Thoughts on coronavirus...

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Re: Thoughts on coronavirus...

Postby Masato » Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:35 am

Holy FUCK it actually happened

They actually took their baby away. Mother crying, pleading that she needs to be with her baby, that her baby needs to be with his mother.

FUCKHEAD wearing a mask just stands there and tells her sorry 'just following orders'


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Postby Masato » Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:53 am

I am livid.

I have watched a lot of nasty video footage in my life, Palestinian kids getting killed etc

Not gonna lie, this one hit me deep. I'm fucked up over this.

The dad was perhaps right when he says he knew if he had fought back he would have lost/made it worse, but I don't know how he restrained himself. Try to take my baby away I think I would have gone full rampage and stabbed all those fuckers in the throat.
I know they would shoot me down and the baby wouldn't have a dad but FFS what else can you do and live with yourself after??

This is so bad, man.

may all those people burn in Hell

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Postby Masato » Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:10 pm

In Hebrew, DIVOC (COVID spelled backwards) means to 'be possessed by an evil spirit'. ... in-hebrew/

The Hebrew term Divoc means “the possession of the pernicious soul”. It’s a compound word that also translates as a package, bundle, or discrete part. It can also mean “to tear apart,” “to separate,” or “to annihilate.” Some conveniences in the U.S. say the name gathers the commitment of a person to a poisonous soul. Other words that are related to this word include dybbuk, and COVID, which stands for coronavirus disease.

In Hebrew, the word Divoc means “the possession of a demon.” This name is also referred to as “possessed by an evil spirit.” There are a few other possible meanings for the name Divoc, but they all refer to the same thing: the evil soul. If you were to try to find out what possessed the person, you’d be able to tell how the person got that name.

In Hebrew, the word Divoc means “possession of an evil spirit.” It’s believed that the name is derived from the word ‘dybbuk’. A dybbuk is the soul of a deceased person or an evil one. They are said to posses a poor-evolved creature. This term has an interesting origin in the bible. The term is an English adaptation of a Hebrew term that means ‘possession’.

Divoc is a common name in English, but its Hebrew meaning varies. The term means “possessed by an evil spirit” and has a wide range of interpretations. Depending on your beliefs and cultural background, the name can be a sign of possession of an evil spirit. If the person possesses an evil spirit, it might be the soul of a person. Hence, it is not uncommon for a person to possess an evil spirit.

The word Divoc comes from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’. In Hebrew, a dybbuk is an evil spirit that lives on earth. It is often believed to be the soul of a human or a person who is evil. In both cases, the name means ‘possessed soul’. So, the name is an adjective in English. The first form of the term is ‘possessed’, while the second form is ‘possessed’.

The name Divoc is a variant of the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’. This is a demon spirit that inhabits the soul of humans. This demon has the ability to control people by destroying their will. However, in other languages, a dybbuk possesses a body. It is an evil spirit in the opposite sex. This makes it a very rare and unlucky thing.

According to the dictionary, “divoc” means ‘possessed by evil spirits’. While it has no direct connection to the English word, it is a close cousin of ‘covid’. The word is spelled ‘covid’ if you spell it backwards. Its pronunciation is the same as the original, but it’s just a different version of the word.

The word Divoc comes from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’. It is a type of demon that can possess people. As a result, it can be a person who is possessed by a demon. The term also refers to a spirit that can possess an animal or person. So, if you’re looking for a name with a similar definition, it is definitely a good choice for a child’s name.

The name Divoc is a Hebrew word. It means ‘possessed’. This is a common occurrence of the word. The name is also related to ‘dybuk’ in English. The word ‘dybuk’ has a wide variety of meanings. This is because it is similar to ‘covi’ but is not the same as ‘covid’.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:08 am

LOLOLOL absolutely brutal:

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:08 pm

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Matt Ridley go in depth to explore the Covid 19 outbreak, scrutinizing the lack of criticism, the inherent red flags widely accepted as benign, the possible motive for a multi-government cover up, and ultimately the demise of the scientific enlightenment as it bends to a more fearsome pandemic: totalitarianism.

They go over all the reasons why a lab-leak is VERY VERY PLAUSIBLE, and all the super-shady shit that went down to make absolute sure that no one ever fuckin talked about that, and how that whole possibility/probability was censored at the highest levels.

I downloaded

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:08 pm

This fuckin dork just admitted everything, yet he thinks he's defending himself lol

This is exactly what folk like me were saying from the start, we were treated like fuckin lepers for it.

Will he understand the irony what he just admitted?
Does he not realized he just incriminated the whole lot of them?


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Postby Rambo John J » Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:09 am

The Programming Continues

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Postby Masato » Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:53 pm

Rambo John J wrote:The Programming Continues


You're still alive!! :D :D :D

How are ya bud?

Check this out, this woman puts it all so clearly. Great:

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Postby dass » Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:02 am

Should I get the latest booster? I don't want to wind up in a wheelchair, or half dead..?!!!!

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Postby Masato » Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:29 am

If you don't, you are putting everyone at risk.

Literally killing people.

You selfish science denying racist.

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