What do you see? (pic)

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What do you see? (pic)

Postby Masato » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:07 pm

Canuckster wrote:Get some pics that confirm an immediate after the fact shot after the crash then we can talk, not because i dont believe, but the deniers will have a field day with that shot.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:39 pm

- I see typical human behavior; destruction, violence and chaos.
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Postby Masato » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:14 am

Interesting post, Edge

But is this REALLY 'typical human behaviour'? How many people do you know who blow up buildings and spread lies about it?

I don't think this is typical human nature at all... most humans I believe want to live in peace. This is an example of a miniscule and psychotic % of the whole.

I believe it has been a grand trick to make us think that wars etc are a reflection of the overall human condition. Done by a few - blamed on all.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:37 am

Masato wrote:Interesting post, Edge

But is this REALLY 'typical human behaviour'? How many people do you know who blow up buildings and spread lies about it?

I don't think this is typical human nature at all... most humans I believe want to live in peace. This is an example of a miniscule and psychotic % of the whole.

I believe it has been a grand trick to make us think that wars etc are a reflection of the overall human condition. Done by a few - blamed on all.

- Maybe i am pessimist, but the man ruined the eviroment here, so even if i don't think that all humans are bad, i think several of them would be corrupted by power.

Maybe you're right, war's get such a big proportion, and they keep showing on tv and films, war is like a blockbuster, peace is like a small independent movie.
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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:30 am

^ good point about corruption.

I don't believe it is human nature to destroy and pollute... but it is in our nature to be easily corruptible with the right temptations.

That said I also don't necessarily blame humans for ruining the environment - I believe it is a consumer culture that was manufactured and pushed on us from the top down. Granted we all followed along like sheep without thinking, but REAL change I don't see coming from the everyday people changing our habits, as we have few alternatives, we are kind of trapped in this system (try buying your groceries without 5 lbs of garbage/packaging for example, its impossible)

The real change will be by lopping the heads off the big industry giants, the CREATORS of the problems. The media culture is to blame society, when in reality the few who are actually responsible are continuously shielded/protected by the media and rarely held accountable in the spotlight/courts.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:48 am

Masato wrote:^ good point about corruption.

I don't believe it is human nature to destroy and pollute... but it is in our nature to be easily corruptible with the right temptations.

That said I also don't necessarily blame humans for ruining the environment - I believe it is a consumer culture that was manufactured and pushed on us from the top down. Granted we all followed along like sheep without thinking, but REAL change I don't see coming from the everyday people changing our habits, as we have few alternatives, we are kind of trapped in this system (try buying your groceries without 5 lbs of garbage/packaging for example, its impossible)

The real change will be by lopping the heads off the big industry giants, the CREATORS of the problems. The media culture is to blame society, when in reality the few who are actually responsible are continuously shielded/protected by the media and rarely held accountable in the spotlight/courts.

- What you're talking about consumis is pretty clear here, a popular car is expensive in Brasil, like between R$ 23,000 and can go on to R$ 34,000.
In Brasil people tend to see a car as a status, not a form of transport, so they buy a car, and whem they are close to finish paying they trade that car to a new one, and the cicles go on.

They became slaves of that system.

Is the media fault, our it's our fault and they only explore that?
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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:51 am

^ I think its a revolving door. Our weaknesses are being exploited... but then again, they are our weaknesses.

But who built the door? And who began ushering people through it?
What is FUELING these patterns of behaviour? What is stopping them from changing?

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:38 am

I think people in general are so malleable and easily led with shiny objects that it will bee nigh impossible to effect real change within the system as it is now.

The people in power know This, they have known it for a very long time. And I believe the current state of humanity is the way it is due to the nature of humanity.

No amount of change in politics or leadership will improve our system, humans are greedy, nasty, and easily led and programmable. One only need to see people emulating jersey shore characters to make that assertion. The vast numbers of people are DUMB, very very dumb and are simply unreachable. And they are procreating. I've come to believe that only if the system collapses onto itself will we see a change, but that's not going to happen as the system is rigged to fail or prop itself artificially. It will collapse when they want it to. And not before.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:20 am

Good morning to you too, Canuckster! :)

I choose to believe there are more intelligent people than we think, they only mostly keep controversial opinions to themselves and thus are easily mistaken as sheep.

Most awakened people do not know HOW to voice their ideas, or WHAT to do to change. Most awakened people I believe are making their changes subtly within their own circles, invisible to the media or population, and in private safe conversation I think we'd all be surprised how many bright folks are among us...

I have seen an awakening since 911 online that has come so far - ideas ridiculed not 6 years ago are now mainstream discussion. Conspiracy 'theory' becoming Conspiracy 'Fact' more and more every day.

Of course the manipulators of the masses are indeed brilliant and have basic human psychology all figured out... of course they are seeing the trends and are likely many moves ahead of us already...

But if we don't choose to believe that a positive outcome is possible - then I fear it really does become impossible! All real acts and change must first be born in the mind and heart - the ONLY way that we can get out of this on a higher plane is if we BELIEVE it and VISUALIZE it and BEGIN the momentum, however small.

Your post is tempting but however naive I have chosen to always try to see a positive spin. I see light creeping into to many dark shadows, I see the roaches running out of places to hide. I see the masses becoming aware and starting to refuse to cooperate. Yes we have a long way to go but we are the FIRST of the on-line politically awakened humans! I take this as a big responsibility, we can give up now or start building something great.


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Postby fungi » Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:08 pm

Masato wrote:^ yes, you are talking about THIS one:


This is the ONLY video footage of the 'plane'... even though there were MANY, perhaps hundreds of security cameras all around the area that would have shown clear footage of it from multiple angles.

THEY WERE ALL SEIZED and never released.

The media bought it and indeed closed the case.

I think the Penatgon is one of the biggest smoking guns of the whole day. The flightpath alone and hitting the wall but a few inches from the ground has been laughed at by pilots as impossible since day 1. No plane wreckage on the site but a few flimsy scraps.

Absolutely ridiculous

Lately, I'm becoming more and more convinced the media DIDN"T buy it. It was IN on it.

As they say Media is another power branch. It's supposed to be the powerful voice of the truth. But it's just propaganda.

Masato wrote:
Edge Guerrero wrote:- I see typical human behavior; destruction, violence and chaos.

Interesting post, Edge

But is this REALLY 'typical human behaviour'? How many people do you know who blow up buildings and spread lies about it?

I don't think this is typical human nature at all... most humans I believe want to live in peace. This is an example of a miniscule and psychotic % of the whole.

I believe it has been a grand trick to make us think that wars etc are a reflection of the overall human condition. Done by a few - blamed on all.

Imo, such human behavior is "typical" in a way that humans will blow up buildings, and spread lies, and kill innocent babies, pollute, and go to other extremes in order to take away the resources from fellow humans. Greed is typical. Greed is the answer. Greed or selfishness, "me, Me, ME, MINE" is the root of all.

Canuckster wrote:humans are greedy,


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