Interview with Wife of Vice-Pres of Lucis Trust

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Interview with Wife of Vice-Pres of Lucis Trust

Postby Masato » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:25 am

Hey all - this is a jackpot of a find for any who have looked into the philosophies behind the creation of the UN and the roots of that religion...

Lucis Trust was the creation of Alice Bailey, student of Helena Blavatsky (if you don't know Blavatsky I'm afraid this will make little sense lol). These 2 women revived the old mystery religious and popularized them into the west. Lucis Trust is the creation of fervent fundamentalists of this sort, with power in very high places. Lucus Trust still exists today, is a strong part in the UN, and remains openly and religiously satanic. (or more specifically Luciferian, viewing Lucifer as a benign angelic being, the Light, etc) The plan for one-world government by any means necessary, to make way for the coming of Mitreya or Lucifer, is clearly evident in her rhetoric.

Listen to her, the bitch knows everything, lol. They believe this stuff, folks... and they believe it STRONG.

How completely fascinating:

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:33 am

Much to explore on this topic, it is fascinating. There is a fundementalist religion in this world far more powerful that Catholicism, Islam, or Judaism, actively working in the world today at the highest levels of power, and most people don't even know it exists. It is Luciferianism: the Occult Mystery schools, Theosophism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Masonism, etc, - and it is openly the 'religion' of the United Nations as well.

Taken direct from the Lucis Trust website: ... of_lucifer

"There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case. However, for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”. By 1925 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company and has remained so ever since.Both “Lucifer” and “Lucis” come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin generative case meaning of light. The Baileys' reasons for choosing the original name are not known to us, but we can only surmise that they, like the great teacher H.P. Blavatsky, for whom they had enormous respect, sought to elicit a deeper understanding of the sacrifice made by Lucifer. Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer.

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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:20 pm


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Postby Canuckster » Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:18 pm

There is so much shit you've posted that's been buried, bumping these old threads is a good idea.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:30 am

I'm the postest with the mostest

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