The 9/11 Investigations

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The 9/11 Investigations

Postby Masato » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:59 pm

Ben Swann is a badass, I like him

Sometimes I think he doesn't really comprehend the extent of what he is suggesting though,

lol he's like the Ron Burgundy of Conspiracy info

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:05 am

Masato wrote:Ben Swann is a badass, I like him

Sometimes I think he doesn't really comprehend the extent of what he is suggesting though,

lol he's like the Ron Burgundy of Conspiracy info

legit LOL :lol: not to derail, but another good one:

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:47 pm

Getting back to topic, here is an interesting vid I just watched suggesting that 9/11 was an Israeli/Mossad operation, and points to the insane amount of dual-citizenship Israelis at key points on government and big business at the time of 9/11.

Its very crazy that even the mere concept of Israel being behind it was so completely off-limits, and was never questioned.

Form this perspective, the filmmaker offers to suggest that a lot of popular 9/11 conspiracy propaganda focusing on solely US perpetrators could be in fact deliberate disinfo to steer people away from an Israeli connection

Lots to debate, but also lots of interesting info:

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Postby Daglord » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:35 am

Lawsuit could reveal secret Saudi connection to 9/11 (August 9, 2015)


A federal lawsuit moving forward in Manhattan could open the floodgates to tightly held government secrets about foreign connections to the 9/11 attacks.

While the Obama administration refuses to make public the censored 28 pages of the congressional intelligence report implicating the Saudi government in the terror strike — defying bipartisan requests from lawmakers — the two investigators who authored the long-secret section will more than likely be called to testify in the lawsuit brought against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Former FBI investigator Michael Jacobson and former Justice Department attorney Dana Lesemann ran down FBI leads tying Saudi officials to some of the Saudi hijackers and documented their findings in the report.

Jacobson and Lesemann went on to work for the independent 9/11 Commission, where they uncovered more evidence and connected new dots to the Saudi Embassy in Washington and the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.

During a July 30 court hearing, lawyers for 9/11 victims’ families and insurers revealed that the staffers’ most serious allegations against the Saudis were stricken from the final draft of the 9/11 Commission report as well.

“They were removed at the 11th hour by the senior staff,” plaintiffs’ attorney Sean Carter of Cozen O’Connor said, explaining that the decision was a “political matter.”

Carter said that the staff investigators “felt they had documented a direct link between the Saudi government and the Sept. 11 plot based on the explosive material they had uncovered concerning the activities of Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi.”

Thumairy was employed at the time as a Saudi religious cleric and diplomat in Los Angeles, while Bayoumi was employed by the Saudi Arabian civil aviation authority in San Diego.

The suit charges that two of the Saudi hijackers, who first entered the United States in Los Angeles before traveling to Washington to attack the Pentagon, were funded through the Saudi embassy and consulate — and that they were handled primarily by Saudi “agent” Bayoumi while staying in San Diego.

The judge now has a 60-to-90-day window to decide whether to dismiss the case based on the Saudi pleading or let 9/11 families proceed to discovery, which could expose the role of other, more senior Saudi officials.

Plaintiffs’ attorney Jerry Goldman says he is optimistic the judge will decide in their favor.

“He wasn’t buying their spin,” he said in a phone interview. “The burden is on the kingdom to prove we are wrong, and they didn’t do that.”

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Postby Daglord » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:45 am

Masato wrote:Getting back to topic, here is an interesting vid I just watched suggesting that 9/11 was an Israeli/Mossad operation, and points to the insane amount of dual-citizenship Israelis at key points on government and big business at the time of 9/11.

Its very crazy that even the mere concept of Israel being behind it was so completely off-limits, and was never questioned.

Form this perspective, the filmmaker offers to suggest that a lot of popular 9/11 conspiracy propaganda focusing on solely US perpetrators could be in fact deliberate disinfo to steer people away from an Israeli connection

Lots to debate, but also lots of interesting info:

this has always been more my line of thinking re: 9/11. that it was allowed to happen. plenty of intelligence that warned us of such an attack (we trained for this exact scenario) & cheney's fingerprints were all over NORAD's inaction or inability to respond that day.

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Postby IDL » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:34 pm

RT released a good 9/11 clip. Not new information but it's interesting because RT is Quasi-main stream

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Postby Daglord » Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:57 pm

Daglord wrote:Lawsuit could reveal secret Saudi connection to 9/11 (August 9, 2015)

a lot has happened since this...

later that year, the federal judge ended up dismissing the above lawsuit citing the Foreign Sovereignty Immunities Act (FSIA -

In response, a bipartisan group of senators countered with the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA -

the FSIA was crucial in dismissing the case because the plaintiffs would have to provide reasonable proof that individuals acting within the scope of their employment by saudi arabia committed "tortious conduct" inside the US by aiding the hijackers. this, IMO, would be almost impossible without declassification of the notorious 28 pages. if they were opened up, it sounds as if those families would be able to make a case & the lawsuit would proceed. could this be part of the holdup?

why has the declassification review taken longer than the 9/11 report itself?

if JASTA is passed, it would amend FSIA and prevent the accused from invoking sovereign immunity in cases involving terrorist acts occurring in the US regardless. If this happens, saudi arabia is on record as threatening to sell off over $750 billion dollars in US assets. blackmail? admission of guilt?

Saudi Arabia wants US to kill 9/11 bill, threatens to dump US assets worth $750 bn - report

limited hangout or not, it's an interesting time in 9/11 truth for sure.


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Postby Daglord » Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:35 pm

on Sep. 9th, 2004, then former Rep. Cynthia McKinney, along with 9/11 family members & citizen researchers, held what were called the '9/11 omission hearings' in NYC. to many of us who have been involved with this cause for a long time, this was truly historic. It is important to note that these hearings took place not 2 months after the release of the 9/11 commission's report. If you've never seen them, they come highly recommended.

as you watch them, ask yourself... "is this something the media should have told us about?"

Mission Statement

Commissioners' opening statement

Barry Zelman reflects on loss: what was lost on 9/11 & the need for justice

Mindy Kleinberg discusses questions not answered by the 9/11 report

Jenna Orkin discusses the environmental impact of 9/11

John Judge addresses specific concerns about the credibility of the 9/11 commission report & it's inaccuracies.

John Judge & Jenna Orkin Q & A

Michael Springman addresses the suspicious manner in which the hijackers entered the US

Paul Thompson reviews the numerous intelligence warnings that were received (& ignored)

Cynthia McKinney introduces Michael Ruppert (RIP)

Michael Ruppert discusses chain of command & the dual role of Dick Cheney coordinating both the military exercises mirroring the attack & the immediate response that morning

The commissioners review various evidence that contradicts the official story of 9/11

Indira Singh reads Sibel Edmonds' letter to the 9/11 commission (pretty damning - also here

Michael Ruppert & Indira Singh Q & A

Nicholas Levis 9/11 Omission Dossier

Carolyn Betts introduction

Carolyn Betts talks about the legal process & options open to those seeking justice for 9/11

John Judge discusses the history, character & actions of the US intelligence apparatus & gives a very succinct summary of the deep political history & geopolitics that underline the pursuit of 9/11 truth.

extended audience Q & A

that's a wrap...

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:16 am

^ this is great, how old is/was this hearing?

What do you think of the '28 Pages' stuff going on right now? I am guessing you'd agree with me that it is a total Limited Hangout scenario... blaming Saudi Arabia? lol it wasn't Saudi Arabia who stood down NORAD... wasn't SA who confiscated the security cams @ the Pentagon, etc etc etc

Here is a link I've found but haven't gone through yet, also looks interesting: ... onist.html

thanks for the vids dude, always nice to see you round here


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Postby What » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:11 pm

9/11 has all the distraction tactics and characteristics that mossad is well known for, the first thing that came to mind after the dust settled to me was how much they were involved

its one of the great wonders to me how a whole country as ingenious as the USA falls for this, via corruption and a frail patriotical ego

i mean honestly the country has no problem shoving their whole proverbial head in the sand over this, its fucked

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