Zionism Thread

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Re: Hardcore Zionist Thread

Postby Masato » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:38 pm

Personally I have found some reason to suspect that the hardest core of Zionist power is not even 'jewish' at all (whatever that means; Religion? Race? or Political Identity?), but rather masquerading as such. It's their defense.

I've listened to many wise rabbis who completely reject Zionism 100% and will openly tell you that creating Israel was a huge mistake and goes against everything good about what the Torah teaches

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:56 pm

Haven't even begun discussing apartheid humanitarian crimes against the Palestinians/Settlements etc. I see videos every day via Twitter of Israeli forces brutalizing Palestinians, kidnapping children, demolishing homes, etc without any consequence whatsoever. You won't see any of it on 'the news'

Lots of ex-Israeli soldiers confessing of how they were trained to do their job, how to see the Palestinian people and justify their actions towards them etc.

MSM will flaunt race-baiting all day long, contantly focussing on racism and inserting racial fuel to the fire at every chance they get... but find me one single instance where MSM discusses inherent racism of Israel. Not a peep. Politicians right now are celebrating MLK Day while at the same time giving unwavering support to apartheid Israel. Go figure that one out.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:54 am

Heres the thing though, I remember when I was 14 and I was a left wing progressive I immediately associated any of that stuff with neo-Nazis. Id never seen a neo-Nazi before but I saw a lopsided swatstika spray painted on a dumpster once so I knew they existed. As I became more and more anti or what you want to call it I remember one thing that always stayed with me was that I told myself I was finding some middle ground, and I would never be the guy who thought that Jewish people were the shadowy puppet masters causing all the problems. Like, when I was really red pilled, already been through GG and all, I would still see a Jew meme and knee jerk reject it as not just wrong but gross. This is why this topic is so off limits, because if this is how I think about it, how does the average person thing about it, let alone some boomer? I remember prolly only 4 years ago I was in the war room and Hack Savage made a haughty remark that went something like "the root of all conspiracies is anti-Semitism." I knew this was a ridiculous statement but part of me still wanted to believe it, saw it as an over-exaggeration rather than just BS.

I should also add that discussing this, even doing what we are doing right now is very dangerous. We know from all the Tommy Robinson stuff that the authorities are fully willing to fabricate BS charges, SWAT your house, seize your computer, and show the jury any comment you might have ever posted to convince them you are a racist that should be convicted. There was a British woman who got years in prison because she liked to Nazi LARP online and joked about gassing Jews. So even the people who might be 100% anti-Zionism might not speak out.

I dunno, maybe things will be different when Gen-Z grows up, but as for us, anti-Zionism will always be viewed with the deepest of skepticism by most people.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:45 pm

Thanks for your honesty Luigi

Your post is pretty much exactly the point of the thread. All this fear and silence is so weird, its all based on irrational fears and imaginary social stigmas and boogeymen. Its like people who absolutely can't bring themselves to look at 9/11 issues, because they just can't believe that 'our government would lie to us', or some other unfounded reason. Its just so dumb, these are mass-mental blockages without reason or logic. See how even highly open minded people like our man SRBrant (love ya dude ;)) gets triggered emotionally but doesn't even know why. Unable to just listen to logic, the mind jumps to far-fetched nightmares of Nazis and Holocaust and therefore they are locked in and can't accept new info

So we run around in a society where even thinking anything even remotely associated with Zionism or Israel as a political entity has been impossibly somehow made synonymous with racism, and therefore shameful & off limits. This is simply wrong.

I think the risks of discussing it are exaggerated, especially if done fairly and objectively, unless perhaps if you are high profile. Maybe I am idealistic but it seems like perpetuating this psychological stranglehold and pretending its not there is not gonna get us anywhere. Only progress is made when we see clear-mindedly, without bias, fear, or prejudice. Otherwise its all just a charade


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Postby shankara » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:58 pm

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:42 pm

Here is an interesting take from Jordan Peterson:

The whole clip is Peterson being asked about IQ differences according to race and gender (most likely trying to bait him into saying something racist or sexist, lol). Peterson goes on to defend IQ tests, saying how difficult that what he sees as hard reliable statistical data can't be discussed because its so politically incorrect

Anyways at 13:50 he applies the issue of IQ data to 'The Jewish Question.'

He openly admits that it is a fact that there is a blatant over-representation of Jewish people in places of authority and power (and radical political movements). He doesn't even debate it. Then he offers 2 explanations for this; 1. Jewish Conspiracy, or 2. Jews have been shown to perform significantly higher on IQ tests

Peterson goes on to favor the latter (whether this is his opinion or if he's just using this to cleverly answer the difficult question I don't know lol), suggesting that if a group is higher on average IQ tests, it is more likely that positions requiring high IQ would be mostly filled by people from that group (he explains it much better than me)

Then he finishes by saying that high IQ/intelligence does not = human value, and talks about genius sonofabitches :D


Its an interesting take on the question. I'm just please he had the guts to admit that the question is valid in the first place, whatever the answers may be

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Postby SRBrant » Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:29 am

Masato wrote:Personally I have found some reason to suspect that the hardest core of Zionist power is not even 'jewish' at all (whatever that means; Religion? Race? or Political Identity?), but rather masquerading as such. It's their defense.

I've listened to many wise rabbis who completely reject Zionism 100% and will openly tell you that creating Israel was a huge mistake and goes against everything good about what the Torah teaches

That is true, actually. There are many Jews who oppose Zionism, much of whom are of the super-orthodox variety, such as the Haredi. And by super-orthodox, I mean "news must always be good, men and women must be dressed as modestly as possible, separation from mainstream society, etc." Many Jews have also stated that the creation of the state of Israel has actually done more harm than good for their people.

Personally, I think Israel and Palestine should become a whole new state that is neither: Levantia. Especially because the region is absolutely RICH in history, since it's smack dab in the origin point of Human civilization.

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Postby Masato » Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:07 pm

^ Levantia?? Interesting, - Where does this name come from? or did you channel it from your usual sources? :D

Irony that the only poster with the guts to come post in this thread is SRBrant, lol

I've been reading some stuff lately that says that ideas of Zionism and creating a 'Holy Land' for jewish people goes back all the way to the early 1800's! And even weirder, most of the talk from that time came from Christian/Catholic groups! The suggestion was that they were interested in pushing the idea to bring not only Judaic but Christian prophecy come true, the state of Israel they figured had to happen for the rest to unfold.

I personally suspect there was more to it than mere religious/prophetic motives but its still interesting to learn that several different groups were discussing the plan almost 100 years before the Balfour Declaration even.

Don't let anyone tell you that creating the State of Israel was merely a result of WWII. The concept is old, multi-faceted, and was conceived and discussed by many different interests over time from more than 1 religion or political groups

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Postby SRBrant » Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:29 pm

Masato wrote:^ Levantia?? Interesting, - Where does this name come from? or did you channel it from your usual sources? :D

Irony that the only poster with the guts to come post in this thread is SRBrant, lol

I've been reading some stuff lately that says that ideas of Zionism and creating a 'Holy Land' for jewish people goes back all the way to the early 1800's! And even weirder, most of the talk from that time came from Christian/Catholic groups! The suggestion was that they were interested in pushing the idea to bring not only Judaic but Christian prophecy come true, the state of Israel they figured had to happen for the rest to unfold.

I personally suspect there was more to it than mere religious/prophetic motives but its still interesting to learn that several different groups were discussing the plan almost 100 years before the Balfour Declaration even.

Don't let anyone tell you that creating the State of Israel was merely a result of WWII. The concept is old, multi-faceted, and was conceived and discussed by many different interests over time from more than 1 religion or political groups

It has nothing to do with Judaism; everything to do with imperialism. It runs contrary to Jewish values.

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Postby sparkuri » Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:08 pm

I've spent the last 10 days in Israel(some in Jordan).
I've spoke to many regarding the state; it's pretty clear Jews/Judaism is like nothing else on earth, and currently & historically societies worldwide have reacted to that.
I don't believe there's a grand Zionist conspiracy to take over the world. Powers are at work, but in my view, Zionism is only a tool to others who align geopolitically; "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
There's a Hebrew contingency here that's as thick or thicker than any nation on earth.
I've driven through Megiddo, understand it's importance strategically/historically & in prophecy.
I'm in Jerusalem now, toured the underground under the temple mount today and visited the Western Wall, seeing thousands of years of civilization stacked on top of each other.
This is the oldest city in the world that's been continuously and actively occupied.
Only under current conditions & governing has excavation been undertaken to retrace history so meticulously.

There are some historically miraculous events that occurred prior to western support but after 1948's resolution that in my view make this truly a land of prophecy.
Only through worldwide mandates in the last several centuries by Sultans, Kings, and empires that outline scattering the Hebrews or tribes of Israel over eradicating them entirely, has antisemitism existed over the centuries.
I think they're haters frankly.

I've spent my entire life disseminating information on the topic, long before wikipedia.
I thought I'd put some boots on the ground for some more understanding & context.
Palestine may have been called Palestine, but the Philistines didn't establish that name, Arab tribalism eg Saud, Jordan, Persia, Babylonia did.
Phoenicians settled on this hill long before any of them, but names change when land is conquered.

Jews are creative enough to have established strength worldwide to reclaim the land, but that imo is all they want.
They'll just continue to exercise every breath in maintaining it, just as other countries do.

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