Erased Megalithic History

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Erased Megalithic History

Postby Masato » Sun May 13, 2018 1:21 am

Hey all

Stumbled on an entertaining theory here... apparently there is a whole hidden collection of writings over the past centuries about it, this vid even claims that Sir Isaac Newton had voiced concern for the idea

The premise is that somewhere around the creation of the Gregorian calendar, there was a massive and deliberate effort to RE-date history, and thus erase 1000 years from the books.

One part of the premise, If I understood it, they used to write dates with an 'i' in front for reasons I cant recall... but the year 547 for example used to be written i547. Somewhere that letter [img]i[/img] was shifted to be a number[img]1[/img], thus making it the year 1547, knocking whatever happened in 547 back 1000 years.

Hypothetically if this were done you could literally skip over 1000 years of real history, erase it from the timeline.

According to the theory, the Spanish Inquisition for example was about more than just religious beliefs, it was about killing off anyone who knew otherwise, or claimed a history other than the one being re-written.They cite historical records of massive book burnings and a witchhunt for authors who disagreed with the newly imposed history, Carbon dating was invented to follow this timeline, a model of evolution was promoted and faked in all the top orgs and universities and schools were all created to promote the new curriculum.

They suggest that many of the wars, genocides, etc were motivated to erase the real history, slaughter those who knew the truth, capture or destroy evidence against their lies. They suggest that this is the reason behind so many archaeological anomalies that challenge the 'official' history.

This particular vid suggests the Jesuits were at the core of this deception

It all sounds crazy for sure, but on the other hand I have not been able to shake a strong sense on many fronts large and small that our history has been fucked with on a large scale... I just never heard anyone attempt to lay out a theory of exactly when and how it may have been done.

Anyways have a listen if you like this stuff, I'd be curious what some members here who are better historians than I would think of it.

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Postby Masato » Sun May 13, 2018 1:30 am

The vid also got me on this new Youtube maker that I am pretty psyched to explore...

Its this woman with a child0like eastern european accent who has a whole series of documentaries/presentations describing the same theory; that a deliberate erasure and re-writing of history was implemented. In the clips from the above series I found her to be extremely pleasant and entertaining to listen to

here is her Youtube link: ... IvMQTx2Ezx

lots of vids on a number of topics, I'll just post the first one here if anyone would like to get started:

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Postby Canuckster » Sun May 13, 2018 1:39 am

Ive been subbed to her channel for a while, she has some very good videos
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby SRBrant » Sun May 13, 2018 3:56 pm

This looks well worthy of investigation. I mean 97% of all human history is lost. What happened during that time?!

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Postby Masato » Thu May 17, 2018 7:02 pm

Really enjoying this woman's theories...

Here is the start of a series I'm on now.

Basic premise is that not too long ago, there was a civilized global culture, evident by the many similar megalithic structures found all over the world.

Then this culture was somehow destroyed, and all evidence of them attempted to be erased from history.

After this genocide, control was taken over historical records and archaeological authorities to destroy the history, and re-write a new narrative. The re-writing went hand in hand with the promotion of natural selection evolution, which made everyone believe we are all just come from monkeys and the farther back you go the dumber we get. Theory shows how many of the historical anomalies which contradict the 'official' history fit perfectly with this revisionist theory, where official explanations are left wanting or not making any sense at all.

Focuses on the pattern of certain amazing megalithic sites being relatively ignored or explained away with empty explanations, how much there is that is simply not discussed yet point to very different conclusions.

Watching with many grains of salt yet can't help but feel the basic premise holds some truth

^^ this is Part 1 of a series, if you like it try to stay on the playlist

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Postby Canuckster » Thu May 17, 2018 7:20 pm

^this is a good series, if you can understand the narrator
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby SRBrant » Thu May 17, 2018 11:09 pm

In Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity and Aztec Mythology among other religious traditions, it is said that in ancient times the world was dominated by a supernatural race of beings. So with 97% of history remaining unrecorded...what happened? Were we dominated by the Kami, Nephilim, Quinametzin, Annunaki or Titans? If we used to be ruled (or guided) by them, they had to be supernatural or else we'd find physical evidence of them.

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Postby Masato » Thu May 17, 2018 11:32 pm

SRBrant wrote:In Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity and Aztec Mythology among other religious traditions, it is said that in ancient times the world was dominated by a supernatural race of beings. So with 97% of history remaining unrecorded...what happened? Were we dominated by the Kami, Nephilim, Quinametzin, Annunaki or Titans? If we used to be ruled (or guided) by them, they had to be supernatural or else we'd find physical evidence of them.

The vids posted above speak a lot to megalithic structures all over the world, meaning things made with HUGE blocks of stone, cut and fitted together with precision. They go on to hypothesize that these sites may give credibility to legends of giants, and the similarity of such sites all over the world suggests they were a global culture.

One such site is Baalbek, which is made of obscenely huge megaliths, and is obviously (?) something to do with BAAL, which is as supernatural as you can get, lol

They continue to theorize that giants, elves, dwarves etc were part of this realm but somehow the destruction/shift was made, and all trace of such a world was eliminated. A shift to a purely evolutionary view of history, a scientific revolution etc to kill off any such belief or discussion of such things.

If there was any physical evidence the vids propose they were all gathered up by corrupt orgs like the Smithsonian and never seen again. They go on to talk how most historical records today are COPIES of old writings, and how the copiers of such writings admitted that the originals were all destroyed or unaccessable to researchers. They also suggest that what is seen in official museums is only a fraction of the whole collections, and that anything that may contradict the official timeline are simply not put on display.

It seems far fetched but on the other had with the right resources it does not seem inconceivable to me that lies on such a scale might be possible. If you have control of orgs like Smithsonian, Carnegie libraries, school/university text book publishing houses, and mainstream media etc, all you'd have to do is start printing your story in mass, paying fancy people to repeat it, showcase the details in the press and celebrity entertainment, and after a few short years no one will dare question it anymore.

I know in my lifetime alone I've witnessed the re-writing of history via the same methods, the faking of events and false narratives being written into the 'official' records... I'm speaking mostly about 9/11 for example. I could also argue to great extent that the history of WWI and WWII were also rewritten by the winners, all trace of the losers' version of events destroyed and twisted to the point where it may not be found

Very interesting theories. Sure would explain a lot of otherwise unexplainable things in this world

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Postby Masato » Thu May 17, 2018 11:35 pm

Like a criminal going to great lengths to cover his tracks, hell-bent on never ever being caught no matter what lies or further crimes he must weave to back his alibi.

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Postby Masato » Thu May 17, 2018 11:38 pm

People don't generally ever doubt 'official' stories. If we learned it at school, saw hollywood movies and Nat Geo specials on TV we just assume it must be true.

Very few ever stop to think that maybe big lies can be told, or that the powerful on this earth may be looking out for anything but our own well being.

This is a problem imo, lol

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