tattoos

You don't get those tats watching YouTube

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:07 pm

maybe... but he is obviously a mental midget. and a coward.

come at me bro.

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Postby Masato » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:24 pm

^ its your style man...

You're too harsh sometimes imo... Everyone is a bit crazy, and we all have a degree of ego and confirmation bias. If you start attacking people's paradigms and calling them disinfo (willing or not), and ridiculing them, it is quite natural imo for people to put a guard up. Of course they will get defensive, or delete your posts etc; its argumentative and destructive to the conversation in ways. Even if your info is right... if the tone is wrong, you have sort of already lost as the info will fall on closed/deaf ears.

I have read your posts enough to know you are simply passionate about truth, and 100% respect your open mind not to get locked in to ideas and allow yourself to change as new info comes in, or when shit gets debunked. You are perhaps the sharpest/most dedicated CT hunter I've had the pleasure to interact with... and awesome at simply following the evidence wherever it goes

But getting along with folks as it evolves maybe not so much, lol

IMO, most people posting about this sort of stuff are just like us; trying to find the truth. We all get de-railed sometimes, and we are all missing lots of shit in our puzzles. I think if we interact with others as mutual truth-seekers, and HELP each other understand as opposed to fighting among ourselves we will get MUCH further.

If you see someone posting stuff you know is wrong, istead of attacking them and making them feel stupid or accusing them of being disinfo etc, try to reach out and HELP them understand. Debunk shit with a softer touch, applaud them for their passion and offer some ideas you may have as an ENCOURAGEMENT to understand not a hit on their character etc

I think this will make more allies, and the favor can be reciprocated in spades back to you again someday!

Remember who it is we're supposed to be fighting in these 'info-wars'! Comradery is better than some struggle for debunking supremancy

Maybe I am exaggerating a bit here to make a point... but do you see where I'm getting at?

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:45 pm

fair enough. I get it & will try & work on it. no promises though if dean or EY keep making shit up out of thin air to try & "out" me as a shill. or scrappy keeps parroting it. I can't stand liars or deceivers, intentional or not. I've said it before, they are everything that is wrong in the "truth community" imho.

I CHALLENGE them to come up with ANYTHING. lol. offer will always stand. in fact, I will offer a $25,000 reward for "irrefutable" proof (lolololol).

but with this "horus" thing (will refer to him as that from now on, don't really know who he is but that was "his" EY screen name), this was not the case @ all. I am apparently completely blocked now, so maybe someone can help me out, but it goes something like this...

a few days ago I reply to a meme he shared (that was made by 'exposing the big three' & has since been deleted) that was clearly retarded. seriously, if someone could find it that would be GREAT. I suspect 'exposing the big three' deleted it entirely though. it basically said "what is this girl doing @ both the boston bombing & sandy hook" and had hundreds of likes & shares. anyway, it used tiny, blurry & highly cropped versions of both these pics & labeled them:

Sandy Hook:

Boston Bombing

it even said stupid shit like "same hair? check. same shirt? check. same crying? check & cropped out everything in the background but her. (god I will try like hell to find this it was SO dumb & obvious).

all I replied was: "that is the same girl, but both pics are from sandy hook" & posted the pics I just posted above.

no words. he just DELETED the post. I thought cool, maybe he is legit & will retract or remove dumb shit. I've never had a problem with the guy, enjoy his posts most of the time & have actually had some good conversations with him. seems like a cool guy besides being full of shit @ times. & I even understand having fun with that to a point, but shit like SH & BB is past that imho. IRL, I'd prob love to hang out with the guy from what it looks like & we'd definitely hit it off. 8-)

to be continued (gotta step away for a minute)...

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:15 pm

... continued.

so yesterday (or the day before, whatever, I'm spending way too much time online & blame you guys) I see this... along w/a shit ton of likes, shares & ignorant comments:


maybe I should just let this shit go, but not really my nature. Is this why everyone (lol) thinks I'm a shill (lol)? honestly, the world needs more people like me in my not-so-humble-opinion.

anyway, my only response was "not the same girl. in fact, that meme also has aurora & boston mixed up". the "boston" pic was from an aurora memorial & vice versa."

I didn't once call him a retard for not immediately noticing that none of those pics are from the actual tragedy except SH. the boston & aurora pics are from memorial services. batman shooting was @ midnight. DERP. wish I would have now. I then posted these pics & links as (what I consider) proof:



sandy hook:


so I then just posted "not the same chick imo. check it out. that meme even has aurora & boston switched."

"liked" & DELETED.

then I asked "why do you keep deleting my posts man"?

"liked" & DELETED.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something... but I'll just jump to today...

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Postby Daglord » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:45 pm

fucking around this morning & see this come across the newsfeed (for like the tenth time) & figure why not? (you guys know me by now).



In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the “real” Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles’ recording session. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul.

yada...yada....yada... more bullshit.

I love this shit. you know I do. I even get a kick out of the ignorant comments most of the time. I can talk beatles all day, just check out that epic 'I am the walrus' thread. but this is an obvious fake article. satire. I told diet this once in a PM rep for the same story. I wasn't a dick about it. I love beatles mythology. but holy shit were people buying into this with "horus" fanning the flames :shock:

& then I see this. a legit, honest question from someone (imo): Did Ringo really say that? Audible record?

"horus": yep.

daglord: "nope. ringo never said that. worldnewsdailyreport is a satire site." & posted this:

WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.


I'm sure you can guess what happens next? DELETED.

"why you keep deleting my posts man?"


"serious? again? are you knowingly spreading bogus stories or not fact checking?

"horus": I share all truthful nuggets with my little hobbits. learn how to process information and not be so blind & we can talk" (or something close to that, it's gone now I'm assuming - a little help?).

dagLORD: "lol. half the time what you share is obvious bullshit. learn how to process information?"


"whatever dude, keep being a tool of the establishment you are (allegedly) fighting?


then came the "you're not being a part of the solution, you're being part of the problem"



so... was I wrong here? being a dick? should I just let this shit go?

I don't think this is "shattering someone's paradigm" or they would want an honest discussion. the initial deleting is shady as fuck.

& I also don't take too well to being called a sheep from someone like that & when surrounded by ignorance.

I somehow always knew the beatles would be the end of me.


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Postby Masato » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:58 pm

I could highlight a BUNCH of lines in there that is both condescending, rude, and confrontational.

Things like 'Nope / Serious? / Bullshit / 'Learn how to...' / Whatever / Tool / etc etc

Nobody likes people talking to them this way even if they DO have useful info. Horus may be off his rocker, so help him out don't chop him down imho

Of course you can post however you like, maybe there is some good done by 'outing' people who spread disinfo, I dunno. Seems like you stab your own foot though, even other posters may not listen to you cuz you come of so chippy sometimes.

Why get so angry/personal about this stuff?? HELP us see through the mud, man!! If you had won Horus' respect maybe you could open his eyes and gain a good ally and he would be better at what he likes to do! Now he just hates you and likely built even thicker a mental block to the ideas you tried to show him.

POSITIVITY, people...! It works ya know

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