FBI File re: Hitler fleeing to Argentina

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FBI File re: Hitler fleeing to Argentina

Postby Masato » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:14 pm

From a tip via the #1 CT site on the net EvilYoshida.com:
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For anyone who has had the courage to research WWII History beyond the lame-o 'Official Story' we've been told in school, the idea that Hitler did NOT 'die in the bunker', but actually was safely escorted to Argentina is a vast and fascinating area of exploration.

In truth, there was never ANY proof of his death, only the say-so of a few people in high Allied positions (who you should know by now cannot be trusted). Reversely, there is a GREAT deal of evidence of his escape.

But confirmation in documents on the FBI Website??? WTF. How long has this been up? I can't imagine why they would allow this to be posted publicly... but there it is, read for yourself.


http://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler/adolf ... of-04/view

(one of multiple pages):

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:52 pm

there is a LOT of stuff hiding in plain sight, even when you show this to people, they dont believe it necessarily anymore.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:54 am

The story that he died in his bunker came from the Soviets. They found a bunker he was supposedly hiding in and found it full of a large number of bodies that had been burned with gasoline to the point that they werent recognizable. They assumed it was Hitler and his friends and to prove it they captured Hitlers dentist to compare dental records with the burnt corpses. One of the bodies had teeth like Hitler so they assumed it was him. There were however many documented cases of members of the Nazi regime fleeing to Argentina successfully(the most notable being Dr. Mangele) so there has always been suspicions that Hitler and other Nazi elites were also able to flee. The document says unable to be verified and from what I have read that was always the case. There was suspicion but we never found any concrete evidence.

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:07 am

^ good post Luigi

re: the teeth... apparently they had no official dental records, so they had someone DRAW Hitler's teeth from memory, and lo and behold they matched the teeth found exactly lol. Also the skull was later identified as a woman's skull.

All the same kind of shifty 'evidence' we are still used to being fed today.

You are right though about no concrete evidence about him being in Argentina, aside from multiple eye-witnesses, rumor, and the fact that the FBI took it seriously enough to write up the documents in the link.

browse this for some fun :) :
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... gentina%3F

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:31 am

The bunker story just seems like such an obvious cover-up to me, it never made sense to me, even when I was just a kid.

Stalin always accused the USA and the UK of letting Hitler escape, he never believed that it was Hitler's body at the bunker.


Hitler was long gone by the time the Russians arrived at the bunker, the dead body was that of his body double and loyal servant, who remained to the end.

There are reports of a plane flying out of Berlin when all air traffic out of Germany was grounded, it is thought by researchers that Hitler and Eva were on that flight, and they were taken to a safer destination where they could board the U-Boat which would take them to Argentina, where they would live a life of luxury thanks to their good friends the Perons. The Nazis were moving millions of dollars worth of gold and art to Argentina from about midway through 1944 and obviously a chunk of that was being given to the Perons in return for a safe haven should any of the top Nazis need it. A lot of high ranking Nazis moved to Argentina and assumed new identities, some were even sent there by America after they had played their role in Paperclip.

It's really been a running joke since the end of WW2.


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Postby Redneck » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:23 am

Just when you thought the story couldn't get any weirder.



An elderly man from Salta in Argentina claims that he’s the infamous German dictator Adolf Hitler and that he spent the last 70 years in hiding.

In an interview with the ultra-conservative newspaper El Patriota, the naturalized German immigrant explains that he arrived in the country in 1945 with a passport identifying him Herman Guntherberg.

He claims that his passport was a fake one produced by the Gestapo near the end of the war and that he’s actually the former Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler.

He says he’s decided to come out of hiding after the Israeli secret services officially abandoned their policy of pursuing former Nazi war criminals last year.

“I’ve been blamed for a lot of crimes that I’ve never committed. Because of that, I’ve had to spend more than half of my life hiding from Jews, so I’ve had my punishment already.”

The elderly man claims he’s preparing to publish his autobiography in order the restore his public image.

“I’ve been depicted as a bad guy only because we lost the war. When people read my side of the story, it will change the way the perceive me.”

He says his book will be written under the name Adolf Hitler and should be available in September.

Many people, including his wife of 55 years, Angela Martinez, believe that Herman Guntherberg isn’t really Adolf Hitler, but is simply suffering from dementia.

Ms. Martinez claims her husband never spoke about Hitler until approximately two years ago when he began showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Sometimes, he would forget who I was and where he was. He looked like he was in trance, and he would start talking about Jews and demons. Then he’d come back to normal.”


She believes her husband may possibly have been a Nazi and that he may feel guilty about his past, but she’s convinced he’s not Hitler.

Mr. Gunterberg’s wife claims he’s not Adolf Hitler, only a senile old man who is beginning to lose his mind.
Even if the elderly man’s claim seem rather questionable, they have sparked an animated debate in Israel and in the American Jewish community concerning the future of surviving Nazi war criminals.

Mossad had proved its ambition and global reach in the past with the capture of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in 1960 in Argentina, but it has abandoned this mission over recent years.

The Wiesenthal Center, which is still trying to find and prosecute Nazi criminals, has publicly criticized Israel in March, saying the Jewish state was ‘barely cooperating’ to its mission.

More than 70 years after the end of World War 2, few states and institutions are still trying to find and prosecute the surviving Nazis and most of them will certainly die without ever being punished for their crimes.

http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/argenti ... lf-hitler/

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Postby Redneck » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:31 am

Many people, including his wife of 55 years, Angela Martinez, believe that Herman Guntherberg isn’t really Adolf Hitler, but is simply suffering from dementia.

Ms. Martinez claims her husband never spoke about Hitler until approximately two years ago when he began showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Sometimes, he would forget who I was and where he was. He looked like he was in trance, and he would start talking about Jews and demons. Then he’d come back to normal.”

Not saying I believe the old guy, but his quotes do not sound like a guy with Alzheimer's disease. Those dudes normally think that other people are their kids, or old girlfriends, or school friends or whatever, they do not start to believe that they are another person. Also, what he is saying is fairly well articulated and does not sound like the ramblings of a senile old man.

He says he’s decided to come out of hiding after the Israeli secret services officially abandoned their policy of pursuing former Nazi war criminals last year.

“I’ve been blamed for a lot of crimes that I’ve never committed. Because of that, I’ve had to spend more than half of my life hiding from Jews, so I’ve had my punishment already.”

“I’ve been depicted as a bad guy only because we lost the war. When people read my side of the story, it will change the way the perceive me.”

He says his book will be written under the name Adolf Hitler and should be available in September.

That being said, coming from World News Daily, the whole story is probably fabricated. This guy probably doesn't even exist. :)

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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:56 pm

I have a serious question for y'all

I should be posting this in one of our bigger WWII/Hitler threads, but maybe it would get drowned there. Am hoping for some honest insights, I know you mofos are smart about this stuff...

I don't even know how to articulate the question but I'll try. Please rip anything apart accordingly that you think I have wrong;

I have become well aware that the war against Germany started long before the Nazis began any warring against anyone else. WWI and the Treaty of Versailles etc, Germany had the crap kicked out of it and was being treated like a dog. Then 'Judea' declared a war on them via sanctions, & Bolshevism declared war too, or at least was threatening the fuck out of them, invading and occupying areas of Europe with German peoples etc. Hitler wasn't just fighting for some random racial nonsense he cooked up, he saw a real enemy that was eating Europe and Germany alive.

It was natural to expect at least some Germans to try to stand up and defend themselves. Yet, somehow, this standing up and fighting back ended up doing exactly what more and more looks like what was the plan all along. Albert Pike predicted the goals of the Three World Wars long before any of them. We all know about the Balfour Declaration, and the plans to create Israel long before the Third Reich had even been conceived. The outcomes of both WWI and WWII were both on point. Czars of Russia gone, Bolshevik takeover, League of Nations, Germany destroyed forever, UN created, and most importantly the State of Israel established.

So, if we can assume that the World Wars were not just random craziness of man, but rather had some coherence behind them as predicted by Pike etc, my question is this;

Do you think Hitler was:

a) a knowing and willing agent of this plan (ie; a Rothschild fraud)?
b) a genuine opponent of the Allied conspiracy, but unaware he was actually being used/set up as part of their plan?
c) a genuine opponent that the Allied conspiracy did NOT plan or expect, but dealt with accordingly

Was the whole point of the Treaty of Versailles, to create an extremist group in Germany? Were the impossible conditions placed on Germany after WWI specifically designed to foster an anger and rile up a group like the Nazis, then fund them, allow them to grow, and then start the war they wanted??

I have been moved by some material presenting Hitler as a heroic character that stood up against the forces of darkness, evil, and corruption... and its a great tale, but at the same time I can't shake the notion that his extremism and fighting back was also exactly what was needed to achieve the goals.

So was he a real opponent or not? This is something I fear I will never know. But it sucks because the whole narrative on WWII for me kind of hinges on this question. Big difference of how I see the whole thing based on that one point

Thanks in advance

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:20 am

Masato wrote:
Do you think Hitler was:

a) a knowing and willing agent of this plan (ie; a Rothschild fraud)?
b) a genuine opponent of the Allied conspiracy, but unaware he was actually being used/set up as part of their plan?
c) a genuine opponent that the Allied conspiracy did NOT plan or expect, but dealt with accordingly

Was the whole point of the Treaty of Versailles, to create an extremist group in Germany? Were the impossible conditions placed on Germany after WWI specifically designed to foster an anger and rile up a group like the Nazis, then fund them, allow them to grow, and then start the war they wanted??

I have been moved by some material presenting Hitler as a heroic character that stood up against the forces of darkness, evil, and corruption... and its a great tale, but at the same time I can't shake the notion that his extremism and fighting back was also exactly what was needed to achieve the goals.

So was he a real opponent or not? This is something I fear I will never know. But it sucks because the whole narrative on WWII for me kind of hinges on this question. Big difference of how I see the whole thing based on that one point

Thanks in advance

I think he believed he was a genuine revolutionary and he never wanted to fight the Allies, (apart from Russia). When he was identified by the powers that be as the best guy to back in Germany, it was done discretely and without Hitler suspecting who was really funding the rising from the ashes of Germany as a world power. He wanted to unify Europe, and if you take the claims about the Holocaust out of the equation, he was doing a good job. He may have discovered in his later years that he was a dupe, and agreed to a retreat in Argentina in return for his surrender.

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:38 am

Police find hidden trove of suspected Nazi artifacts in Argentina


A​ ​trove of original Nazi artifacts, including a bas relief of Adolf Hitler, magnifying glasses inside elegant boxes with swastikas​ ​and a medical device used to measure heads, w​as​ discovered hidden in an art collector’s home in Argentina, according to a report Tuesday.


The ​collection of ​75 objects ​from the Third Reich ​w​as​ found in a hidden room in ​the home outside the capital, Buenos Aires​,​ and officials say they believe the articles once belonged to high-ranking Nazis in Germany during World War II, the Associated Press reported.

​”Our first investigations indicate that these are original pieces,” Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich told the Associated Press on Monday, saying that some pieces were accompanied by old photographs. “This is a way to commercialize them, showing that they were used by the horror, by the Fuehrer. There are photos of him with the objects.”

O​ne of the most fascinating items is a photo negative of Hitler holding a​ magnifying glass similar to those found in the boxes.

“We have turned to historians and they’ve told us it is the original magnifying glass” that Hitler was using, said Nestor Roncaglia, head of Argentina’s federal police. “We are reaching out to international experts to deepen” the investigation​, the wire service reported.​

Other artifacts include toys that would have been used to indoctrinate children, a large statue of the Nazi eagle above a swastika, a Nazi hourglass and a box of harmonicas.


The collection was discovered June 8 when law enforcement officials raided the house looking for illegal artworks.

They spotted a large bookshelf and behind it found a passageway to a room filled with the Nazi objects.

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“There are no precedents for a find like this. Pieces are stolen or are imitations. But this is original and we have to get to the bottom of it,” said Roncaglia.

A​rgentine officials believe high-ranking Nazis brought the items to the South American country when it became a refuge for war criminals fleeing Europe.

Josef Mengele, nicknamed the “Angel of Death” for his horrible experiments on concentration camp prisoners, lived in Buenos Aires for a decade.

He fled to Paraguay after the Israeli Mossad captured Adolf Eichmann, one of the Holocaust’s main architects, in Buenos Aires.

The art collector remains free while under investigation.

http://nypost.com/2017/06/20/police-fin ... argentina/

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