Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

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Re: The Men Who Killed Kennedy: 9 Part Documentary

Postby Masato » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:19 pm

Holy shit did we just solve JFK? lol

DIMONA - Jack Ruby - Yitzhak Rabin - Arnon Milchan - Permendex - Rosenbaum

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:19 pm

Do you see what Hollywood is (and always has been)???

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Postby Daglord » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:35 pm

The CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop

We all know that the last of the JFK assassination records are due to be declassified in October. And we even know what the government says it’s hiding from us. But do you know the story that the CIA is trying to plant in the public consciousness about what is going to be “revealed” in these documents?


JFK: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102138/

JFK Assassination Files: Oliver Stone Testifies Before Congress on Government Records (1992):

JFK Records Act: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk

Assassination Records Review Board: https://www.maryferrell.org/php/showlist.php?docset=1004

Bamford’s 2001 report on Operation Northwoods: http://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/news/20010430/

25 year disclosure mandate: http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=assassination+records&f=treesort&fq=true&num=5&hl=true&edition=prelim&granuleId=USC-prelim-title44-section2107

Countdown to 2017: http://2017jfk.org/countdown-to-2017/

What the government is still hiding about the JFK assassination: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/kennedy-assassination-jfk-national-archives-documents-218775#ixzz3zIEqCds4

How the CIA Came to Doubt the Official Story of JFK’s Murder:http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/03/jfk-assassination-lone-gunman-cia-new-files-215449

The assassination of President John F Kennedy: the finger points to the KGB: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9628028/The-assassination-of-President-John-F-Kennedy-the-finger-points-to-the-KGB.html

Formation of the Warren Commission: https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Formation_of_the_Warren_Commission.html

Episode 287 – Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-278-meet-lee-harvey-oswald-sheep-dipped-patsy/

National Archives reveals JFK declassification plans:


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Postby Daglord » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:55 pm

Paul McCartney, Conspiracy Theorist


Paul McCartney. So much has been written about the man who casts one of the largest shadows over 20th-century pop culture that it might seem there's nothing left to discover or say about the man. He was/is The Cute Beatle. The Most Successful Musician of All Time. The Tireless Animal Rights Activist. The Walrus, too.

And now, according to former New York state legislator, civil rights activist, and early Warren Commission critic Mark Lane, you can add yet another title to the already overloaded Sir Paul: JFK Conspiracy Theorist.

I happened upon the surprising account of the young McCartney's interest in JFK's murder quite unexpectedly, while doing research for a satirical Choose Your Own Adventure parody our company was creating.


Mr. Lane's early criticisms of the Warren Report, most notably his bestselling 1966 book Rush to Judgment and its 1967 documentary adaptation, remain to this day mandatory material for anyone with even a passing interest in the Kennedy assassination. Lane was both a friend of Kennedy and his New York campaign manager for his 1960 presidential run, and his work eschewed tin-foil hat speculations and focused instead, as any good defense attorney should, on the evidentiary record. Eyewitness accounts of a possible grassy knoll shooter. Exculpatory facts that might exonerate Oswald. The credibility of critical witnesses to the Tippit shooting and intimidation of witnesses with contradictory evidence. The dishonesty of police officials and district attorney Henry Wade. The destruction of photographic evidence of the assassination.


Given Mark Lane's considerable contributions to the historic record of the Kennedy assassination, I felt duty-bound to also read his recently-released autobiography. And it was there, amidst his recollections of his early works with the heroic Freedom Riders, and his controversial later involvement with the Peoples Temple, that I learned something I'd never known about Paul McCartney. That the Cute Beatle, at the height of his popularity and creative powers, did not believe Oswald killed President Kennedy.



Lane recounts his first encounter with the then 24-year-old McCartney at a small, private party in London in 1966.

While living in London during that time I attended a small party of about a dozen people. One of the was Paul McCartney. He walked up to me, offered his hand, and told me his name. The introduction was hardly necessary as he was one of the most famous people in the world...

He said, "I understand you have written a book about Kennedy's assassination. I would like to read it."

When Lane explained to McCartney that his was still in manuscript form, and that he had only two mimeographed copies, McCartney replied, "If I could just borrow your copy I would keep it safe and get it back to you in a few days."

Lane obliged his request. A few days later, McCartney returned the manuscript without comment, much to Lane's disappointment. But that night, as he was editing it, his phone rang, and a voice began, "Well he could'na done it, could he?"


Lane, not recognizing the voice and annoyed at the interruption, brusquely replied, "Who is this? And who couldn't have done what?"

"Sorry. Paul, Paul McCartney, we met the other night. And I meant that Oswald could not have killed President Kennedy."

Lane soon learned that his as-yet-unpublished book had profoundly moved McCartney, who wished to discuss it further over dinner. When their dinner at an obscure Polish restaurant was interrupted by a nonagenarian fan seeking an autograph for her granddaughter, McCartney signed her menu, "Happy dinner, Paul McCartney, friend of Mark Lane." Their conversation about Kennedy's murder, and Oswald's possible innocence, continued past closing hours. Yet inevitably, word of McCartney's presence in the restaurant spread quickly, and soon, a crowd of 200 people waited out front for their chance to mob him.

The two escaped by the back door, rushed to McCartney's car, and parted ways at Lane's London apartment. Yet Paul McCartney was not yet done with Mark Lane.



Lane's book Rush to Judgment was published in August 13, 1966, only one week after of The Beatles released their groundbreaking Revolver, and quickly became the #1 bestselling nonfiction book in the country. To say it was controversial is a fantastic understatement. It was an outright declaration of war on the trustworthiness of both government and establishment media.

Some praised the work. Norman Mailer, reviewing the book for The New York Times, noted:

"...Mark Lane has come up with 400 pages of facts on the Warren Commission's inquiry into the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J.D. Tippit, and Lee Harvey Oswald, and they are somewhat staggering. If one-tenth of them should prove to be significant, then the work of the Warren Commission will be judged by history to be a scandal worse than the Teapot Dome."

Yet much of the establishment media, particularly conservative establishment media, was fiercely critical of the book. Though his publication, the National Review, praised the book, founder William F. Buckley didn't even bother to conceal his outright contempt for it and Lane's "left liberal" political work with "possibly Communist-infiltrated" civil rights groups, on a December 1966 episode of public affair program "Firing Line":

Lane was, by his account, more than used to right-wing criticisms and attacks. He was less prepared for the new and steady stream of death threats that followed him throughout his Rush to Judgment book tour. He recounts keeping those mailed to him in a file folder called "Death Threats", which he stopped supplementing after it had swollen to 250.


Yet Lane was undeterred, and decided to double down by hiring a director and film crew, so they could interview key assassination witnesses in Dallas while memories were still fresh. Many refused to speak with him, citing warnings from FBI agents and Dallas police not to say anything in contradiction of the official report. Yet others, like Acquilla Clemons, whose eyewitness account of the Tippit shooting is at total variance with the official account, obliged his request, despite the threats. And the fear in her eyes is palpable:

It was while editing the film version of Rush to Judgment in London that Lane once again crossed paths with Paul McCartney. McCartney had learned of the upcoming documentary, and, as Lane recounts:

(McCartney) asked if there was going to be any music, and I said that the director and I had not even thought about that yet.

"Well," he said, "I would like to write a musical score for the film, as a present for you."

I was astonished by that generous offer and speechless for a moment, but then I cautioned him that the subject matter was very controversial in the United States and that he might be jeopardizing his future.

He added, "One day my children are going to ask me what I did with my life, and I can't just answer that I was a Beatle".


The generosity of McCartney's offer can hardly be overstated. Here was perhaps the world's most popular entertainer, at the very peak of his creative powers, offering to lend his talent and star power (and risk his own standing with many fans) to help infuse Lane's deeply troubling documentary with his trademark emotional songcraft.


Unfortunately, despite McCartney's insistence, it was not to be. Lane's director, Emile de Antonio, ultimately vetoed the Cute Beatle's involvement. De Antonio believed a score by Paul McCartney wouldn't likely boost its popularity, and would prevent it from being "stark and didactic."

In June of 1967, the documentary version of Rush to Judgment opened in select theaters to only modest box office success. That same month, McCartney fared slightly better with his band's release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Nearly 50 years later, we can only wonder what might have ultimately been created had the skeptical McCartney been allowed to lend his talents to a film about the possible conspiracy behind the Kennedy assassination.

(That is, if it really was Paul McCartney...)


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Postby Daglord » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:15 pm

disappearing file feeds suspicions about the agency and the accused assassin...

Missing from the New JFK Files: Batch of CIA Records on Lee Harvey Oswald


All of the U.S. government's files on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are supposed to be released by October 26. But one batch of CIA records on suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald has gone missing.

The records were part of a seven-volume file on Oswald held by the agency's Office of Security. The OS is responsible for protecting CIA property and vetting agency personnel, and maintains a file system independent of the CIA's Central File Registry. Declassified CIA records show that Volume 5 of the file records existed as recently as 1978.

The disappearance of the records, discovered by JFK researcher Malcolm Blunt, is significant because the Office of Security was the first component of the CIA to open a file on Oswald, an ex-Marine who defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959 and was later charged with killing JFK in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

The official story that Oswald acted alone is widely disbelieved. President Lyndon Johnson, First Lady Jackie Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, French president Charles DeGaulle, and Cuban leader Fidel Castro all privately concluded that JFK was killed by his political enemies, not by a lone assassin


New JFK files

The disappearing Oswald file is the latest in a series of remarkable revelations that news organizations have found in long-secret JFK assassination files made public for the first time by the National Archives in July.

WhoWhatWhy reported on documents showing that the mayor of Dallas at the time of JFK’s assassination, Earle Cabell, was a CIA asset in the 1950s. His brother, Charles Cabell, was a high-ranking CIA official until 1962.

While the documents don’t show that Earle or Charles Cabell had any connection to JFK’s assassination, they do illuminate that the CIA’s extraordinary penetration of domestic American institutions extended to the city where JFK was killed. If anyone had said over the last 50 years that the mayor of Dallas in 1963 was a CIA asset, they would been derided as a conspiracy theorist. Now we know for a fact that he was.

Ian Shapira of the Washington Post plumbed the new records to recount the secret interrogation of Yuri Nosenko, a KGB intelligence officer who defected to the United States in 1964. Nosenko was detained without charges for four years in what would now be called a CIA black site.

The Nosenko affair (celebrated by HBO) was a key chapter in the CIA’s reaction to JFK’s assassination. James Angleton, the powerful chief of counterintelligence, suspected Nosenko had been dispatched by the KGB to conceal the Soviet ties to Oswald and the assassination. The interrogation of the "foul traitor” Nosenko failed to confirm Angleton’s conspiracy theory, according to the Post.

Writing for Politico, professor Larry Sabato and journalist Philip Shenon reported that one new CIA file showed that in the mid-1970s, one of Angleton’s top lieutenants came to doubt the Warren Commission's finding that JFK was killed by Oswald, alone and unaided. Sabato and Shenon argue that the JFK investigation was “botched” and the possibility of a Cuban government involvement was ignored.

On AlterNet, I quoted extensively from the same records to show that the JFK investigation was not so much botched as "controlled’ by top CIA officials, including Angleton. The CIA made at least four false statements to investigators. The effect of these statements was to conceal what top CIA officers, including Angleton, knew of Oswald while JFK was still alive.

Collectively, the new JFK files pour more cold water on the “KGB did it” conspiracy theory, while encouraging questions about the “Castro done it’ theory. Mostly, the new files illuminate how the CIA resisted investigation of Oswald after JFK was killed, and why the public, and CIA officials themselves, came to reject the official story of a lone gunman.


Disappearing Act

Given the recent revelations, the disappearance of part of Oswald's first CIA file is curious, if not suspicious.

The handling of information about Oswald before the assassination shows that he was a figure of deep and constant interest to Angleton and his staff in the four years before JFK was killed. So conspiracy theories notwithstanding, Oswald’s CIA security file is historically significant.

As I show in my forthcoming biography of Angleton, the opening of Oswald’s Office of Security file in December 1959 was an unusual deviation from standard CIA procedures,

Standard procedure, as prescribed in agency directives, required agency personnel to immediately open a personality file (in government lingo, a “201” file) on a military defector like Oswald. Yet the CIA's 201 file on Oswald was not opened until a year later, in December 1960. During that year, the OS file was controlled by Betty Egerter, an aide to Angleton.

The CIA didn’t share this fact with JFK investigators in the 1964. When congressional investigators discovered the delay in 1978, neither Angleton nor his boss, deputy CIA director Richard Helms, could explain it.

Testifying under oath to Congress in October 1978, Angleton pleaded ignorance.

"I don't know the circumstances," he said, which was almost certainly not true. Angleton did know the circumstances of Oswald's defection because it was reported in the Washington Poston Oct. 31, 1959 and his aides discussed it.

"I don't know why it would take that long," Angleton said.

"I can’t imagine why it would have taken an entire year," Helms sputtered in September 1978. "I am amazed...I can’t explain that."

The anomalies and deceptions that surround the handling of Oswald’s file suggest that the ex-Marine Corps radio operator was used, wittingly or unwittingly, for a CIA intelligence purpose before he was arrested for killing Kennedy. Whether that intelligence purpose was part of a conspiracy to kill the liberal president, or a cosmic miscalculation of certain CIA officers interested in Oswald is a matter of debate.

Two days after his arrest, Oswald was killed in police custody by Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner with organized crime connections.



In an email to AlterNet, Blunt, a retired British mental health professional with deep knowledge of the internal workings of the CIA in the 1960s, calls the disappearance of the records "obfuscation for a reason." "It had to be done because of an interest — undisclosed and unknown — in Mr. Oswald's records.”

By law, the missing volume of Oswald's OS file, if it exists, has to be made public by Oct. 26, 2017 the day all of the government's JFK files are supposed to be made public. But does it exist?

The CIA's story—that Vol. 5—never existed, is dubious. The OS volume is known to have existed in the 1970s because a declassified record found by Blunt shows that CIA officials and congressional investigators had access to it.

“The attached notes were taken by Betsy Wolf, a staffer with the House Select Committee on Assassination who received Volumes 1-4 and 1/2 of Volume 5 of Lee Harvey Oswald’s security file,” an unnamed CIA official wrote in 2012. Obviously, Wolf could not have received half of Volume 5 if it didn't exist.

Wolf's sketchy notes cite only the numbers of CIA documents, but say nothing about their contents.

Blunt asks the right question, which only the CIA can answer:

"Sometime between the HSCA closure in 1979 and the late surfacing of those files in 1997, one volume, Vol. 5 disappeared. This beggars the question; for what possible reason? The intact files were previously given to both the SSCIA [Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities] and the HSCA, so why did the CIA ‘not find them’ until a direct, specific request from the ARRB in 1997? And then, why turn them over minus volume 5?"

Stay tuned for more on the story of the disappearing Oswald file.


New Files Confirm the JFK Investigation Was Controlled by the CIA— Not 'Botched' as Some Pretended

In September 1969, Walter Cronkite conducted an interview with former President, Lyndon B. Johnson. Cronkite asked LBJ about a conspiracy in the murder of John F. Kennedy. On the grounds of national security, LBJ insisted that this portion of the interview would not air. In this clip, which did not air until years later, LBJ discusses the possibility of a conspiracy in the murder of JFK.

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Postby Redneck » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:27 am

Epic thread, not sure how I didn't see it until now.

Just spent the last hour reading it at work. Love it when I get paid to learn.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:35 pm

3 days & counting... (another limited hangout IMO, but whatever)

President Trump won't block scheduled release of JFK assassination files


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he doesn't plan to block the scheduled release of thousands of never publicly seen government documents related to President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

"Subject to the receipt of further information," he wrote in a Saturday morning tweet, "I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened."

The National Archives has until Thursday to disclose the remaining files related to Kennedy's 1963 assassination. The trove is expected to include more than 3,000 documents that have never been seen by the public and more than 30,000 that have been previously released but with redactions.

Congress mandated in 1992 that all assassination documents be released within 25 years, but Trump has the power to block them on the grounds that making them public would harm intelligence or military operations, law enforcement or foreign relations.


"Thank you. This is the correct decision. Please do not allow exceptions for any agency of government," tweeted Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics and author of a book about Kennedy, who has urged the president to release the files. "JFK files have been hidden too long."

The anticipated release has had scholars and armchair detectives buzzing. But it's unlikely the documents will contain any big revelations on a tragedy that has stirred conspiracy theories for decades, Judge John Tunheim told The Associated Press last month. Tunheim was chairman of the independent agency in the 1990s that made public many assassination records and decided how long others could remain secret.

Sabato and other JFK scholars believe the trove of files may, however, provide insight into assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico City weeks before the killing, during which he visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies. Oswald's stated reason for going was to get visas that would allow him to enter Cuba and the Soviet Union, according to the Warren Commission, the investigative body established by President Lyndon B. Johnson, but much about the trip remains unknown.

Longtime Trump friend Roger Stone, who wrote a book alleging that Johnson was the driving force behind Kennedy's assassination, had personally urged the president to make the files public, he told far-right conspiracy theorist and radio show host Alex Jones this past week.

"Yesterday, I had the opportunity to make the case directly to the president of the United States by phone as to why I believe it is essential that he release the balance of the currently redacted and classified JFK assassination documents," Stone said, adding that "a very good White House source," but not the president, had told him the Central Intelligence Agency, "specifically CIA director Mike Pompeo, has been lobbying the president furiously not to release these documents."

"Why? Because I believe they show that Oswald was trained, nurtured and put in place by the Central Intelligence Agency. It sheds very bad light on the deep state," he said.

The files that were withheld in full were those the Assassination Records Review Board deemed "not believed relevant," Tunheim said. Its members sought to ensure they weren't hiding any information directly related to Kennedy's assassination, but there may be nuggets of information in the files that they didn't realize were important two decades ago, he said.

"There could be some jewels in there because in our level of knowledge in the 1990s is maybe different from today," Tunheim said.


The National Archives in July published online more than 440 never-before-seen assassination documents and thousands of others that had been released previously with redactions.

Among those documents was a 1975 internal CIA memo that questioned whether Oswald became motivated to kill Kennedy after reading an AP article in a newspaper that quoted Fidel Castro as saying "U.S. leaders would be in danger if they helped in any attempt to do away with leaders of Cuba."


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Postby Canuckster » Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:01 am

Henry makow has an article about a book titled Final Judgement. its a good article about jfk and this book. I may have to get this one.

(The three people most responsible for the assassination are on the cover: mob boss Meyer Lansky, Israeli PM David Ben Gurion and James Angleton of the CIA)

Donald Trump is releasing CIA Files on the JFK Assassination today, as required by a Congressional Resolution in 1992.

It is doubtful that the new information will incriminate the real perpetrators. But this
is a good opportunity to revisit "Final Judgment" (2004) by Michael Collins Piper (1960-2015) who believes Israel assassinated JFK because he would not let them acquire nuclear weapons.

If true, the Israeli government is responsible for the two most formative political events of my lifetime, the assassination of JFK and 9-11. Of course, there were many accomplices in the assassination and cover-up - LBJ, CIA, FBI, the Mafia, anti-Castro Cubans and the whole US political establishment.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:02 am

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-2 ... h#comments

Trump Blocks Full Release Of JFK Assassination Records After Last Minute CIA Push
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:17 pm

WOW here is a vid from our man Daglord with some footage of Jack Ruby basically spilling the beans!

Footage of him on camera saying it was people high up in power with plenty to gain who killed him, then another clip where he totally points the finger @ Lyndon B Johnson as one of the culprits.

Amazing, amazing, amazing I've never seen this before:

clips start @ 5:30:

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