attn; Winnson - Are you REALLy supporting Trump?

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attn; Winnson - Are you REALLy supporting Trump?

Postby Daglord » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:25 pm


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Postby IDL » Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:19 pm

It's easier to vote for 'anyone but Hillary' when you see things like this..

Here she is supporting global government

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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:50 pm

Well goddamn if this isn't a great speech:

Its almost surreal - if the exact same words came out of Ron Paul's mouth when he was running I would have lost my shit, lol

He really does seem like he's calling out the great conspiracy...! :shock:

I am not yet convinced, I have learned by now never to really trust anything on such a stage for what it seems... and info like the great thread our man Daglord is putting together about Trump being a Trojan Horse offer much to consider...

But at the same time this speech is downright historic. The shit he is saying has never been said in the mainstream public eye, he is breaking walls and taboos left and right and the media is basically getting the shit kicked out if it in the process.

I can see why people vote Trump. His nationalism and open hatred for what he describes as the rigged, corrupt government (drain the swamp!) lol almost remind me of Hitler, and the extreme nationalist fever he was able to generate out of a similar situation of oppressive corrupt globalists

What fascinating times

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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:45 am

Historic campaign

Full-on isolationist/nationalist. If genuine (of which I am not yet convinced...) this could either be really cool in that he appears to be challenging the globalist agenda, or really frightening in that he is taking it to an extreme like a new Hitler etc

Will he follow through with any of these promises, or is this all just a trick?

crazy times

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:21 pm


You have rocked this whole thing like nothing I've seen before. In the community of conspiracy trackers where everything is grey, you picked a side and ran with it and sensed the momentum coming. Its a more celebratory victory to me than that of Trump itself!

Amazing, lol

You are now my go-to CT guru :D

I humble myself to thy wisdom

Please continue to teach us!!!!

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Postby Winnson » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:00 pm

Masato wrote:Hey man

I see some of your posts @ EY but haven't read enough to see if you are trolling or not, lol

What's the story?

To be completely honest, I always suspected the rigged-game theory that Trump and Hillary are just props in a script to the degree that I really haven't followed much of Trump at all. Have researched the recent 'breaking' dirt on Hillary just cuz I fuckin hate her, lol... but haven't actually listened to much of Trump for fear of simply wasting my time :D

So what do your eyes see, my man? Are you joking? Or is there something about Trump I'm overlooking?

PS: You do know that 'Trump' was an updated/Americanized translation from the word 'Drumpf', right?

Donald Drumpf.

How about that?



I have just seen this for the first time because I only ever go to Anarchy Zone here.

What do you think boss? Did I really support Trump, or was I just shitposting?

I'll leave it up to you decide.


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Postby Winnson » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:08 pm

I have listened to this pretty much non-stop since the decision was official.

I suggest everybody else do the same.

Feels good man. I just hope he stays safe.

Please God protect that man and help him work his magic.

If so and he landslides in 2020, the future looks bright for our kids.


**Edited to update the video taken down due to copyright strike.**

If you put 'ss' before 'youtube' in the address, you can save it. 2.3Gb file.

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Postby Winnson » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:17 pm

Masato wrote:CONGRATULATIONS, Winnson!!!

You have rocked this whole thing like nothing I've seen before. In the community of conspiracy trackers where everything is grey, you picked a side and ran with it and sensed the momentum coming. Its a more celebratory victory to me than that of Trump itself!

Amazing, lol

You are now my go-to CT guru :D

I humble myself to thy wisdom

Please continue to teach us!!!!

I think it's because I'm over here in Hong Kong now and dodged a lot of propaganda as a young one.

Even here, for 18 months, everyone thought I was just kidding or crazy.

What a fucking slog. Just for a fan. Trump never wavered once though. Not for nothing, but right now, I would follow that man into hell.

No one could do what he did, and he did it anyway. Trump is a gift to Mankind.

I expect big things, and I do not expect to be disappointed!


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Postby Winnson » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:39 pm



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Postby Winnson » Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:56 pm


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