Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

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Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

Postby IDL » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:57 am

Controlled opposition, for sure.

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Postby Redneck » Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:38 am

So the new FBI investigation into Clinton just 11 days before the election, is all a ploy to get Soros' man Trump into the Whitehouse?

I see. :lol:

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Postby Daglord » Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:55 am

Redneck wrote:So the new FBI investigation into Clinton just 11 days before the election, is all a ploy to get Soros' man Trump into the Whitehouse?

I see. :lol:

I don't know about that, but part of it might be right.

FBI announcing an investigation 11 days before the election? that may or may not have merit but made headlines on all the major news networks? I don't buy that it suddenly emerged from Weiner's dick pick scandal. that's seems (IMO) ridiculous. now Comey supposedly breaks rank & says the investigation has been "reopened" (when it really hasn't) & Trump is telling everyone that the election might not be rigged & restoring faith in the FBI? this also gives him something else to hammer her with for the next 10 days.

all too convenient for me.

I'm not sure Hillary is as protected as most think she is. maybe she was as Sec of State, but not anymore. Clinton foundation, the private server & her mishandling of classified information may have been the last straw. IMHO, they didn't need to make such a premature announcement & could have easily dragged it out for another week without making headlines immediately before the election. this could very well be the NSA's October surprise continued. Hillary is damaged goods & Trump would be the perfect useful idiot, while faith in democracy & the establishemt is restored. full spectrum win.

that said, I have no idea who will win this election, & they're both terrible. Clinton has been so exposed, she would face a rocky 4 years. Trump is running on a renewed sense of authoritarianism & nationalism from the 80's, when the CIA & MIC got their hooks in by 'making america great again'. people ate that shit up with Reagan/Bush, that's why I feel he would probably be more useful to the deep state than Clinton.

I'm really having a hard time seeing it any other way. haven't heard one good reason yet why Trump should be considered anti-establishment, besides Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan not liking him. more concerning, IMHO, is that people like Giuliani & Gingrich do.

while I don't put much stock in poll numbers, I do believe they reflect trends. this morning, after the latest news...

10/30/16: Poll: Trump surges to within 1 point of Clinton


Donald Trump has surged to within 1 point of Hillary Clinton in a national poll released Sunday morning.

Clinton leads Trump, 46 to 45 percent, in a four-way race including Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll. Johnson has 4 percent support while Stein has 2 percent. Clinton led Trump by 12 points in that poll, 50 to 38 percent, early last week. Clinton leads Trump by 3 points in a head-to-head matchup in the new poll, 49 to 47 percent.

About a third of all likely voters said they are less likely to support the Democratic nominee in light of news that the FBI is investigating more emails connected to Clinton’s use of a private email server, ABC News noted. Seven percent of Clinton supporters say the new review makes them less likely to support her.

More than half of likely voters, 60 percent, expect Clinton will become the next president. She is seen as more qualified than the billionaire by an 18-point margin. She has a narrower 8-point edge over Trump on the question of which candidate has a stronger moral character.


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Postby Canuckster » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:19 am

for review ... e-macleod/

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:03 am

el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:57 am

Redneck wrote:So the new FBI investigation into Clinton just 11 days before the election, is all a ploy to get Soros' man Trump into the Whitehouse?

I see. :lol:

No, it was all a ploy to absolve HRC of all crimes and get Soros' bitch into the Whitehouse

That FBI probe was not an investigation, it was a whitewashing exercise to clean up the staged 'mess' that Wikileaks provided with some watered down shit

:( :( :(

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:05 pm

I just hope whichever candidate prevails isn't a female and doesn't wear a toupee.

I'm fine with anyone else! :D
el rey del mambo

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Postby Daglord » Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:05 pm

It seems no matter who we vote for -- or even if we don't vote -- the unelected permanent government continues to push us toward dictatorship. We are joined by Constitutional attorney and Rutherford Institute - - president John W. Whitehead, who joins the program to discuss the shadow government.

What will change and what won't change after today's vote? Foreign policy? Fed? Media? Congressional authority? Economy? We'll offer our take on what to expect after the "most important election in history."


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Postby Redneck » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:26 am

You guys have really been on the money with your analysis. Well done.

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Postby Daglord » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:08 am

Redneck wrote:You guys have really been on the money with your analysis. Well done.


thanks, saw it coming a mile away. you don't get that close to the presidency unless you're allowed to IMO. the media built him up by pretending to tear him down (grab em by the pussy? please), the PNAC crew is quietly getting back together & the old guard of hawkish neocons were pulling the strings. the bogus FBI investigation reopening was the obvious tipping point for me. there was no reason for that if Hillary was really the chosen one. something changed over the last year.

convinced more than ever that the Deep State wants Trump. he will be much more useful to the MIC & NSA than Hillary will after the server gaffe. I've seen numerous posts already this morning that people's faith in democracy & the establishment has been restored, seems like a healthy distrust of the government will take a backseat once again.


over time, this thread may prove to be prophetic. call me skeptical.


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