Help Bring Down Hillary

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Help Bring Down Hillary

Postby Masato » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:33 pm

For Fucks Sakes there is so much dirt on Hillary, Podestas, the DNC Campaign, MSM collusion, Clinton Foundation, Pay-For-Play, etc etc etc


Yet WHAT IS BEING DONE??? Nothing. Fuck all.

Obviously the MSM is covering up ALL of it, just pretending there aren't a million leads and scoops to start following...

Obviously Trump ain't doing shit, or has his hands tied, because he hasn't mentioned them since he won and Podesta is still running free with paid Secret Service escorts everywhere he goes.

Obviously the FBI ain't doing shit, because they've known about Weiner's laptop for like a year and still haven't even supposedly opened it

It's crazy.

Leads about Seth Rich and MORE DNC-related suspected murders and whistleblowers keep coming out. Shit about the Clintons in Haiti keep coming out. More Pedogate stuff keeps coming out. The MSM is making a mockery of itself holding onto the Russian hackers story in order to avoid all this stuff.

Its like the real elephant in the room but no one wants to look. WTF

Lets compile the case against the DNC and the Clinton/Podesta gang here. Please post as you come across links







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Postby Canuckster » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:08 pm

Was nice knowing you dude,
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Megaterio Llamas
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:58 am

If you're going in there for heaven's sake be careful eh guys.

How To Spot A Government Troll And What To Do About It

Most people have had to deal with trolls at some point in their lives but for those in the political, activist and journalist circles trolling has taken on a whole new meaning as the government now has paid operative who's single purpose is to infiltrate groups to manipulate, deceive and destroy any narrative that does not play into their agenda. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows what one of these trolls looks like when he made the mistake of holding a two way conversation with himself.

Video with the troll's comments:

Intercept article:

CTV news clip:
el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:14 pm

^^ Interesting... I have no doubt that paid shills and bots are everywhere but never really had anyone attempt to break down exactly how they work. Those operating manual pages @ 4:50 are fascinating if real

But more seriously, why the sudden fear, O Truth-Loving comrades?? Most of the people here have been chasing down conspiracy leads and connecting dots for years... why all of a sudden to be nervous about it? Do you feel like times are more dangerous? Is it MORE risky when it seems we are getting closer to finally exposing things? I remember posting with many of you years ago when all this talk was 'conspiracy fringe' and we would have never guessed any of it would ever go mainstream.

Imagine during the first decade after 911 if we would have ever guessed the fucking president would be tweeting GIFS calling CNN Fake News, lol

Yet here we are and the evidence for the Shadow Evil Government has become too big to ignore, and has finally pierced the public consciousness, and you guys are suddenly suggesting to STFU or be careful?

Maybe you are right, maybe the temperature is heating up and we'd better be more mindful. On the other hand, could we be living in that moment where the truth can begin to catch hold?

I slip into apathy sometimes, considering that there has always been corruption and lies and evil around, and to be more mindful of immediate life and what is good etc.. but damn man it really is the era of the info-wars, the battle is here!

Do you think I am being fantastical to think we sort of have them on the run? I haven't felt like we were this close to popping that bubble since the months immediately after 9/11. We missed that train, maybe we should try not to miss it again

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:33 pm

Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami


Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami

July 14, 2017 Baxter Dmitry News, US 45
He was due to appear before the Haitian Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti.

Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami. He was 50.

Eberwein was due to appear next Tuesday before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

According to Miami-Dade’s medical examiner records supervisor, the official cause of death is “gunshot to the head“. Eberwein’s death has been registered as “suicide.”

Eberwein, who had acknowledged his life was in danger, was a fierce critic of the Clinton Foundation’s activities in the Caribbean island, where he served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, for three years.

According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

“The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year.

The former director general of Haiti, who also served as an advisor to Haitian President Michel Martelly, was also a partner in a popular pizza restaurant in Haiti, Muncheez, and even has a pizza — the Klaus Special — named after him.

According to the Haiti Libre newspaper, Eberwein was said to be in “good spirits“, with plans for the future. His close friends and business partners are shocked by the idea he may have committed suicide.

“It’s really shocking,” said Muncheez’s owner Gilbert Bailly. “We grew up together; he was like family.”

Bailly said he last spoke to Eberwein two weeks ago and he was in good spirits. They were excited about future business plans and were working on opening a Muncheez restaurant in Sunrise, he said.

The Haitian government issued an official notice thanking Eberwein for his service and mourning his untimely death.

“The Directorate General of FAES presents its sympathies to the bereaved families, friends and collaborator that this mourning afflicts. The FAES flag will be flown at half-mast from Wednesday 12th to Tuesday 18th July 2017. May his soul rest in peace,” Charles Ernest Chatelier, director general.

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:35 pm

The suspected DNC/Clinton Death-Count is becoming absurd, too many to count.

None of them investigated beyond the surface before getting blocked.

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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:42 pm

Hey all, help me understand this AWAN Brothers scandal

too much shit is leaking and I don't have the time to follow! Has anyone been keeping up?

It seems the DNC and Clinton gang is not getting very much room to breathe... the pressure has not yet let up.

I have a workshift tonight, gonna dive in a bit but it seems too big a net to grasp in any short amount of time

Lets hope the leaks keep coming, and people don't forget. I smell some serious busts coming, at least hope so. Saw a video today of some WH person absolutely slamming the media for the Russia scandal, asking them to stop it because its bullshit and slamming them for not going after scads of real evidence and collusion by the Clintons

Awan Brothers - if you know some shit please post. many sets of eyes are better than one

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:37 am

Badass speech

Its insane that all the discussion these days about Russian hacking, fake News, Seth Rich, etc etc etc ALL trace back to one root which are the leaked emails.

Yet no one is discussing the leaked emails

This guy gets it and is doing what he can. Wish him well

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The Anti-Archon
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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:08 pm

Masato wrote:Badass speech

Its insane that all the discussion these days about Russian hacking, fake News, Seth Rich, etc etc etc ALL trace back to one root which are the leaked emails.

Yet no one is discussing the leaked emails

This guy gets it and is doing what he can. Wish him well

The truth of Hillary's crimes and the corruption that has so far allowed her to escape justice is the scariest thing I've ever heard out of someone named Steven King...

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:01 pm

This situation, if it gets any deeper could be critical
I'm not your love monkey so be taking back all the lies you sold
What did you want me to be?

It's just too much now so tell me so tell me so tell me one two three four
So what's your evil attitude when you got me spending my time pleasing you?
Why must you keep me underground?

Tell me tell me, why you wanna bring me down?
Is it too much to give a damn when I'm giving you one hundred and ten?
Don't blink cause I won't be around, tell me tell me, why you wanna bring me down?

Now your transmission is on the negative, you're on a losing streak
This information is getting ordinary and you're losing me
What's with your hostility when the lie's on me?

Well you're down to the last chance so tell me so tell me uno dos tres cuatro
I don't think you ever gave damn
In fact I know it

I can't take it no more
Was it all just a waste of time?
I don't wanna spend my whole life thinking bout it

Baby this is where I draw the line, I think I'm done

- I rent this space for advertising

Don't be selfish, preserve this world for the next generations.

I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back I'll fight to remain

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