MMA, BJJ, & The Martial Arts
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Edge Guerrero
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:52 pm

- New story

Rocky story has lasted almost 40 years, the story of the good hearted, somewhat ingenuous, or to some people even dim-witted boxer. Rocky and his fellow characters like Apollo Creed, Paulie, Mickie and the doomsday called Drago, all left their mark on the movie world and pop culture.

The first movie of the series wasn`t a movie about boxing, it`s was a movie about life that had boxing as a backstory, what`s made Rocky stand tall over all the others characters of the genre, besides Stallone natural charisma and abillity to tell a story, is that unlike all the other combat-sport movies counterpart`s, is that Rocky wasn`t the best, he was a average guy, like all the others average guys that we see across the street or even when we look on the mirror. People could see and sympathize with Rocky, he wasn`t Frank Dux on bloodsport, Rocky wasn`t the best or more talented fighter, he was just a guy that saw one last opportunity to a better life on his front and choose to grab that opportunity with all his strength.
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Postby robbstar » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:15 am

Edge Guerrero wrote:- New story

Rocky story has lasted almost 40 years, the story of the good hearted, somewhat ingenuous, or to some people even dim-witted boxer. Rocky and his fellow characters like Apollo Creed, Paulie, Mickie and the doomsday called Drago, all left their mark on the movie world and pop culture.

The first movie of the series wasn`t a movie about boxing, it`s was a movie about life that had boxing as a backstory, what`s made Rocky stand tall over all the others characters of the genre, besides Stallone natural charisma and abillity to tell a story, is that unlike all the other combat-sport movies counterpart`s, is that Rocky wasn`t the best, he was a average guy, like all the others average guys that we see across the street or even when we look on the mirror. People could see and sympathize with Rocky, he wasn`t Frank Dux on bloodsport, Rocky wasn`t the best or more talented fighter, he was just a guy that saw one last opportunity to a better life on his front and choose to grab that opportunity with all his strength.

Hell yeah :)

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Postby robbstar » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:26 am

Masato wrote:I'd be happy to contribute if you have anything you'd like to be covered

I miss writing, would be a good excuse to sharpen up my skills again :D

Keep going guys, this is inspiring

hell yeah images, articles, book recommendations, philosophy, movie reviews , anything amrtial arts related . As you see Martial arts. :)

If you send me your email , I can create you a user account , then you just log in a do as you wish :) easy :)
[email protected]

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Postby Masato » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:29 am

[email protected]

I haven't written any MMA stuff for years. I used to write these spoof articles with photoshops etc but somehow that train left the cerebral station, I don't get those kind of ideas anymore.

Maybe this will activate that part of the system again, I'll turn on the brainstorm machine and see if anything comes out, lol

If I do its yours.

I was writing for another smaller local MMA site here that I was friends with, but that guy went a different way and shut his site down, along with all my work lol
I have been too lazy to re-post anywhere.

One day I'll send ya something for sure

keep up the great work. You see what it does? Its already spreding creative energy and inspiring people to develop themselves and make things.
I'm telling you guys, its a contagious thing but at the same time a lot of resistance. We need to make it spread not just for ourselves but for the whole world. Not easy but the fruits are always sweet for those who choose to tend even small gardens

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Postby robbstar » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:07 pm

No pressure , just for fun, an alternative place to post :) Always good to build and get creative and see where it leads:) Last time it took me to Danas door , this time who knows :) but my photoshopping will get better as I am playing alot more . So I am happy happy. One day if I get anywhere near your skills I will be a happy man :)

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