Natives in New Brunswick vs Frackers

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Natives in New Brunswick vs Frackers

Postby Masato » Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:31 pm

Hey all.. not sure how this story is being heard beyond Canada, but there are some very interesting things happening in New Brunswick right now.

Citing grave environmental concerns to their clean drinking water etc, local Native bands have been protesting/blocking the development of fracking corporations... The Canadian government has brought on full military force against them in the name of private profit.

A serious line has been drawn ideologically, ethically, physically, and legally - imo this could be the first stand of a much bigger choice that we will all be faced with soon.

Do some research, watch for the mainstream spin, and look inside yourself to decide where your own moral compass stands. ... dx.twitter ... g-protests

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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:49 pm

Here is what our brothers south of the (imaginary/corporate) border are doing.

So epic... my imagination is dreaming that this might be the leading charge in some historic revolution..

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Postby =Darky » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:26 pm

i live in nova scotia and the local government/media has no sympathy for these protestors. the fracking program wont change as far as i can tell and a few of these folks have already been arrested and made examples of.

the media has probably overstated the actions of the protestors as well to turn public opinion on them. however some protests have been violent. not sure if its manufactured or not tho with so much misinfo around.

just seems like basic human rights are being violated for the sake of big oil... seems about right i guess.

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:49 am

Darky I missed that comment, that is cool you live there. Any further insight would be appreciated.

I am split between the cynical realism of recognizing that no protest will ever get past a certain point... corporations/government have a monopoly on legal violence, so of course when they decide its over its over.

The other half of me wants to be naively optimistic and thinks that if nobody believes that real change can happen, we all stay cynical and then nothing will happen for sure.

No true evolution can happen until people have the courage/craziness to dream/believe it first.

I think it would be poetic if the first real stand one day might come from Native peoples

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Postby =Darky » Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:08 pm

it is poetic indeed that the natives are the first to speak up on the subject.

they really do try to keep their spiritual roots around here, but they are treated poorly and pushed into the pockets of land chosen by government. they also have no money and thusly have no say what happens to the land.

id really like to see some sort of change in the way things get done as well. its not only the natives who care about the land and its future.

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