How Big/Deep IS the Deception?

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How Big/Deep IS the Deception?

Postby Masato » Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:52 pm

Hey all

Something I have been pondering for quite some time, but to no avail.

I have encountered people I admire who believe that most conspiracy ideas are all nonsense and that for the most part things are what they appear to be, and that it's impossible to get away with any really massive lies etc. Sure there is corruption and lies, but nothing beyond what is to be expected where politics and money are being played...

Reversely, I have encountered other people I admire who believe that the Lie runs so deep that everything we think we know is basically a result of the deception, and that our entire history and reality has been completely obscured, distorting our thoughts and beliefs to levels of absolute ignorance, of which even the most 'awakened' are only starting to come out of slumber...

Where is the truth? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Please choose the option you feel is closest to the truth of what is actually going on in our reality:

a) A comfortable proportion of the world is more or less aware of what is going on. Mainstream Media is only corrupted some of the time, and the rest is a biased but fairly mirrored view of our real world. The idea of massive lies and coverups on a scale such as 9/11 are too difficult to keep quiet, and conspiracy hunters tend to be a bit too paranoid and overly imaginative. Things are generally what they seem, and the idea that a few can have any significant or lasting control over the consciousness of 6 billion people is a bit absurd.

b) Mainstream Media has had control of our info for a long time, but it's starting to crack. JFK and 9/11 were among its biggest lies, and they just about fucked 'em both up. Deception and lies to the public for the most part only run skin deep, and humanity is starting to wake up. Most power is in the hands of many squabbling groups and is quite fragile/messy, and no one is even close to anything like a NWO scenario. History has been tampered with, but the majority of historians' work has put together a reasonably accurate version of things. Most of our science and development has been benign and can be trusted.

c) Mainstream Media has a complete coverup/misdirection of the true situation. Black Budgets are huge and there is tons more going on that we realize. A large portion of what we know is lies, and humanity is still quite seriously brainwashed. Power is in the hands of a few groups who are still relatively secret and protected, but many conspiracy hunters have begun to expose it. A large majority of history and science has been infected with unseen propaganda that has ran in tandem with natural and more trustworthy efforts by good people. Some Big Lies still exist and hold power over us.

d) We have been lied to, and misdirected on a completely incomprehensible scale. Our entire understanding of history and the nature of our reality itself has been completely distorted. Every aspect of our culture has been infiltrated and manipulated, and we have been brainwashed with misinformation for generations by a carefully propagated few. True History has been totally covered up and replaced with lies. Science has been used against us not for us to further obscure the truth and to differ our beliefs to authority. Concepts like Flat/Inner-Earth, active inter-galactic relations, or non-visible realms are all fair game; the deception is indeed that big. Black Budgets are used for activity beyond imagination. On a soulful level, we are completely blind and poisoned, hopelessly lost from even beginning to understand the truth.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:01 pm

Part of this was inspired by Robbstar's tip about the BOCK SAGA, wherein some dude in Finland claims to hold the TRUE history of humanity, which defies just about everything related to status quo. Other far-out CT's I have had the courage/foolishness to explore like Flat Earth, Reptilians etc also echo a scenario where the deception is so vast that it challenges our very paradigm of who and what we even are!

I will admit that sometimes I too have a sense that a deception of such magnitude could be possible, and that perhaps even biblical-type stories of a Satan-type spiritual force deceiving EVERYONE on a cosmic scale may actually be taking place.

On the other hand, I will also admit that many times I have been in the company of rational people, after which I find myself snapping back to a more stable version of reality, doubting the workings of my conspiracy-minded investigations.

Where do we place ourselves? Do we ever have enough REAL evidence to be confident one way or another?

What really can we 'know' about anything, beyond our immediate and tangible realities?

It is a quandry, especially for those who have researched enough evidence to legitimately consider the possibilities...

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