Mandatory Vaccination @ my Kids' School

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Mandatory Vaccination @ my Kids' School

Postby Masato » Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:04 pm

Hey all

I am being told that my 12 year old daughter is legally required to take this vaccine @ school. They did it today but I had not signed the consent form yet so she didn't get it.

If I choose not to, I have to fill out some 'Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief' forms and have them notarized by someone 'important'.

This fucks me up; I know some vaccines are brilliant and work well, but I also suspect a lot of them have not done proper long-term testing, others holistically blind, others yet a money-making scam, etc. As a result I am also somewhat paranoid of them... Ideas of the elite class mass-drugging via 'vaccines' to fuck up the population somehow is also not beyond my personal realm of possibility, especially when something like this is forced upon every single child in public school by the government and parents really have no way to know or prove to themselves WTF it is.

Vaccine in question is Meningococcal A, C, Y, W-135. It is supposed to prevent various forms of Meningitis.

I have not researched enough yet. Will do more and post.

Opinions are most welcome.

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Postby SRBrant » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:18 am

There's nothing wrong about vaccines. At all. Period.

The reason why it's required is to prevent disease and epidemics - as is their purpose.

The notion of vaccines as "harmful" is one that Kitsune-Kenyota must scorn and destroy.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:05 am

I'd say if you believe that you're not paying attention.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:07 am

SRBrant may be right but I really doubt it.

SOME vaccines are great and do exactly what they are intended to do. SOME vaccines are absolutely brilliant and saved our asses a bunch of times no doubt.

But others FOR SURE are money-making crap that they try to sell to you by pandering on your fears to make a profit. Some vaccines have been PROVEN to be dangerous, have side effects, or not tested conclusively for long-term study. And as I said before, I would guess that NONE of them were designed with any idea of holistic health, that is that affecting one part of the body will affect all the other parts. Big Pharma seems to see the body as very compartmentalized.

The H1N1 Vaccine 'scare' here in Canada was evidence enough for me of these things, that was a fuckin joke and the government fully complied and spend millions of taxpayer money advertising and peddling that shit when they even admitted that testing had not been completed or deemed 'safe' yet. Also I think the rapid rise of Autism is still quite inconclusive and a possible connection with the equally rapid rise of vaccines should be seriously looked into.

The trick is to somehow figure out which ones are beneficial, and which ones are just crap sales pitches.

My kids are so healthy already, it seems so freaky to let the government inject some shit into them that I can't even verify what it is.

I will do more research on this today... Meningitis is no joke, I have seen proof of that.

SRBrant, if you value my standing as Kitsune Master and head of a local Burrow ( :ugeek: ), I would kindly suggest allowing a % of my conspiratorial knowledge into the mix. I know as a fact that the Kitsune love it and are ready to fight against such deception at the drop of a hat :D Or go try to immunize a fox, see if he likes it lol

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:47 am

Did some browsing around, this Menactra vaccine seems to be considered as legit as they come. No links criticizing it really, I'm sure I could find em but there are always fringe anti-vaxxers who go too far imo

Canuckster, what will you do when your son hits Grade 7?

Here is one weird thing though... this link says that the vaccine was first offered in 2009, and that back then is was OPTIONAL. Now its mandatory.

Also, only a total average of 67 cases per year in all of Ontario (more recent link I found said 34), and only 8-15% of those were fatal. That is extremely low odds imo. I read somewhere its like $100 PER DOSE, and the Government is forcing EVERY SINGLE KID to get it. That is:

a) a massive amount of taxpayer money for something that is known to be an extremely low-risk
b) a massive PROFIT for whoever is manufacturing this vaccine.

what is $100 x possibly tens of millions of kids?

I also feel burned that its being forced. Mandatory injections on our children for super rare diseases just seems so 1984, its kind of freaky. How far can it go? Why not start mandatory vaxxing against ALL disease?

Hell, they should just put it in our water supply it would be much easier lol

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:23 am

Bottom line is that whether its safe/effective or not... if it wasn't mandatory I simply would not be interested at all in giving this to my kids. Is it worth all the trouble to refuse?

It seems so bizarre

Its not good to be a hardcore CTer when these issues come up, lol

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:56 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby SRBrant » Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:01 pm

Masato wrote:SRBrant may be right but I really doubt it.

SOME vaccines are great and do exactly what they are intended to do. SOME vaccines are absolutely brilliant and saved our asses a bunch of times no doubt.

But others FOR SURE are money-making crap that they try to sell to you by pandering on your fears to make a profit. Some vaccines have been PROVEN to be dangerous, have side effects, or not tested conclusively for long-term study. And as I said before, I would guess that NONE of them were designed with any idea of holistic health, that is that affecting one part of the body will affect all the other parts. Big Pharma seems to see the body as very compartmentalized.

The H1N1 Vaccine 'scare' here in Canada was evidence enough for me of these things, that was a fuckin joke and the government fully complied and spend millions of taxpayer money advertising and peddling that shit when they even admitted that testing had not been completed or deemed 'safe' yet. Also I think the rapid rise of Autism is still quite inconclusive and a possible connection with the equally rapid rise of vaccines should be seriously looked into.

The trick is to somehow figure out which ones are beneficial, and which ones are just crap sales pitches.

My kids are so healthy already, it seems so freaky to let the government inject some shit into them that I can't even verify what it is.

I will do more research on this today... Meningitis is no joke, I have seen proof of that.

SRBrant, if you value my standing as Kitsune Master and head of a local Burrow ( :ugeek: ), I would kindly suggest allowing a % of my conspiratorial knowledge into the mix. I know as a fact that the Kitsune love it and are ready to fight against such deception at the drop of a hat :D Or go try to immunize a fox, see if he likes it lol

I have autism - There IS NO CONNECTION.

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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:48 am

^ You are autistic, SRBrant? Fascinating...

I really have no clue about any correlation with vaccines but how can you be so certain? Do you have any suspicions why we have seen a perceived rise in autism? Or HAVE we? Sometimes I wonder if its nothing new we are just more aggressively diagnosing and talking about it.

Did you see this thread about an autistic kid I sometimes work with?

Also one of my best friends' son is autistic, they spend much time here at my place.

I would also be curious as to your views on autism and the spiritual realms... do they relate?

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