Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

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Re: Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

Postby Winnson » Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:51 pm

I think they will rub him out, just to keep up appearances. RIP in peace. There is no way at this point in life he is coming back and making a serious impact on anything and there is wayyyy too much dirt on McCain to keep him around. Such is life when you move in those circles.

If Syria wraps up more or less peacefully because this bloodthirsty monster succumbs to a brain clot, that would be awesome. Fair trade!

I can't wait for Obama and Hillary to get KO'd!

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Megaterio Llamas
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:40 pm

That man has done a heap of warmongerin', you can't say he hasn't.

Preeminent warmonger of his generation I think you'd have to say.

I think that's fair.
el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:21 pm

Is anyone here informed enough to summarize the Guccifer stories? What in the end do they suggest? I tried to have a peek but there is a lot of stuff there to go through and put together. I plan to but just haven't found the time yet.

Here is a page I have archived for it, but if anyone is already up please give us a boost

I am dying for this 'Russian Hacking' story to end, one way or another. We are living in such radical times, the Geo-Political world is starting to sizzle again but here we are stuck in this stupid story of which I've seen nothing of substance at all. Lets get on with it already lol I am really interested in what Trump will do if he ever gets this shit off his back

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Postby Masato » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:22 pm

PS: I'm surprised to be honest that someone of McCain's stature actually got cancer at all. You don't hear about the Bushes getting Cancer, no?

That's like the final way of telling someone that they were never really in the club, lol

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Postby Winnson » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:25 pm

If the Guccifer thing is about how it seems Russian, a bunch of technical people showed in ways I don't really understand that everything was copy / pasted into Russian files to leave a deliberate Russian trace. There's a lot of Guccifer stuff though, so I'm not sure that's what you mean.

The Russian hacking story is going away. Everyone is sick and tired of hearing it except the most raving idiot libtards, and even they are starting to realize it's just smoke and mirrors bullshit. Trump is doing the smart thing letting MSM beat it to death I think. Don't interrupt your enemy when they are doing something stupid, and MSM is destroying any last bit of trust anyone has in them the longer they pursue something that isn't there.

McCain was never really part of the club at all. He is a useful idiot neocon warmonger. People like that never really get in the club. They're just useful idiots.

May he burn in hell

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:44 pm

Megaterio Llamas wrote:Winnson take a bow my friend. You have been vindicated.

b]Trump ends CIA program to arm, train anti-Assad rebels in Syria: U.S. officials[/b]

The Trump administration has decided to halt the CIA’s covert program to equip and train certain rebel groups fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, two U.S. officials said, a move sought by Assad ally Russia.

The U.S. decision, said one of the officials, is part of an effort by the administration to improve relations with Russia, which along with Iranian-supported groups has largely succeeded in preserving Assad’s government in the six-year-civil war.

The CIA program began in 2013 as part of efforts by the administration of then-President Barack Obama to overthrow Assad, but produced little success, said the officials, both of whom are familiar with the program and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Washington Post was first to report the program’s suspension on Wednesday. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the topic at the White House briefing.

The CIA also declined to comment.

The decision was made with National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and CIA Director Mike Pompeo after they consulted with lower ranking officials and before Trump’s July 7 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit in Germany. It was not part of U.S.-Russian negotiations on a ceasefire in southwestern Syria, the two officials said.

One of the officials said the United States was not making a major concession, given Assad’s grip on power, although not on all of Syria, “but it’s a signal to Putin that the administration wants to improve ties to Russia.”

Trump is under intense scrutiny by Congress and a special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump’s campaign had ties to the activity. Russia has denied U.S. intelligence agencies’ allegations of Moscow meddling, and Trump has denied collusion between his campaign and Russians.

A downside of the CIA program, one of the officials said, is that some armed and trained rebels defected to Islamic State and other radical groups, and some members of the previous administration favoured abandoning the program.

Before assuming office in January, Trump suggested he could end support for Free Syrian Army groups and give priority to the fight against Islamic State.

A separate effort by the U.S. military effort to train, arm and support other Syrian rebel groups with air strikes and other actions will continue, the officials said.

However, aside from air strikes after the Syrian military launched a chemical weapons attack, the Trump administration has not increased military support from the limits set by the Obama administration.

This is amazing! Has Trump given any talks on this?

The whole funding/arming/training of extremists through covert channels I think is one of the biggest puzzle-pieces that needs to be exposed and discussed if this world is to ever make progress. IMO the whole concept of creating extremism is really interesting as far back as when the British created Wahabbism or whatever you call it and the House of Saud. CIA training Bin Laden and Al Quada, now clearly Obama and SA and Israel clearly conspiring to create ISIS etc. - ALL of these were later justifications for all kinds of further atrocities.

Is Trump really confronting this?

Damn, Winnson.

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Postby Winnson » Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:36 pm

I can't wait until all this Russian bullshit goes away so Trump and Putin can pursue their inevitable bromance. When they met each other at the G20 you could see a lot of mutual love and respect. I want them to be buddies and father figures for Justin the Canadian faggot - Prime Minister pride parade could definitely use some strong male role models in his life.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:17 am

Say Goodbye to Regime Change in Syria
Posted on July 24, 2017
Trump’s decision to stop sending arms to rebels alters everything.

Throwing a Curveball at ‘Intelligence Community Consensus’ on Russia
Posted on July 12, 2017
Definitive assessment was not what it proclaimed to be.

Ex-Weapons Inspector: Trump’s Sarin Claims Built on ‘Lie’
Posted on June 29, 2017
Scott Ritter takes on White House Syria attack claims.
el rey del mambo

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Postby Winnson » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:27 pm

Check out CNN's Jim Acosta at the White House press conference against Stephen Miller.

This is Jew vs Jew at the highest level, very fun to watch!

Goebells won by beatdown. He outuses guilt by at least 300%. Kek


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Postby Winnson » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:45 pm

I hate MSM, but this autoplayed after my last video and Tucker Carlson sums it up pretty nicely here.

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