Nixon 'Telephones' the MOON

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Re: Nixon 'Telephones' the MOON

Postby Masato » Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:13 pm

Jehannum wrote:I always remember the argument about why there were no visible stars when they had the best view of them ever seen by mankind (upto that point) but even that was debunked (explained lol) from what I remember.

Actually, the question of what stars are visible or not visible from space or even from the ISS is still IMO a very interesting question...

Check this vid out from about 18:20 mark... it compiles a whole bunch of different conflicting testimonies of astronauts regarding this question. Some say you can see stars, some say you can't, some say it black, some say its full of light, some say you can only see them in certain positions relative to sun, others say you see them all the time, etc etc etc

Hell, the Apollo astronauts themselves couldn't even 'recall' whether or not they saw stars even though they supposedly spent 3 days in the craft floating out to the moon and another 3 days back, when asked at the press conference they look to each other in befuddlement not being able to answer.

^ some of the answers are about what stars are seen from ISS, other clips talking about the moon... the vid-maker kind of throws them all together but keep watching from that 18:20 mark and the inconsistencies of both questions become disturbingly clear

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:48 pm

Another interesting bit from that video ^^ is @ 16:40 and 17:43, where he confirms that all the hard data from the Apollo missions is MISSING.

All the numbers, calculations, all the math and telemetry from the missions are GONE. They don't know where they went, what happened... its just gone. The biggest accomplishment of mankind, and the data is missing.

It is impossible to confirm the calculations, or exactly how it was all navigated because the specific data is gone.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:49 pm

Did you know that ALL missions to the moon were under Nixon's watch? Every one.

Then it all stopped, and no one ever considered doing it again, ever. This is proof of nothing but I find it interesting.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:07 pm

I like this video of the lander rocketing out from the moon's gravity, ready to navigate back to earth as it hurtles around the sun.

Amazing camera work! Nice pan up, tracking it along as it goes up.

Feel sorry for the poor bastard they left behind to shoot the footage though, he went out like a trooper

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:12 pm

I am no scientist nor mathematician, but if the moon is approximately 1/6th of earth's gravity, wouldn't you need approximately 1/6th the thrust to escape it's surface?

Does that ^^^ look like 1/6th of this?:

what am I missing? would atmosphere make such a difference?

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Postby Jehannum » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:31 pm

lol Masato going down the rabbit hole!!

The wiki for the conspiracy theories makes me feel like I'm dumb for even considering the possibility it was faked in some way :(

and over 400,000 people would've had to be in on it? that's a hell of a lot, and way too many for it to be ALL fake (in my opinion)

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Postby Masato » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:31 am

When in a rabbit hole always listen to skeptics or debunkers if they look like they may be legit. Here is a presentation by some super smart looking fellow at NVIDIA claiming to 'debunk conspiracy theories'.

Turned out to be the lamest debunking I've ever seen, lol. Like comically empty, 15 minutes of him showing off a simple CGI model they made, supposedly all accurate to scale but I doubt his light source is the true distance of the sun.

He asks for applause numerous times for his great CGI skills, and whittles the entire question of 'conspiracy theories' down into a few simple questions about 1 single photo, which he proudly explains using his not-to-scale computer model as proof.

Thanks mr. Science guy, nice to know its all settled now. Hope you didn't spend too much time on your presentation

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Postby Redneck » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:17 am

Masato wrote:You guys keep saying it’s not real/bullshit, but not sure exactly what you mean.

I haven’t seen anything to suggest this is a hoax or anything, from what I see it looks like according to the official record this call is supposed to have really happened.

Or if by fake/not real you mean faked by NASA and Nixon, then yes we are in agreement. The more I age, the more absurd that whole thing really looks. I just saw some supposed professionals today on ‘LinkedIn’ posting motivational memes referencing the moon landings as though they were real and indisputable, to to me this doesn’t look very good lol actually starting to come off a bit dumb imo

I’m gonna bring up this phone call next time someone wants to tell me people went to the moon and back on their first try in 1969. I bet most people haven’t heard of it... I didnt know about it, it’s an interesting part of the story

I'm saying that it's not real in the same way I'd say the Moon landing is not real. The audio in that call definitely seemed to be edited together and it was not a live exchange between two people. Nixon recorded his bit, the other guy recorded his, and it was spliced together and played to the world as if it was in real time.

All I was pointing out was it's not that crazy to show him calling the Moon on his 1969 phone, if a radio signal could reach the Moon (which it easily did in 1969) then it was technically possible.

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Postby Redneck » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:26 am

Jehannum wrote:lol Masato going down the rabbit hole!!

The wiki for the conspiracy theories makes me feel like I'm dumb for even considering the possibility it was faked in some way :(

and over 400,000 people would've had to be in on it? that's a hell of a lot, and way too many for it to be ALL fake (in my opinion)

Where does the 400,000 figure come from?

Even the people in the control room said they could not distinguish between a simulation and a real event.

All the Ham radio operators who tracked it, the various tracking stations around the world, could easily have believed that it was real.

I suspect that the Russians knew it was fake but what could they do about it? Who was going to believe the Evil Empire if it tried to shit on America's parade?

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Postby Jehannum » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:25 pm

Redneck wrote:
Jehannum wrote:lol Masato going down the rabbit hole!!

The wiki for the conspiracy theories makes me feel like I'm dumb for even considering the possibility it was faked in some way :(

and over 400,000 people would've had to be in on it? that's a hell of a lot, and way too many for it to be ALL fake (in my opinion)

Where does the 400,000 figure come from?

Even the people in the control room said they could not distinguish between a simulation and a real event.

All the Ham radio operators who tracked it, the various tracking stations around the world, could easily have believed that it was real.

I suspect that the Russians knew it was fake but what could they do about it? Who was going to believe the Evil Empire if it tried to shit on America's parade?
off the wikipedia

Number of conspirators involved
According to James Longuski (Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering at Purdue University), the conspiracy theories are impossible because of their size and complexity. The conspiracy would have to involve more than 400,000 people who worked on the Apollo project for nearly ten years, the 12 men who walked on the Moon, the six others who flew with them as Command Module pilots, and another six astronauts who orbited the Moon.[Note 2] Hundreds of thousands of people – including astronauts, scientists, engineers, technicians, and skilled laborers – would have had to keep the secret. Longuski argues that it would have been much easier to really land on the Moon than to generate such a huge conspiracy to fake the landings.[81][82] To date, nobody from the United States government or NASA who would have had a link to the Apollo program has said the Moon landings were hoaxes. Penn Jillette made note of this in the "Conspiracy Theories" episode of his contrarian television show Penn & Teller: Bullshit! in 2005.[83] With the number of people involved, and noting the Watergate scandal, Jillette noted that someone would have outed the hoax by now.

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