Nature spirituality in media: Fern Gully

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Nature spirituality in media: Fern Gully

Postby Luigi » Fri May 21, 2021 4:38 am

As a kid I watched a lot of animated movies, and one of them was one called Fern Gully. I just rewatched it and it was pretty great. I really liked how it had a general message of environmentalism without at all being preachy, and it also was very reflective of pre-axial spirituality. There is a dedication in the movie that says "to my children, and my children's children." Everything about this movie was aligning so well, so I decided to google it and it turns out the movie was an adaptation of a book written by the wife of the producer. The couple got the idea to make it into a movie and worked for 8 years to slowly make it a reality. It didnt come easy though, because Disney, and specifically then chairman of Disney Jeffrey Katzenberg was trying to shut them down with lots of dirty tricks. They eventually had to move their production into a brewery to escape Disneys influence, but then Katzenberg tried to buy the brewery. Robin Williams was the voice for Batty the bat, but Disney tried to force him to abandon his role in the film using the leverage from him being hired to play the genie in Aladdin. Thankfully the bad guys lost this time, and we got a beautiful movie out of it.






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Edge Guerrero
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri May 21, 2021 4:08 pm

- I remember this amazing cartoon.

Never knew Disney tried interfering. The cartoon was great, beautyful art.

There's a sequel.


They ever lauched toys?
- I rent this space for advertising

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