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Higherside Chats (and other good podcasts/radio shows)

Postby Canuckster » Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:51 am

Not yet, was late when I saw that and was going to bed. Will check out when I get time.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:53 am

robbstar wrote:New Podcast up - With a mention and link to Masato Toys !! The blurb

In this quick fire episode I am again joined by the bearded master of Sci Fi Greg Andrew, where we sit back and discuss everything from the new Star Wards Trailer, upcoming war (USA, Russia China) ,Time Travel, John Titor the time traveler, Gary the Mad Martian, the UKs House of Lords, Bio Feedback and trans dimensional time shifting, Wiki Leaks is it a false flag , Robert Anton Wilson, China, Billions in Change, Pink Floy the Wall and more . So sit back , relax and enjoy. Also please fell free to comment, give us your feedback and subscribe on twitter, Youtube and FB. And a wee share

http://www.everythingsanillusion.com/po ... our-naval/

Excellent!! Great topics. If you ever need a filler guest hit me up, I can keep up with almost all those topics :D

Will listen TODAY - have a solid day of work, this is at the top of the list after jits/lunch

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:59 pm

Listening now...

I like your ideas about time-travel being in the mind.

You mention psychedelics as a key to opening these ideas... are you experienced with psychedelics?

This was a big part of my youth, I am still trying to understand all I saw in those years

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:08 pm

Also good on ya for the Winston Churchill bit..! I thought the same thing when I heard his name in that list.

Churchill was an evil wanker, lol

I have a friend who worked in India for a while and he said everyone there hates Gandhi, according to them it was a lot of fluff and Gandhi was a shady fuck in lots of ways

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Postby robbstar » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:14 pm

Hell yeah - EAI Podcast beaming direct to Canada :)

I think everything's is in the mind , everything is an illusion created by the mind , even the mind.lol
I once smoked some Salvia Divinorum and fell through infinite black space , for an infinite amount of time. Then I met a crodile made of leaves before I woke up. My budy Armon said I had been eyes closed for only 15 minutes!! Life and my understanding of time was never the same :)

Yeah I think Greg was just listing greats as perceived by popular society. Churchill was a wanker!!

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:50 pm

No, he was commentating how if you call yourself 'Mad Martian' you're not likely to be taken seriously, lol

What were you talking about the Rocky movies? I wan't following

You better not be knocking Rocky, pal

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:00 pm

robbstar, have you seen this?

Your friend Greg is too kind on those films, lol


Also, you are 100% on Conan the Barbarian being one of the greatest movies of all time, lol

We seem to agree on a lot :D

good podcast, still in it

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:14 pm

Star Wars imo can only be a success if they incorporate some real MYTHOLOGY into the story that is relevant to our time.

The first Star Wars was a success imo because it followed Joseph Campbell's formula for the classic archetypal 'hero' myth, with resonated with the viewers on a deep subconscious collective archetypal level. THAT is what makes Star Wars great.

The new movies should pay attention to this, and look for a myth that will offer some kind of spiritual orientattion on our perceived reality.

If they just come up with a cool action story for entertainment's sake, even if it is executed well, it will have missed the point.

We need more MYTHS in this age! ...the old ones don't fit the modern paradigm, we have no compass anymore.

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:16 pm

I have never done Salvia. I am surprised you remember your trip! (or is that DMT where people tend to forget?)

Have a friend in the city who can get this, I am curious but since getting married/having kids I find it difficult to feel OK about hard dosing :(

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Postby robbstar » Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:30 am

Rockie is ace!! The ebst I was saying AVOID Southpaw as it is shit !! Not worthy of your view. Me and the bearded one known as Greg make short films together, hence the film reviews.
Some of our shorts – all food for thought https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... EEADD268DC

I will need to spend sometime in that StarWars thread :) Conan is amazing, and has some real truths hidden in plain site. Shure do have a lot in common. This is like my perfect forum :)

I totally agree with you breakdown of StarWars, there is a time and a place for action , like the 90s or bad kungfu films (shaw brothers). But SW has a lot of occult, religious, spiritual, political, human stories written in there each exploring different things. But as you say no compass anymore. Probably due to the exponential growth of information and the delay for that information to reach the masses and then for the masses to accept and understand it.

Been a while since I studied story and structure and all that good stuff. Greg is right into script writing , he loves all the archetypes and theories of layout etc.

Salvia is one of if not the most powerfull Enthogen know to man. Comes from Mexico , traditional chewed over a long time and absorbed via the mucus area of the mouth. Very powerful , very different.

For instance. I smoked three bowls back to back.I lay back on my bed and then it was like a vortex of energy that was my conciousness was ripped off my physical like a velcrow strip. All out and along and through my feet . Then I was no longer aware of my body , I was travelling !! Never had that on mushrooms !!

Good thing is you can smoke it , be travelling for 20 minutes and be back in reality ( well a new reality) in one hour. And IT IS LEGAL!!!!!

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